Will Walking for 10 Minutes Every Day Help You Lose Weight?

will walking 10 minutes a day help lose weight

will walking 10 minutes a day help lose weight? Well, asking questions like this may sound bizarre to some people.

This is because right now the fitness industry is mainly driven by the idea of intense workout routines and strict diet plans.

However, no matter what the trend is going on these days, it’s a fact that walking for even 10 minutes a day is helpful for overall well-being.

But the idea of shedding weight through 10 minutes of walking indeed seems too good to be true.

So, let’s dive into this topic with us to explore the truth, and we promise by the end of this blog, you will know if 10 minutes of walking is enough to lose weight or not.


Will Walking 10 Minutes a Day Help Lose Weight?

Is 10 minutes of walking enough to lose weight

Weight loss is one of the most common goals that many people share all around the world. It is also one of the toughest fitness goals to achieve.

But what if I tell you that one can achieve it with just 10 minutes of regular walking?

Yes, you read it right, many health experts believe that it is possible and any normal individual can do it.

Weight loss works on simple math, which is you have to burn more calories than you take in a day, which is called calorie deficit.

Calories are nothing but just the amount of energy that you get from food and use during any physical activity.

Walking is also a physical activity that needs energy or we can say calories. So, for weight loss, it doesn’t matter whether you are walking for 10 minutes or for 20 minutes a day, if you manage to burn sufficient calories in that 10-minute bracket, you are good to go.

Furthermore, improvement in mood also comes under the list of walking 10 minutes a day benefit, which also helps in the weight loss process.


How Much Weight Can You Lose with a 10-minute Walk Every Day for a Month?

The best thing you can do for your weight loss journey is to set a realistic goal. You can’t just think of totally transforming you’re self in a month when you are putting as little as 10 minutes a day into it.

This statement may seem harsh to you but knowing the reality will help to achieve healthy weight loss, without any harmful substance and injections.

So, to know how much weight one can lose by walking just 10 minutes a day we have to first figure out walking for 10 minutes burns how many calories.

Well, health experts believe that 10 minutes of brisk walking can burn up to 50 calories, which can be increased by 100 by changing the intensity of walking.

Now, a burn of 100 calories per day can help a person lose approx. 10 lbs in a year, which means 0.8 lbs in a month.

So, it’s not wrong to say that walking 10 minutes a day for a month results in weight loss of 0.8 lbs. However, one can also increase these numbers with the help of some tips.


Best Walking Tips to Lose Weight Fast with a 10-Minute Walk

Best Walking Tips to Lose Weight Fast with a 10-Minute Walk

So, will walking 10 minutes a day help lose weight? Absolutely Yes! Additionally, the results may also be improved if you choose to apply some tips in weight loss journey:

1. Eat in Moderation

As we have discussed the math behind weight loss is to burn more calories than you eat in a day.

Physical activity like walking will only take care of the first half, the other half depends on your eating habits.

Try to eat in moderation, which simply means, eating to complete your daily calorie intake that is required to maintain a calorie deficit state.

Additionally, choosing foods that are nutritious in nature will boost your weight loss by providing energy to you when needed.

Health experts also suggest adding fibrous food to a weight loss diet as they make you feel fuller and more satisfied for longer.

You can also try walking for 10 minutes after eating as it is known for improving digestion which works in the favor of weight loss.

2. Use Weights to Burn More

A 10-minute walk distance for weight loss is indeed a less challenging goal to achieve. But one can increase its difficulties if he or she chooses to use weights.

Worry not as you don’t have to use gym weights, we are talking about adding weights to your body to increase the intensity of the workout.

A weighted vest is pretty popular these days around runners as it helps to take out more energy in less time.

Furthermore, you can also add Ankle or leg weights to increase the calorie-burning rate. However, don’t forget to talk to a health expert first before adding weights as it can also lead to muscle imbalance.

3. Change Intensity

Changing intensity doesn’t always mean increasing weights. One can increase it by changing the repetition speed too.

Studies suggest that people who opt for a mixed walking routine consisting of low-intensity and high-intensity of walk tend to lose fat faster.

So, try to do a low-intensity walk for at least 2 days in a week and a high-intensity walk for 3 days to see better results.

Furthermore, some people also try things like walking on sand and other different walking environment to increase intensity.

