Diet and Exercise Tips for 5 Common Areas of Stubborn Body Fat

Is the fat on your body as stubborn as your younger siblings?

Do you also spend hundreds and thousands of rupees in exercise clubs and still cannot get rid of stubborn fat?

This blog will emphasize some major stubborn areas of fat and how to lose inches with different strategies.

If you’re looking for an approach or method to lose stubborn fat, give this blog a read!


Stubborn Areas of Fat

stubborn areas of fat

Stubborn fat storage is the bane of many people’s existence. These areas of fat have a tendency to stay the same, no matter how much you diet and exercise. Frankly, it can be incredibly frustrating.

This kind of fat occurs due to two common contributors: 

  1. calories, and 
  2. hormones.

If you eat a lot of calories and try to burn the fat the next day, you still might not be satisfied. This could be due to an imbalance of hormones in your body.

Contrary to normal fat accumulation, fat storage, which is influenced by hormones, is difficult to shed. This is what forms the stubborn areas of fat in the body.

Numerous hormones affect the receptors and enzymes that regulate fat storage and release.

Your body’s ability to retain fat increases with the number of those hormones present, which increases the risk of developing stubborn fat.

However, the good news is that there are ways to address this problem and get the body looking and feeling the way you want it to.

With the right combination of diet, exercise, and treatments, stubborn areas of fat can be targeted and defeated for good. 

So, if you’ve been struggling with your stomach, thighs, arms, or any other stubborn areas of fat, don’t despair. There’s hope and a solution that can help you finally get the body you want.


Stubborn Areas of Fat and Quick Ways to Lose

stubborn fat loss solution

When it comes to stubborn fat areas, it can be a real challenge for many people to lose them.

Stubborn body fat areas are often the last to lose fat when dieting and can be extremely difficult to shift with even the most intense workout routine.

But the good news is that it is possible to lose stubborn fat areas. In fact, there are a few things you can do to make it happen.

  1. Firstly, ensuring that you are in a calorie deficit state and eating a healthy, balanced diet is important. 
  2. Secondly, it is important to remember that spot reduction is not possible. So, while you may be targeting a particular area of your body, you will need to lose fat from your entire body to see some real differences in the stubborn fat areas.
  3. In addition to this, performing aerobic exercise is important, and include resistance training in your routine. This will help to build lean muscle, which will, in turn, help to increase your metabolism and help you to burn more calories.
  4. Finally, patience is key when it comes to losing stubborn fat areas. It can take time and dedication to lose fat in these areas, so staying consistent with your diet and exercise routine and trusting the process is important.

ALSO READ: Does Working Out on an Empty Stomach Burn More Fat?

Now, the question is, what are some of those stubborn areas of fat that are very difficult to lose?

Some areas where you may struggle to lose fat can include:

  • stubborn inner thigh fat, 
  • stubborn upper body fat, 
  • stubborn buttock fat
  • double chin, and 
  • upper arms.

Note: Most stubborn areas of fat vary from person to person. In both men and women, stubborn fat areas may differ due to biological differences.

The thing is without knowing the causes, you might not be able to find the cure for stubborn fat. 

This begs the question—what are the main causes of the accumulation of stubborn fat in these areas?


Common Causes of Stubborn Fat

The major causes of the accumulation of stubborn fat include:

  1. Poor eating pattern
  2. Hormonal fluctuations
  3. Alcohol consumption 
  4. Excessive intake of processed foods 

Clearly, most of the causes have to do with poor lifestyle choices. Here’s how these factors end up negating your weight loss efforts.

#1. Poor Eating Patterns

Destructive eating patterns are harmful to the body and may lead to unnecessary fat accumulation in some areas. 

From late-night cravings to intake of 2-3 adulterated beverages in a day; these bad eating habits can affect the body’s whole functioning. 

There is not enough intake of nutrients to transform fat cells into energy. As a result, these stubborn body fat areas then become difficult to lose. 


#2. Hormonal Fluctuations

The stubborn fat deposits are usually caused due to hormonal fluctuations. 

If you are way above your body weight according to the Body Measurement Index or BMI, the body releases estrogen, which may lead to more fat storage than it normally should.


#3. Alcohol

Consumption of alcohol may contribute to the formation of stubborn body fat areas. 

Moreover, excessive consumption without any outlet to burn calories may lead to an increase in overall body fat. It also influences the normal functioning of the body.


#4. Intake of Processed Foods

Intake of packaged food items or processed foods harms the body. The artificial nutrients and added chemicals may affect the body by causing hormonal changes. 

It may also lead to increased bad carbohydrates, which can cause major heart problems.

While it may feel tempting to grab that bag of chips, holding on to your senses can prove beneficial in the long run.

No doubt, battling stubborn fat in the most common areas can seem like an uphill battle. 

With diet and exercise proving to be inadequate solutions, it is no secret that most people seek a stubborn fat-loss solution that works. 

So, let’s get on to the most interesting part of the blog and discuss the remedy for stubborn fat areas. 


5 Stubborn Areas of Fat (W/ Diet and Exercise Tips)

stubborn fat exercise

Most common areas of stubborn fat storage often include locations where it goes unnoticed.

So, you’ll likely find the most hard-to-lose fat areas to be problematic and often overlooked if you’re not paying attention.

#1. Upper Arms

Battling upper arm fat can be hard and disheartening. The loosening of the skin occurs due to age, especially in women. It loses its natural elasticity and appears lost on the side of the arms. 

Moreover, the upper arms are prone to excessive fat accumulation if not properly exercised. Luckily, there are diet tips and specific exercises that anyone can do to help rid their upper body of excess fat. 

It is important to note that upper arm fat cannot be exclusively addressed but must be fixed by looking at a person’s overall lifestyle.


