Does Mass Gainer Increase Appetite and Make You More Hungry?

Does mass gainer increase appetite

Imagine taking supplements like mass gainers and still feeling hungry.

Do you find it relatable too? Well, a lot of weight watchers and beginner bodybuilders complain about feeling hungrier after taking mass gainer.

So, is it possible, or it is a made-up scenario? Mass gainers are supplements designed for bodybuilders having a tough time putting on muscle mass.

The mass gainer formula leads to an increase in daily calorie consumption essential to build muscles.

The supplement includes a balance of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats and also contains medium-chain triglycerides (MCT).

Then why do people feel an increase in appetite after taking Mass Gainer?

Today, we’ll find out does mass gainer increase appetite and address all the queries related to it.

Key Insights:

  1. People use mass gainers for muscle growth but also complain about an increase in appetite.
  2. Mass gainers provide a mix of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats and have nutrients, but the proportion is comparatively less than a complete meal.
  3. Mass gainers coupled with a balanced diet and taken closer to workouts are a better combination to build muscles and fulfill calorie needs.

Now, let’s jump into the main discussion and find out the relationship between mass gainers and appetite and how you can stay satiated and make the most of your mass gaining product.


Does Mass Gainer Increase Appetite?

Coming straight to the point, the answer to the question is NO!

Mass gainer does not cause an increase in the appetite. What mass gainers do is provide the body with plenty of carbohydrates, fat, and protein.

These macronutrients are essential for you to get the best results from a workout. Then, why do people feel hungry after taking mass gainers?

Actually what happens is that mass gainers are the liquid food source for filling yourself up. Therefore, it contains fewer nutrients in comparison to a full meal and is also fast absorbed.

As a result, consuming mass gainers makes you hungry faster. This leaves an impression that you are hungrier and have an increased appetite when actually you’re just getting hungry sooner.

As per the reports of the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, the study documented the differential appetite and food intake responses on 24 adults aged between 50-80 with a BMI of 22-30.

After an overnight fasting, the participants consumed meal replacement products.

The results indicate that meal replacement products either in liquid or solid form, do not elicit comparable appetite and digestive behavior.

There were also no signs of postprandial decline in hunger and an increase in food intake in older adults.

So, mass gainer results don’t include making you hungrier than what even the research says. Mass gainers absorb fast, feel light on the stomach, and also have fewer nutrients in comparison to a full meal.

Therefore, they make you hungrier than you would on a complete meal. As a result, people end up believing mass gainer increases appetite.

Now, since mass gainers move a lot around daily calorie consumption, it’s crucial to understand how to manage calories on a mass gainer.


Should You Eat More Calories While Taking Mass Gainer?

It is a fact that calorie intake varies depending on age, gender, weight, and goals.

If you are a 25-year-old 5 ft 6 inches male with a body weight of 55-60 kgs who does a heavy workout, you need 2872 – 3000 kcal every day.

Notably, if you are on a muscle-building journey, you need to gain extra kilos as muscle or fat. Therefore, you need a calorie surplus.

However, whether you should take more calories while taking mass gainer depends on your diet and also how many calories your mass gainer delivers with each serving.

Interestingly, most of the mass gainers provide 1000 cal per serving, and the recommend dose is 6 scoops.

But the truth is not all mass gainers are made the same way; some are just loaded with proteins and sugar.

So, the first thing is to read the ingredients carefully, and the second thing is to consume only 200-300 above your daily calorie maintenance.

You can extend it to 500 calories but not more. This will provide enough calories and protein you should eat and will not affect the appetite.

But if you are still feeling hungry, you need to use the mass gainer properly.


How To Use Mass Gainer To Avoid Getting Hungrier? 3 Tips

When it comes to bodybuilding and workouts, 90% of people are doing things wrong. They are running on either wrong or incomplete information.

This results in a lot of injuries and side effects that sometimes take a severe turn. Here’s how to properly use a mass gainer to avoid an increase in appetite.