Additionally, breathing through your nose and not using your mouth is also an easy way to increase the intensity of walk.

4. Try Hill Walking

Hillwalking is another way to increase the intensity of your daily walking routine. It increases your energy expenditure in less time, which will help you be in a calorie deficit.

Remember that hill walking does not literally mean climbing a hill. You just have to find an incline slopy land which can increase the difficulty of your walking.

However, if by chance you are going to try it on the actual hill, then always put your safety first. This type of outdoor activity also needs a proper set of appropriate gear to perform.

Try choosing good lightweight running shoes that have a good grip.

4. Be Consistent

It is true that walking 10 minutes a day helps lose weight. But if the person lacks consistency, then it may take him more than 10 years to get to his weight loss goals.

As we have discussed, 10 minutes is very little time to put in for an extreme weight loss transformation, which can only be fixed with the power of consistency and hard work.

Your diet will play an important role in this as a nutritious diet will keep you fueled which will help in fighting fatigue and laziness.

Additionally, try to have adequate sleep to be consistent on your 10-minute walk weight loss journey.

6. Use Supplements

Using supplements that are designed especially for weight loss purposes can be extremely beneficial for your goals.

We suggest you go for a natural fat-burning formula that has a proven record of helping people with weight loss.

Capsiplex Brun is one such supplement that is tailored to help men lose weight in no time.

It supports fat loss by improving metabolism and suppressing appetite. Furthermore, it also helps to preserve muscles.

You can go through some Capsiplex Burn reviews to know the effectiveness of the product.

Furthermore, try to be active throughout the day as it can increase the calorie-burning process, which will help in achieving your weight loss goal quickly from walking.


How Long Does It Take to See Results from Walking?

Well, the time to see weight loss results depends on numerous factors like your metabolic rate, gender, overall health, and most importantly the amount of weight you want to lose.

However, we already know that 10 minutes of walking every day can help a person lose approximately. 5 lbs. in six months.

If you choose to walk for more than 30 minutes per day while having a good calorie-deficit diet, you can achieve up to 10 lbs. of weight loss in 3 to 6 months.

Furthermore, people who are always short on time can also achieve that kind of result if they walk 10 minutes every hour.



Here are some answers to the most asked questions that are related to walking and weight. Have a quick look at this FAQ section to be more clear on this topic.

1. What Happens When You Walk for 10 minutes a Day for a Month?

Like weight loss, there are numerous benefits of walking 10 minutes a day daily. But, reducing the risk of early death is the most beneficial one.

2. Does a 10-Minute Walk Count as Exercise?

Yes, 10 minutes of walking is indeed a form of exercise as it fits in the definition of exercise, which is “any physical effort done for improving fitness and overall health”

3. How to Lose 10 Pounds in 3 Weeks by Walking?

Try to walk for at least 60 minutes a day in combination with a proper caloric deficit nutritious diet.

4. How Many Pounds Will I Lose if I Walk for an Hour Every Day?

Walking every day for an hour will help you burn approximately 500 calories which will result in 0.5 to 2 pounds of weight loss every week.

5. How Much Weight Can I Lose in 1 Month by Walking 3 Miles a Day?

3 miles of walking will help you burn approximately 300 calories, which can be a weight loss of more than 2 pounds in a month.

6. Is it Better to Walk Faster or Longer?

If your goal is weight loss then walking slowly for a longer duration is suggested by health experts as it is not physically tough, which is good for consistency.

7. Can Walking Be My Only Exercise for Weight Loss?

Yes, because weight loss is all about burning calories, which can be done by any physical exercise.

8. Why Am I Not Losing Weight by Walking?

There can be many reasons for it but not being in a calorie-deficit state is the most common one.


Final Note

So, will walking 10 minutes a day help lose weight? Yes, it does but the results may not be as astonishing as you were thinking.

This is because weight loss depends on burning calories and 10 minutes a day is extremely little time to burn a large number of calories.

However, if you choose to be consistent then surely you will be able to achieve your goals even in 10 minutes of walking a day.

Additionally, try to make your walking routine more challenging by increasing its intensity as it will help to burn more calories in less amount of time.

We hope that this blog has helped you in some way and if you find this informative then share this knowledge with your friends too.

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