Pot Belly in Men – Natural Ways to Get Rid of It Fast and Safely

Got that stubborn fat around your abdomen that doesn’t seem to go away?

Well, potbelly can be like that—really obstinate and also, risky for health.

Not just that, having a pot belly can be a real buzzkill while zipping up your jeans or wearing a fitted shirt. Having extra fat around the belly can make you hella uncomfortable and, psst, lower your confidence too.

Furthermore, a pot belly is so not good to have and sometimes might even raise the risk of various diseases.

Medically speaking, pot belly has various potential effects on health, which can become quite serious if left untreated.

Many cases have shown susceptibility to heart diseases, diabetes as well as liver problems.

Getting rid of that extra belly fat is always challenging. You might have noticed no matter how much you work out, the fat around your belly doesn’t seem to budge at all.

You may also slim down overall, but still not lose that unsightly pot belly. Well, mate, in this case, you might be skinny with a pot belly stomach. Thus, it becomes obvious for you to wonder how to get rid of a pot belly fast’?

Therefore, it is absolutely necessary for you to adopt measures to lose your pot belly fast. When not addressed on time, pot belly is not just bad looking but will also affect your health.

Here’s your gentle reminder, explaining why you need to get rid of that round belly ASAP.


Complications of Male Pot Belly

pot belly

Potbelly is quite a common problem among males. Most men struggle with getting rid of a pot belly fast, as it can be very embarrassing.

Especially men over 40 develop a pot belly due to multiple reasons, which becomes hard to get rid of.

Many individuals aim to lose abdominal fat, and fitness is the biggest reason behind it. There are many other men, who want to build a good appearance and hence try to lose fat. However, losing a pot belly is not just limited to these two reasons.

Research has shown that pot belly or collected fat in the abdominal region is harmful to health. Regardless of your overall weight and fitness, pot belly fat has huge health implications. 

Also, the visceral fat surrounding the organs and stored in the abdominal region makes it harder to go away. This can sometimes develop into a great risk to health.

As far as a normal male body is concerned, the following are some of the major effects of pot belly fat:

  • Cardiovascular problems
  • Fluctuating blood pressure
  • Sleep Apnoea
  • Diabetes
  • Reduced appetite
  • Insomnia

Apart from the health effects of the pot belly mentioned above, it can also lead to insulin resistance and blood lipid disorders in many cases.

Therefore, having a pot belly should not be considered okay.

Well, there are many ways you can adopt to lose your pot belly and get a slim stomach.

We have brought you some extremely effective and fast methods to get rid of a pot belly.  So, if you’re worried about how do you get rid of a pot belly fast, this blog will be of great help.


How to Get Rid of a Pot Belly Fast?

how to get rid of a pot belly fast

The most searched question over the internet about belly fat is ‘how to get rid of a pot belly fast’. Having a healthy lifestyle is the most basic answer to this problem and, for sure, works wonders. 

However, when it comes to maintaining a healthy body while keeping away all the health risks, you need to extend your boundaries.

Losing the extra belly fat is so hard. It only requires a few simple steps as mentioned in this section, which speed up your results.


#1. Strength Training

Exercising is always the top answer to how to get rid of a pot belly naturally. However, doing it blindly without following any specific regimen, is not going to work.

You can keep exercising and working out and still not show any results, because of the wrong choice of workouts.

Also, people tend to focus more on exercises aimed at the stomach region to lose weight. Instead, you should rather focus on cardio and strength training exercises.

Try to include strength training in your routine as much as you can. It greatly helps build up muscle, which is an extremely effective way to burn fat in that region. 

Further, there is a lot more fat burn in strength training as compared to cardio exercises. This is why, implementing strength training exercises more often, leads to a faster reduction in pot belly fat. 

Moreover, doing strength training at least thrice a week, with more focus on compound movements, helps to elevate your metabolism. This is another benefit for burning calories and lets you see results within a very short time.

Here is a list of a few popular and effective strength training exercises which will give you amazing results.

  • Dumbbell thrusters
  • Bulgarian split squat
  • Belly lifts
  • Dumbbell renegade row

You can always search for more exercises that lay focus on the core and strength training, to speed up the fat burn.

On top of this, it is also recommended to add cardio and abs exercises as a top-up to boost the fat burn in the belly.


#2. Get Better Sleep

Is it really surprising that even getting a better night’s sleep will help you reduce belly fat? Well, not just belly fat but also the body’s overall stored fat can be lost by only improving the quality of the sleep that you get.

A long and tiring day without enough rest is the biggest cause of exhaustion. The metabolism in a tired body is much slower.

Also, especially during the night when the body does most of its work to consume calories, a slowed metabolism becomes a problem. Instead of losing weight, you tend to be gaining more of it as more fat gets stored.

