Does Drinking Raw Eggs Help Muscle Building? How Safe Is It?

is drinking raw eggs good for building muscle

If you think you can bulk up like Rocky after replicating his raw egg-drinking diet, this blog is a must read for you!

Chugging down a big glass of raw eggs became part of many bodybuilders’ routine soon after they saw it in the first Rocky movie.

Indeed, raw eggs are a good source of protein and other vital nutrients that may favor your muscles. But is drinking it raw the best way to eat eggs for muscle building?

Notably, bodybuilding is not only about growing muscles, there is muscle recovery, bulking, and other components involved too.

However, whether drinking raw eggs is good for building muscle, and above all is it safe to consume raw eggs is what you need to know. This blog clears all your doubts about drinking raw eggs to build muscle.

Key Insights:

  • Drinking raw eggs doesn’t have a direct powerful impact on the muscle-building process.
  • Consuming raw eggs is linked with a lot of risks, including contamination with salmonella, which is a harmful bacteria that can cause food poisoning and even death.
  • There are many ways to prepare and consume eggs that are good for building muscle as well.

Read on to find out if you should be eating raw eggs to build muscle and how you can include eggs in your diet for bodybuilding progress.


Is Drinking Raw Eggs Good For Building Muscle?

No one can deny the fact that eggs are one of the healthiest foods on Earth and an excellent source of protein to gain muscle.

Maybe that’s why people don’t think twice before consuming eggs, even raw eggs. Consuming raw eggs is mostly enjoyed by bodybuilders, workout enthusiasts, and Sylvester Stallone.

The major reason is its nutrient-dense profile.

One large egg contains the following percentage of the recommended daily allowance of each nutrient:

  • Vitamin B12: 11%
  • Phosphorus: 10%
  • Selenium: 23%
  • Protein: 13%
  • Calories: 72
  • Fat: 5 grams
  • Cholesterol: 186 milligrams

So, does this make drinking raw eggs good for building muscles?

Well, there’s not enough research that directly supports drinking raw eggs for the muscle-building process.

However, as per what the Dutch researchers found, drinking raw eggs doesn’t lead to any drastic difference.

As per the study published in the Journal of Nutrition, 45 healthy resistance-trained men were randomly assigned to consume 5 boiled eggs and 5 raw eggs.

The subject performed 15 minutes of cycling followed by 45 minutes of resistance exercise.

After analyzing the biopsies taken before breakfast, 2 hours after training, and 5 hours after training, the results were not what people would expect.

Study results show that boiled eggs led to a 20% increase in higher peak plasma as compared to raw eggs.

Nonetheless, the post-meal protein synthesis was 20% higher after consuming raw eggs and only 18% higher after consuming boiled eggs.

Therefore, there is no major difference. Now, while muscle protein synthesis does help in muscle building, the impact is nothing exceptional.

If that’s the case, then…


Why Do Bodybuilders Drink Raw Eggs?

Drinking raw eggs isn’t a completely stupid idea. It has got potential.

The benefits of drinking raw eggs in the morning start with the egg yolks which contain fats, including omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins A, D, E, and K, and minerals like phosphorus and iron.

All of these help with post-exercise muscle recovery, which is again important for muscle growth.

Additionally, drinking raw eggs every day is a great way to keep yourself energetic all day.

Interestingly, consuming a single raw egg fulfills half of the daily recommended value of vitamin B12.

Riboflavin or vitamin B2, another great source of energy, is also abundantly found in raw eggs.

Above all, drinking raw eggs provides all essential amino acids without adding many calories. This helps with weight loss and fat burn.

Therefore, bodybuilders don’t actually drink raw eggs for muscle building; rather, they drink it for all the other benefits that help with the muscle growth process.

But still, most people refrain from consuming raw eggs, and there are valid reasons for it.


Is It Safe to Drink Raw Eggs?

The straight answer to the question is a no!

Contrary to what most people believe, consuming raw eggs is not safe at all. It is associated with the risk of developing food poisoning, deficiency in some nutrients, and issues with protein absorption.

#1. Might Increase the Risk of Salmonella

This is among the major risks of drinking raw eggs. Salmonella is a harmful bacteria that is found on eggshells and sometimes within eggs as well.

Notably, out of 69 billion eggs produced annually, around 2.3 million eggs are contaminated with salmonella.

