Is Eating 1500 Calories a Day Enough to Build Muscle?

is 1500 calories a day enough to build muscle

Building muscle requires enough calories as they provide essential energy for high-intensity workouts and resistance training. But sometimes fitness fanatics restrict their overall intake to a very low-calorie diet like they take 1500 calories daily. But is 1500 calories a day enough to build muscle?

Caloric intake for muscle building usually requires an additional intake of calories that your body needs. But does being on a low-calorie diet also help in putting on muscle is a mystery to solve.

Well, generally everyone has their body’s own calories that you can count with the help of a calorie calculator. The 1500-calorie diet for building mass is quite challenging as it is needed to fuel our overall wellness. Continue reading

Thermogenic vs Fat Burner Differences (Weight Loss and Side Effects)

thermogenic vs fat burner

Thermogenic and fat burners help lose body fat and get slimmer; however, the way these two work to help lose weight is completely different. Most professionals classify thermogenic vs fat burners through significant factors that include their working mechanism, benefits, and expected results.

One among them torches fat and the other one elevates the body’s natural ability to burn fat.

Before considering to buy either, it’s crucial to know the role they individually play for your fat loss goals. Also, it is essential to go through the significant factors to find out whether they’re suitable for your goals. Continue reading

Does Drinking Raw Eggs Help Muscle Building? How Safe Is It?

is drinking raw eggs good for building muscle

If you think you can bulk up like Rocky after replicating his raw egg-drinking diet, this blog is a must read for you!

Chugging down a big glass of raw eggs became part of many bodybuilders’ routine soon after they saw it in the first Rocky movie.

Indeed, raw eggs are a good source of protein and other vital nutrients that may favor your muscles. But is drinking it raw the best way to eat eggs for muscle building?

Notably, bodybuilding is not only about growing muscles, there is muscle recovery, bulking, and other components involved too. Continue reading

How to Do Plank Exercise to Flatten Stomach and Reduce Belly Fat?

how to do planks to flatten stomach

Do you want to flatten your stomach by just doing bodyweight workouts? Add some plank exercises to your routine!

Plank exercises are one of the best to deal with a protruding belly while toning your arms and other muscles. However, there are many plank variations, and you need to know how to do planks to flatten your stomach fast and which are the most effective variations to try. Continue reading

How to Count Macros for Lean Muscle Gain and Bulking?

how to count macros for lean bulking

Macros are the essentials to add on the extra surge of energy for bulking up. But have you decided what must be in your platter to get a muscular physique?

Well, it’s a myth that muscles only grow in the gym; your diet and macros intake play a significant role.

Getting informed about how to count macros for lean bulking will help you keep a perfect balance of calories and essential nutrients in your meal plans.

Both Macros and micros separately allow the body to grow and build muscle. In this discussion, we delve into the facts related to macros and how you can count them for better results. Continue reading

Does Fasting Increase Belly Fat? Prolonged Fasting & Visceral Fat

does fasting increase belly fat

Fasting is the first thing to come to mind when someone is willing to lose weight. But what if I tell you fasting can increase your belly fat? Unbelievable right?

A protruding belly is unsightly and the home of many health risks. People try every other tip and trick to reduce their bulging abdomen. But not every method hits the bullseye, and one of them is fasting.

This method of getting back in shape sometimes backfires and leaves people with an increased belly instead.

Well, there are so many discussions about the right way to lose pot belly and the relationship between different types of fasting and visceral fat. And while most of us have accepted that fasting is a sure-shot trick to burn belly fat, the experts think otherwise.

If you have been fasting religiously to fit in your old clothes but couldn’t see any significant changes, this blog is for you. Here we’ll be discussing does fasting increase belly fat along with how you should fast to lose belly fat. Stay tuned to find answers. Continue reading

Should You Eat More When Muscles are Sore? Tips + What to Eat!

should you eat more when your muscles are sore

Muscle soreness often means intense physical activity that leaves you with acute tenderness as well as pain. This may make you question your dietary preferences and whether the ideal diet you’re having responds to this sensation. One question arises: should you eat more when your muscles are sore or what you are eating is just enough?

Well, technically, intake of too much food or calories without consuming it smartly is not gonna deliver the needed result. Most muscles get sore when you put too much pressure on them for a longer period of time. This is one of the reasons why you need one or two rest days in the gym.

If you complement these rest days with a proper diet, the recovery is supposed to be smooth. So, should you eat more when your muscles are sore or just follow your daily routine. In this discussion, we’ll disclose all the factors related to muscle soreness and the role of diet in it. Continue reading

Does Staying Up Late Burn Calories? Calories Burned Sleep vs Awake

does staying up late burn calories

While late nights are commonly linked to long-term health concerns, such as weight gain, recent discoveries suggest a potential connection between staying up late and weight loss.

In fact, staying up late to burn some extra calories sounds just like the perfect recipe. After all, more waking hours naturally means more physical movement than what you would have done if you were to fall asleep.

However, this idea of staying up late to lose weight is far newer when compared to other weight loss trends. Thus, first we need to scrutinize what the experts have got to say about the link between staying up late and calorie burn. Continue reading

Does Mass Gainer Increase Appetite and Make You More Hungry?

Does mass gainer increase appetite

Imagine taking supplements like mass gainers and still feeling hungry.

Do you find it relatable too? Well, a lot of weight watchers and beginner bodybuilders complain about feeling hungrier after taking mass gainer.

So, is it possible, or it is a made-up scenario? Mass gainers are supplements designed for bodybuilders having a tough time putting on muscle mass.

The mass gainer formula leads to an increase in daily calorie consumption essential to build muscles.

The supplement includes a balance of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats and also contains medium-chain triglycerides (MCT).

Then why do people feel an increase in appetite after taking Mass Gainer? Continue reading

How can You Lose Fat in a Calorie Deficit without Exercise? 6 Tips

can you lose fat in a calorie deficit without exercise

Not everyone likes to go to the gym and lift weights. But there’s not a single person who wouldn’t like a ripped physique. It’s a popular belief that fat loss isn’t possible without exercising, which is not a complete truth.

Exercising does have benefits for the body, which can support fat loss. But to lose fat, you don’t necessarily have to join a gym and start lifting, especially if you are not an athlete or a hardcore bodybuilder. Some might suggest that just being on a calorie deficit can be enough to lose fat if done in the right way.

Now, here’s the thing!

While you might have heard of losing weight with diet alone, let me tell you losing fat is a different ballgame. You might find out that the scales tipping in your favor isn’t always fat loss. Some of that weight loss can also be muscle loss.

In this case, your body composition continues to get worse, even when you’re losing weight. Continue reading