Diet Tips

It is best to start with healthy eating habits and a lower calorie intake. Focusing on portion control and choosing nutrient-dense items like fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins is a great place to start. 


Exercise Tips

Alongside a new diet, specific exercises targeting upper arm muscles are extremely beneficial for toning the area. Exercises like tricep dips, bicep curls, and push-ups will get the ball rolling in the right direction. 



You could go for a surgical approach if nothing else seems to work. Medical surgeries, such as Vaser liposuction may prove useful by removing unwanted fat from the arms for a toned look. 


#2. Inner Thighs 

When it comes to inner thigh fat, any dieter knows it can be difficult to get rid of. 

The stubborn inner thigh fat may accumulate for various reasons, such as hormonal changes and a sedentary lifestyle. You could follow a specific diet and exercise plan to reduce inner thigh fat. 


Diet Tips

Eating a balanced diet of fruits, green leafy vegetables, lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats can help. 

Food items, such as broccoli, brussels sprouts, almonds, kiwi, and pineapple can help in the intoxication of the body, leading to a healthy lifestyle. 


Exercise Tips

Additionally, direct-target inner-thigh exercises, such as squats and inner leg lifts can be especially effective in targeting the inner thighs for burning excess fat. 

Make sure to combine aerobics with strength training exercises for the inner thigh region three times per week with days of rest between workouts.

RELATED: Inner Thigh Workout (Takes only 10 minutes)


Treatment Procedures

If you suffer from a very stubborn pocket of fat, you may try removing it surgically. This approach is beneficial for people who are overweight. 


#3. Hips

If stubborn fat hips have become a source of misery and you’re determined to lose them, consider following a healthy diet that reduces caloric intake. 

The stubborn buttock fat occurs due to non-activity. If you sit around in one place and do not move or exercise often, the fat accumulates in this region.


Diet Tips

Increase the intake of nutrient-dense options like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. 

Consume food that contains the required vitamins and minerals so that the body can easily transform fat cells into energy, avoiding the accumulation of excess fat in the body. 


Exercise Tips

With stubborn hip fat, you’ll also need to engage in specific exercises targeted at this area to increase your chances of success. 

Pilates, light weightlifting, bodyweight exercises, and running are all excellent choices. 


Treatment Procedures

A method that involves freezing the fat cells and then removing them through specific tools can be used. This way you can lose stubborn buttock fat without sweating over a strict diet and exercise. 


#4. Double Chin

If you do not like your selfies anymore and worry about your appearance due to a stubborn double chin, you can get rid of the fat through various tips. 


Diet Tips

Intake of fiber-rich foods can prove fruitful. Avoid processed food as much as you can. It contains high fat and bad carbohydrates that your body can’t process.

Drink plenty of water, as it leads to better absorption of nutrients.


Exercise Tips

Focus on chin-up exercises and stretches targeting the neck area. It helps tighten the skin and burns the fat in the neck region. 


Treatment Procedures

Suppose you need help with the above remedies. In that case, there are treatments to try: non-surgical double chin reduction procedures, such as injections, laser resurfacing, and RF skin tightening often yield great results.


#5. Belly Fat

Are you worried because of a bulging tummy? If yes, consider dietary and exercise tips for naturally reducing stubborn belly fat. 

The stubborn belly fat accumulates when you consume high-calorie foods but do not burn the required calories. Other factors, such as aging or menopause, could also lead to what we call “love handles” in the abdomen region. 


Diet Tips

The right diet should be incorporated—one rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean proteins. 

Develop a healthy eating pattern. You can also try other fasting methods, such as intermittent fasting.

It gives your body enough time to process food and transform it into energy without accumulating fat cells due to a lack of processing or digestion. 


Exercise Tips

In addition to eating healthy, specific exercise plans are highly recommended as they target stubborn belly fat and help you reach your goal faster.

Exercises, such as cardio workouts and abdominal regimes, including crunches and flutter kicks can help burn the fat from the abdomen. 


Treatment Procedures

Lastly, it is also essential to consider a medical treatment plan, as that is the most efficient way to achieve desired results. You can get rid of belly fat by freezing the fat cells and removing them from the body. 

Stubborn areas of fat, such as the abdomen, buttocks, arms, and thighs, are notoriously difficult to slim down.

In fact, many individuals have exhausted all avenues to achieve their desired results. 

Stubborn fat loss solutions include non-invasive treatments, such as getting rid of belly fat by freezing, or cosmetic surgeries that offer a targeted and lasting reduction in the most stubborn fat areas of the body.

So, for those trying to shed some pounds with limited success, these treatments may be just what you need! 


Losing Stubborn Body Fat Takes Patience!

If you’re looking for a way to get rid of those stubborn pockets of fat, don’t worry; help is here!

The key to reducing fat in those challenging areas of your body is consistency and tailoring your nutrition and exercise to suit your goals. 

  • Start with exercises for stubborn fat, such as increasing the intensity of your cardiovascular activities and adding more strength training. 
  • Lifting weights gives you a broad and defined look, making it easier to spot those stubborn areas. 
  • On top of this, focus on lean proteins, healthy fats, such as nuts and avocados, and plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. You will see the results with a proper commitment to a consistent fitness routine focused on nutrition. 
  • Also, while choosing a surgical way to remove stubborn fat areas, consult your doctor or physician before making the decision, as your body may not positively react to some chemicals and surgeries. 

In fact, most people end up going the natural route and are perfectly able to get results with consistency.

Moreover, having self-confidence and not feeling fat-shamed is crucial while you try to hit your body goals.

Remember, your ultimate goal is to get your body to a healthier state by losing those inches off and getting a handle on your poor food choices and cravings.

So, what do you plan on doing to get rid of that stubborn fat and fit in those old jeans? Why not start making the necessary changes and share your results with us down in the comments section!!


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