#1. Eat Plenty of Whole Foods 

It is true that mass gainers have carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and other vitamins and minerals. However, the formula still lacks a lot of nutrients that a body requires for healthy functioning.

For instance, mass gainers don’t provide you with fibers that you get from meals. These fibers have a lot of importance when it comes to fuller feeling.

Mass gainers are not satisfying therefore they end up making you eat more. Adding to this, relying too much on mass gainers makes you deficient in a lot of nutrients found in whole meals.

Therefore, it is important to include fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains for complete nutrients.

#2. Consume It Closer to Your Workout

Make sure to consume your mass gainers within 3 hours after your workout. This will help the body replenish and repair the muscles after a strenuous workout session.

Taking it any other time of the day will not make you experience the maximum benefits of mass gainers.

Adding to it, soon after a workout you may feel more hungry because your body has used all its energy in the training session.

Therefore, you might end up eating more than your calorie requirement. Therefore, mass gainers will help you feel more content within the calorie bracket.

#3. Always Measure

That’s right always measure how much mass gainers are you consuming. Rather than consuming bigger servings at once go for smaller portions.

Most of the mass gainers recommend around 1280 calories, you can divide it into 2 portions of 640 calories each and consume it at two different times.

This will help manage the appetite and will also prevent rapid fat gain which is among the common consequences of mass gainer intake.

Too much mass gainer consumption can also cause nausea and other digestive issues. Though you can increase the dosage gradually start with a smaller dose.

So, although mass gainers do not cause an increase in appetite, they certainly cause an increase in calorie consumption.

Therefore, make sure you count the calories you consume and do exercise to prevent fat gains rather than muscle mass.

Now, if you think you got everything covered related to mass gainers and appetite, wait till you read these frequently asked questions.


Frequently Asked Questions

Mass gainers are a great addition if you want to increase weight and build muscles. But to achieve maximum benefits it is important to be sure of every detail.

#1. What are the side effects of mass gainers?

Some of the noteworthy mass gainer side effects are digestive issues like bloating, gas, and discomfort.

There can also be strain on the kidney due to elevated protein intake, increased risk of type 2 diabetes because of BCAA, and dehydration from water retention due to ingredients like creatine and high carbohydrate levels.

That’s why it’s crucial that you read the ingredients label and check for the amount of macronutrients and additives present in your mass gainer.

#2. When should I stop mass gainer?

You should stop taking mass gainers after achieving the desired weight gain. Continuing to take mass gainers can lead to fat gains.

#3. Should I eat after taking mass Gainer?

Yes, you can eat after taking a mass gainer. In fact, mass gainers are more fruitful when taken between meals and after workouts.

#4. Is it OK to take Mass Gainer at night?

Yes, it’s absolutely okay to take mass gainers 30-40 minutes before going to bed. This will help repair the muscles while resting and also control the midnight cravings.

#5. Can I drink Mass Gainer on an empty stomach?

Yes, it is safe to consume mass gainer on an empty stomach because it is in liquid form and can be easily absorbed.

Mass gainers are more than a trendy bodybuilding supplement if used correctly.


Final Thoughts

Mass gainer supplements balance proteins, carbohydrates, and fats but their liquid concentration makes them easily absorbed.

Adding to this, the lack of nutrients gives the frequent sense of being hungry.

Therefore, we can say that mass gainers don’t increase their appetite but are rather unable to fulfill the daily requirement of nutrients in comparison to a complete meal.

Therefore, to avoid getting hungry while consuming mass gainer, don’t skip the balanced meals, focus on calorie surplus, and stay hydrated. Mass gainers as a great tool for bodybuilders; use it wisely!

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About Mike Harris

Mike Harris is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) and owner of The Sweat Guy. He is also award-winning health, wellness, and nutrition writer based in the USA. Armed with many training certifications and an exercise science teaching degree, Mike has been working for over 6 years now, helping others achieve optimum health.