Does Bodybuilding Affect Heart Health | Why is Steroid Use Bad?

Is bodybuilding bad for your heart?

The scientific community is divided when it comes to the relationship between cardiac health and bodybuilding. This blog explores the phenomenon in greater depth.

Any kind of physical sport can make you breathless. You even encounter a sudden spike in your heartbeat. 

Though it is normal, in some cases, it may rob you of your health. The prolonged quick rhythm of your heart may put your cardiac health at risk.

In contrast, some groups in the fitness world decline such speculations. They address it as an individual heart issue rather than the impact of a bodybuilding workout.

Surprisingly, the truth is much more vicious. 

So, is bodybuilding bad for your heart? Let’s dig into the available facts to make a strong statement.


Is Bodybuilding Bad for Your Heart?

Is bodybuilding bad for your heart

Before you get to the discussion, you need to consider bodybuilding and steroid use separately. 

Of course, bodybuilders and athletes use steroids and different PEDs aka performance-enhancing drugs.

However, you bulk up and get bigger even without using such drugs. 

This natural form of bodybuilding doesn’t involve any such supplement popular in recent times.

Now, you may question if bodybuilders are really drug-free or not. 

One thing that you might observe is the bulk for steroid users and natural bulkers differ greatly. Each has its consequences eventually.


Natural Bodybuilding (Weightlifting) Takes Time

Today’s lifestyle is about getting things quick!

Certainly, the natural bulking process doesn’t fit in the present decorum. 

Training for hours at the gym to jack up a few pounds isn’t everyone’s thing.

It also requires a fitness diet with greater attention to nutrients. You need to keep your protein intake in check. 

Along with that, your amino acids and other macronutrient consumption should be enough.

When you train excessively with such intense nutrition along with sufficient rest, you get natural quality lean muscle.

Though it requires a long way up, the best part is the muscle gain lasts long.

That makes natural bodybuilding still time-worthy in the fitness community. People who know the health risks of other synthetic ways always recommend this way.


Bodybuilding and Cardiac Problems

Bodybuilding and Cardiac Problems

Bodybuilding doesn’t have a direct connection with your heart. 

Instead, the use of some things may surprise you with such health risks. The reference goes to the use of steroids for bodybuilding.

It doesn’t mean the first intake of steroids will cause problems. It depends on a lot of factors. In other words, you need to have prior knowledge of the right use of steroids. 

Before we dig into the relationship between bodybuilding and heart problems because of steroids, let’s first clear some doubts:

  1. You can follow a bodybuilding workout and diet program without involving steroids and other PEDs.
  2. No pro-bodybuilder has had a successful sports career without the use of steroids.

The contrary statement reveals various facets of the argument we considered. 

First, you can bulk up safely without the use of performance elevating pills. Second, if famous bodybuilders have a successful sports career without health risks, what does it point to?

We can agree to the fact that bodybuilding without drug use is safe for your heart health. 

Instead, it improves your health and lifestyle. Given that your diet, nutrition, and workout program go in the right direction.

With steroids use, there are some health risks. 

The discussion requires a deeper look into steroids use for bodybuilding goals. You may even understand why do so many bodybuilders have heart attacks.


Steroid-Assisted Bodybuilding: Where Risks Begin!

Everyone doesn’t have happy days at the gym. Most struggle to achieve even small fitness targets. 

The pressure of seeing everyone around them achieve their goals demotivates them. And here comes the role of steroids.

For folks struggling at the gym for an indefinite time, it’s a wonderful opportunity to go massive. This is how steroids-assisted bodybuilding has become popular.

So, why won’t more people use it?

Undoubtedly, it offers them immense muscle gain in a very short time. The transformation is stunning. People go muscular and massive from having a leaner physique.

However, while it may sound like a fairy-tale of bodybuilding, it isn’t. Users have experienced strong side effects. In some cases, it led to severe health risks.


Side Effects of Steroid Use are:

  • Heart palpitations
  • Water retention
  • Cardiac attack and strokes
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Weakness

Steroids assisted bodybuilding results are fascinating. 

However, it has consequences. In various cases, people have suffered from stroke due to the wrong use of steroids. 

Our question is for what? Why get such gains which don’t last? Why does injecting such a formula put your life at risk?