Eating salmonella-contaminated eggs can lead to gut-related issues, food poisoning symptoms like diarrhea, stomach cramps, and headache, or even death in extreme cases.

#2. Can Cause Biotin Deficiency

Egg yolks can be a great source of biotin or vitamin B7 which helps with the production of fatty acids and glucose.

However, as per what the research suggests, nutritional biotin deficiency is rare, but consumption of raw eggs on a daily basis can lead to biotin deficiency.

Raw eggs contain a protein known as avidin which binds with biotin in the small intestine and prevents its absorption.

#3. Might Affect Protein Absorption

Bodybuilders eat eggs to increase their protein intake. But what if I tell you that consuming raw eggs might reduce the absorption of high-quality protein?

As per a study on the digestibility of egg protein, published in The Journal of Nutrition, people absorbed 90% of the protein of cooked eggs and only 50% protein of raw eggs.

It is because nutrients in the raw eggs block an enzyme called trypsin which breaks down protein.

Therefore, drinking raw eggs is good for building muscle but does not directly affect the muscle growth process.

Adding to it, consuming raw eggs before or after a workout is associated with a lot of risks which makes consuming them not really worth it.

So, what should you do? Eat boiled eggs instead. There are a lot of reasons that eating cooked eggs instead of raw is better, even for muscle building.


Boiled Eggs vs Raw Eggs for Building Muscle

If you want to eat eggs to build muscle, choose boiled eggs instead of raw eggs.

They can help absorb protein better, are safe from the risk of contracting salmonella, and are easily digestible as well.

That’s right! Heat destroys the inhibitors of trypsin, making the protein more easily digestible.

Plus, cooking eggs destroys avidin, and, as a result, your body can absorb biotin better. So, undoubtedly, boiled eggs are better than raw eggs, even for building muscles.

Well, you just have to admit that Rocky was not aware of the benefits of boiled eggs over raw eggs, or else you might have seen him peeling dozens of eggs.

Now since drinking raw eggs to build muscles is not such a great idea, there are alternatives that you can look into.


Better Alternatives to Raw Eggs for Muscle Building

If you were choosing raw eggs for a protein boost, you have better, safer, and tastier options. Try these healthy high-protein alternatives to raw eggs.

1. Egg Option: Cooked Eggs 

In case you still want to stick to eggs, switch to cooked eggs. You can either boil them or eat scrambled eggs, poached eggs, or omelets.

You can even make an egg white frittata topped with different veggies and meat proteins like pieces of chicken, turkey, and beef.

2. Vegetarian Options: Quinoa

There are vegetarian options as well and quinoa is one of the most protein-rich vegetarian options.

Notably, 1 cup of cooked quinoa contains 8g of protein and 5 grams of healthy fiber. Quinoa is also a great option for those trying to follow a vegan lifestyle but don’t want to reduce their protein intake.

3. Meat Option: Lean Beef or Chicken

For those who want to stay non-vegetarian but just want to distance themselves from eggs, they can alternate eggs with lean meats like turkey and beef.

Old-water fish like salmon and tuna are also great options because they are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids and have anti-inflammatory benefits.

Out of all the alternatives, boiled eggs are the best because they are easy to make and have all the benefits of eggs but without any of the risks of drinking raw eggs.

In fact, because no oil or spices are “required”, it is completely healthy.



Raw eggs are loaded with a lot of nutritional benefits but considering the risks they have, it’s not worth consuming raw eggs.

Also, the fact that your body becomes incapable of absorbing protein and biotin questions the choice of drinking raw eggs.

Above all, those who were consuming it in the hopes of getting muscle-building results may also get diarrhea and headaches because of salmonella infection.

So, it makes sense to choose cooked eggs over raw eggs, especially when it doesn’t even compromise the benefits you can get. However, if you still want to stick to raw eggs because of the benefits they deliver, make sure you consume the pasteurized ones and store them in the refrigerator at 40°F (4°C) to reduce the risk of bacterial infection.

It is important to be cautious while consuming raw eggs. However, do include eggs in your bodybuilding meal plan as they are one of the best protein sources you can stock in your kitchen.

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About Mike Harris

Mike Harris is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) and owner of The Sweat Guy. He is also award-winning health, wellness, and nutrition writer based in the USA. Armed with many training certifications and an exercise science teaching degree, Mike has been working for over 6 years now, helping others achieve optimum health.