Studies have shown that poor-quality sleep leads to unhealthy weight gain.

A good sleep over the night is as important as a proper diet or exercise to lose weight. If you are sleep-deprived, you are more likely to gain weight than an average person.

On top of that, if you have a sedentary lifestyle along with poor-quality sleep, losing belly fat is much more difficult.

Also, not just fat loss, but adequate sleep helps to control type-2 diabetes, but the blood sugar levels. A study published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism suggested that a single night’s sleep deprivation can risk insulin resistance, which can worsen.


#3. Manage Your Stress Levels

Stress is a big part of everyone’s life these days. Heart rate and blood pressure-related problems are common with it. In fact, these two are the major reasons for what causes a man’s pot belly

Unnecessary stress and anxiety are known to increase cortisol levels in the body. Also, stress affects the metabolism of the body, and contributes directly to increasing weight.

Furthermore, stress can be straight linked with a pot belly, as it leads to the development of various unhealthy habits.

Some of such bad habits induced by stress are munching on unhealthy snacks, not workout or exercising, and poor sleep.

It has been observed that people with anxiety or stress have extremely weird and bad eating patterns, which can influence extra weight gain, especially in the belly area.

I suggest you try and reduce your daily stress levels instead. Managing stress levels is of utmost importance, as it might be directly causing you to increase fat in the stomach area.

Thus, if you’re wondering how to get rid of pot belly without exercise, consider adopting ways to reduce your stress levels.

For that purpose, doing yoga regularly is the greatest solution for stress and anxiety. It is the best form of mental exercise, which relaxes your mind. Other than the body, yoga has multiple benefits for the mind too. It can help relax and calm your mind.

Hence, men do not need to get any form of medication for stress management. Just a few minutes of relaxation asanas every day will get rid of all the stress naturally.


#4. Include Protein in Diet

People will usually tell you to eat a healthy diet to help reduce pot belly fat. However, rather than eating fruits and veggies in the name of healthy, you should be more specific with your diet. 

When in doubt, eat protein for weight loss. When included as a part of a healthy diet, protein will never fail you.

In fact, a high-protein diet is a must if you want to lose a pot belly.

Consuming enough protein is often the most effective method of burning fat inside the body. Salmon, asparagus, lentil soups, and eggs are some of the high-protein foods which you can take on a regular basis. 

Moreover, if you want to get rid of the pot belly, you need to limit the amount of sugar intake.

Avoid high-calorie beverages and desserts, the harms of which far outweigh any pleasure you get.

Consuming too much sugar can directly influence the build-up of fat around your waist and belly.

Further, make sure to include fiber in your diet. Eat a nutritious and high-fiber diet with chickpeas and bananas.

Eat more whole grains along with fruits and vegetables for better digestion and food passage. 

These were the most effective methods of reducing belly fat, which show results exceedingly fast.

These options are healthier and will burn fat naturally. Also, check out our next section to find out when can you expect results from these efforts.


How Long Does It Take to Get Rid of a Potbelly?

Potbelly is surely stubborn, but not impossible to get rid of. There is seldom anything that a healthy lifestyle can’t fix. This section gives you an idea about how long it might take for results to show up for belly fat loss.

We surfed the internet and did thorough research to gather information about the time period required to lose pot belly.

While different sites like Reddit are filled with hundreds of stories and testimonials, the average time needed to start seeing results for fat loss is at least 20 days.

Once you start putting efforts to lose weight by eating a healthier diet and exercising regularly, you’ll most likely notice results in less than a month. 

However, the amount of fat you lose, or the extent of pot-belly reduction depends upon your existing amount of fat and the intensity of exercising.

To fasten the results, males also resort to using the best fat burners for men. Some of these fat burners contain only natural ingredients and employ the science of appetite suppression to help control portion sizes.

Also, your daily habits play a major role in the weight loss speed. You need to have an overall routine and healthy lifestyle to accelerate your results.

Also, be sure to relax your body and mind regularly, and do not over-stress, as it will only make you gain more weight.



Potbelly is an unwanted and embarrassing problem among men these days.

However, losing belly fat is not such a big deal and is definitely not rocket science. You only need to maintain a healthy lifestyle and habits to avoid any additional weight gain.

Nevertheless, if you have a protruding belly and are unable to lose it for quite some time, hopefully now you can figure out how to get rid of pot belly fast.

We understand even after struggling with exercising and dieting, that pot belly might not seem to go away at all.

Therefore, we have mentioned some specific exercise and diet tips to help you get rid of that stubborn abdominal fat.

Do you know some additional tips that work to get rid of a pot-belly stomach? Scroll down to the comments section and share your thoughts with the rest of our readers.


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