Summing Up the Section!

The whole discussion clears the question arising in the beginning. Bodybuilding without steroids is safe. It doesn’t put your health at risk at any cost. Particularly, in terms of cardiac problems.

Such issues are only linked with steroid-assisted bodybuilding. 

This often makes people doubt bodybuilding and its effects. Now, you must have understood why do bodybuilders have heart problems.


How Steroids-Free Bodybuilding Can Prevent Heart Problems?

People look down upon traditional bodybuilding. 

For obvious reasons, who would like to board a normal train when there is a bullet train at the next station?

That’s how steroids-assisted bodybuilding gained huge popularity in the 20th century. 

Now, folks are returning to the old ways. The side effects and health risks have opened many eyes. This is why steroids-free bodybuilding is thriving in the fitness community.

Moreover, drug-free workouts and nutrition to get a good physique are also impressive. 

While it has its downsides and the training program causes extreme exhaustion due to intense workout volume, the results are natural.

When you don’t use steroids, you also keep away from the health risks it possesses. 

So, bodybuilding is not bad for your heart until you keep it drug-free.

But most do not want to risk a trophy to the so-called natural bodybuilding philosophy.

Thus, you hear about bodybuilders dying of cardiac arrest. While no reports reveal the use of steroids, it is suspected in such cases.

By this, we don’t mean that everyone goes for such drugs. There are bodybuilders who prefer a drug-free bodybuilding program. 

The discussion so far reveals various facets of the argument. It’s time to explore the different benefits of bodybuilding.

Let’s find out how does bodybuilding affect your heart


How Does Bodybuilding Benefit Your Heart?

bodybuilding benefits for heart

Bodybuilding is a way to become healthy and strong. 

But these aren’t the only things that come with the workout program. The hours you spent at the gym hustling offer much beyond your thoughts.

In this section, read various heart health benefits of bodybuilding.

#1. Advances Circulation

For good health, good blood circulation is necessary. 

It ensures a healthy flow of nutrition and oxygen to different body parts. 

When you work out, you receive nutrients quickly. This ensures greater muscle gaining results.

The heart-related benefits of bulking improve your overall health. You can perform moves like a deadlift, leg press, or seated rows to reap maximum benefits. 

Apart from improving circulation, it also elevates your physical strength and power.


#2. Lessens the Risk of Stroke

Natural bodybuilding benefits heart health. In contrast, steroid-assisted fitness efforts put your health at risk. 

According to studies, weightlifting lowers the possibility of heart attack and strokes causing major life changes.

A study published by the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise presents surprising findings. 

Regular weight training even reduces the risk of stroke and cardiac arrest. 

People into aerobic workouts like hiking or running also receive similar benefits.

Can weightlifting damage your heart? The claims present in another study decline its possibilities. Here’s the science.

Strength training elevates your lean muscle. 

Eventually, it improves blood pumps to your cardiovascular system.

This reduces the pressure on your arteries leading to a lesser possibility of cardiac ailments. Indeed, strength training improves your heart health.


#3. Better Sleep Quality

The better your cardiac system workouts with bodybuilding, the better your sleep gets. 

Studies on the impact of weightlifting have shown improvement in sleep quality. The results were present in participants performing strength workouts regularly.

Quality sleep is important. 

It provides you with the best time to rest and recover from post-workout exhaustion. 

Eventually, it improves your involvement in even day-to-day chores. Better quality sleep reduces stress levels and cuts down health risks.


#4. Eliminates Belly Fat

Bodybuilding workouts act on different fat deposits. 

It specifically acts on your belly fat aka visceral fat. The fat deposit is present around your heart and internal organs. 

When you lift weights regularly, it acts on the stored fat helping you get rid of belly fat. Ultimately, it reduces the risk of cardiac problems and death related to the condition.


Bodybuilding isn’t easy for everyone. However, performing simple movements regularly benefits your physique as well as your heart.

People wonder is bodybuilding bad for your heart? The answer is clear. It isn’t. Given that you choose a drug-free workout program. Still, it may have downsides.


The Downsides of Bodybuilding

Bodybuilding isn’t just about Hercules’s body. It comes with its own health risks and problems. 

A little mishap can cause you a big loss. Let’s check out the disadvantages of bodybuilding.

#1. Lessens Your Energy Level

Bodybuilders plan their energy consumption. 

For this, they follow a high-calorie bodybuilding diet during the season. Sometimes, diet planning can also involve deciding whether to take a vegan diet or rely on animal foods.

In contrast, they take a low-calorie diet during the offseason. This switch of diet helps them accomplish their goals.

Unfortunately, it puts them into a phase of low energy. Nutritionists have warned about the negative effects it can put on your health.


#2. Greater Injury Risk

The workout program requires intense exercises. 

In some cases, it involves different equipment and heavy machinery. Certainly, it helps you achieve your fitness goals. A slight gap in your focus can even lead to a big injury.

Various bodybuilders have suffered the negative consequences of their pride. They dropped the safety measures. 

Moreover, in other scenarios, they were boosting their ego. Hence, the greater injury required long-term hospitalization.


#3. Social Anxiety and Dysmorphia

It may shock you, but professional and amateur bodybuilders have various mental health issues. They suffer from numerous psycho-social disorders.

Psychiatrists even named a specific condition called muscle dysmorphia!

The mental health disorder occurs in almost 10 percent of gym-goers. A review from August 2016 in Psychology Research and Behavior Management comes with the figure.

The condition makes people’s obsession for better shape and size of their muscles get bigger. They are ready to put everything at risk to enhance their physique.

These were the topmost downsides of bodybuilding. These appear serious. 

Nonetheless, it only troubles you if you overdo your workout regime. Let’s come back to the most important question.

Now, clearly, bodybuilding is not bad for the heart until you keep your workout regime drug-free and in order.


Top 5 Bodybuilding Workouts

There are different movements offering immense muscle mass. In this section, you will read about the topmost bodybuilding moves.

Let’s begin with Push-ups.

#1. Push-Ups

The best bodybuilding workout provides different benefits. 

The move may appear simple, but it challenges your core. Moreover, it targets different muscle groups simultaneously.

It ensures you get bigger biceps and a muscular chest. 

On top of that, it also improves overall functionality and flexibility. In short, it becomes the perfect part of every fitness program.


#2. Squats

Squats make up every fitness program. 

It is like sitting on an invisible challenge. You must rely on your thighs and legs to perform the workout. The movement strengthens your lower body.

Moreover, the workout is famous for its different benefits. It even ensures you have healthy functioning hormone secretion. All in all, it is necessary for a beneficial workout program.


#3. Weighted Pull-Ups

Adding weights to your workouts improves its impact. 

Fitness trainers prefer to add weights to a specific movement. To perform the move, you can use a belt and plates for additional resistance.

The workout targets different muscle groups like biceps, triceps, and shoulders, which improves your physique. Overall, the workout fits your upper body day.


#4. Leg Extension

This workout improves your lower body. It targets your calves, hamstring, thighs, and glutes. When you perform a leg extension, the resistance works for these muscle groups.

The move offers you perfectly toned and crafted leg muscles. 

Also, it adds quality lean muscle at the right spot. In short, you need to add leg extension to your workout program.


#5. Deadlift

Another big workout, deadlift, is best for targeting different muscle groups in a go. 

Thus, the trainer recommends the move to everyone. A beginner should first learn the right skill to expand their efforts. 

It is best to go slow first. 

Once you learn the right way to perform a deadlift, you can exceed your reps and sets. Moreover, the exercise targets your lower body.

These were some ideas for your workout program. 

So, what bodybuilding exercises will you add to your training program from the above list? You can chime in your feedback right below. But first, read the final overview.  


Final Overview

The relationship between bodybuilding and cardiac health has been under speculation for a long time. 

Well, today’s discussion points out that no such issue occurs with drug-free bodybuilding. 

Instead, you may find cardiac issues in terms of steroid-assisted fitness programs. So, it is important to not involve such practices. 

It only ensures your heart health is in good shape. Otherwise, such a fitness program does more harm than good. In some cases, people even required hospitalization.

So, go for natural bodybuilding, and you’ve got nothing to worry about. 

To begin your natural bodybuilding program, you can start with the moves mentioned above. 

We hope you’ve found the blog useful. Please drop your comments right below and tell us your opinion along with queries. 



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