Vegan Diet and Muscle Building: Dos and Dont’s + 6 Plant Proteins

All geared up to be a vegan bodybuilder?

Wondering if a vegan diet is good for muscle building or not?

We have all heard about protein deficiency because of the plant-based diet.

However, muscle gain is possible now for vegans also.

In this blog, we will list all the information regarding whether a vegan diet is good for muscle building, including the best vegan foods to build muscle.

We will also go through the dos and don’ts of muscle building during a vegan diet.

So, if you are a vegan and want to build your muscles like a bodybuilder, be with us till the end.

We are here with all your answers and additional tips and tricks to help you build vegan muscles.


Is Vegan Diet Good For Muscle Building?

is vegan diet good for muscle building

Protein in large amounts helps in building muscles.

But if you’re thinking of being a vegan, is plant-based protein good for muscle-building, and more importantly is it enough, is an obvious question.

Notably, pulses are known to have great protein components and if you add lentils and beans to your food then it can give you enough protein.

Also, if you are trying to build muscles then you should keep a check on the vitamins and minerals in your food and also check whether or not you’re having any vitamin deficiency.

But is it hard to build muscles as a vegan?

Well, muscle-building has never been a cakewalk.

However, when following a vegan diet, you need to be more vigilant towards your proteins and vitamins consumption.

In the world of bodybuilding, eggs and meats are the more popular and convenient ways to increase protein intake.

Vegan bodybuilders need to have complete knowledge of the best vegan foods for bodybuilding.

And for that, professional help and little researches could do the needful.

So undoubtedly, a vegan diet is good for muscle building in every way. 

Adding to this,  a vegan lifestyle is the best way in which one can prevent themselves from animal cruelty and live in a more sustainable environment.

Being a vegan is a matter of pride, but being vegan and gaining muscles is a tough task.

But still, it is possible if you keep a check on a balanced diet and on the amount of protein that you are consuming.

Nevertheless, there are certain do’s and don’ts that a vegan bodybuilder must consider in the muscle-building process.


How To Build Muscle On A Vegan Diet – Dos And Don’ts

vegan diet

There are certain things you should do and certain you should not.

So, to build perfect vegan muscles, you should be knowing and follow those dos and don’ts of the process.

To build muscle on a raw vegan diet you have to follow certain points.


#1. An Extra Boost In Your Intake Of Calories

Enough calories are very much needed if you want to increase your muscle mass, and hence, you need to choose some calorie-rich foods.

Notably, getting enough calories could be problematic while switching to the vegan diet.

But no worries!

You can get enough vegan calories through your healthy snacks.

That is to say, eat some nuts, add ample fruits and veggies to your diet.

Adding to this, if you still find it difficult to fulfill the calorie intake, make smoothies with bananas, nuts, seeds, and other fruits.

#2. Consume More Protein

Protein is the most necessary bodybuilding food. It is recommended to take at least 20 grams of protein after a workout.

You should plan protein intake around the course of the day.

Consume it before meals, after meals, or munch it as snacks. You can also take it during meals.

Moreover, if you are wondering is vegan protein good for building muscle? Then let me tell you that…

As a matter of fact, vegan proteins are less acidic and are absolutely easy to digest. This way you can consume more proteins without feeling uneasy.

Also, muscles are made of proteins. Hence, it’s vital to keep up with protein requirements to build muscles.

Simply add lentils, tofu, beans, wheat gluten, nutritional yeast, and tempeh to build your muscles.

#3. Work On Your Goals

Set realistic goals and make sure you are very clear about your eating habits and your body goals.

Setting unrealistic goals will only add to your frustration resulting in hampering your progress.

In case you’re unable to achieve your bodybuilding goals, try altering your training journal and set the goals accordingly.

Target to achieve whatever goals you have failed at.

You just have to analyze them and set new achievable goals.

This will motivate you and will help you set more achievable goals and build muscles.

Now we will go through certain don’ts so that you know how can you build muscle on a vegan diet easily.



#1. Don’t Consume Alcohol

Alcohol is responsible for various diseases, including liver disease and heart disease.

And if you are into muscle building, whether vegan or not, you need to cut alcohol or other alcoholic drinks out of your diet.

Consumption of alcohol decreases the rate of muscle protein synthesis n both males and females. Additionally, alcohol consumption increases the production of female sex hormones. This results in counterproductive muscle gain.

So, you should say goodbye to alcohol.

#2. Quit Smoking

Smoking is particularly harmful when it comes to muscle building.

It will delay the recovery of your body, so you should avoid smoking.

You must have noticed how smokers are often lean.

Smoking boosts AMPK activity which eventually results in weight loss.

#3. Stress Less

Stress is one of the major causes of belly fat or having a healthy body.

It can be psychological or physical, but what you should remember is that you must try to avoid stress as much as possible.

Of course, if you are on a vegan diet, you can rely on vegan foods for muscle building.

But what you have to keep in mind is that you should be focused on eliminating stress as this destroys your muscle tissues and bone density and is just the reason for the accumulation of fat.

Always try to avoid as much stress as possible!

Now, talking about foods, there are various foods that you can rely upon if you are on a vegan diet, and after finding out if a vegan diet is good for muscle building, what are the best vegan foods to build muscles is our next matter of concern.


6 Best Foods To Build Muscle On A Vegan Diet

There are various plant-based proteins that are good for building muscles, and it is breaking the stereotype of whether a vegan diet is good for muscle building or not.

Building muscle as a vegan may sound difficult; however, plant-based foods are equally effective when it comes to bodybuilding.

All you need to do is pick the right food in the right quantity.

Here are the 6 top vegan foods to build muscles.

#1. Spirulina

Spirulina, the blue-green algae, is the king of proteins, having a high protein concentration of around 70%.

Taking spirulina will get more protein as compared to meat and dairy products.

For real!

You can either add it to a smoothie or take it as a supplement in your vegan muscle-building diet.


#2. Seeds

vegan foods for muscle building

You can add various types of seeds to fulfill your protein requirement.

Notably, Pumpkin seeds have 20 to 30 grams of protein per 100 grams, and 1 tablespoon of chia seeds contains 60 calories and 3 grams of protein. Adding to it, chia seeds are also loaded with omega3s and good fat.

You can make your seed mix and add it to your vegan muscle-building diet by sprinkling it over salad, mixing it with yogurt, or simply blending it with your smoothie.


#3. Peanut Butter

If you intake a hundred grams of peanut butter, then it contains around 25 grams of protein and these are vegan too.

Peanut butter is also a good of mono-saturated fat and antioxidants along with vitamins and minerals.

It is not only nutritious but also easy to use and easy to eat food.


#4. Nutritional Yeast

Nutritional yeast can provide you with a good amount of vegan protein, and you can have it as a substitute for the cheese that you are having.

You can just sprinkle a tablespoon of it on the top of your food, and you can get various benefits out of it.


#5. Vegetables

There are various fresh vegetables which are green they are rich in protein so you can’t take the chance to miss this in your diet.

So make sure that you include green vegetables in your vegan diet to build muscles on a vegan diet.

Not to forget, cruciferous vegetables have a considerable amount of protein to help you with muscle building while being on a vegan diet.


#6. Protein Powders

pea protein

There are a variety of vegan protein powders available as supplements on the market that are completely safe to rely on.

You can make use of pea protein and back up your muscle-building regime.

So, is it hard to build muscle as a vegan?

Well, not at all, if you know the foods correctly, it’s not at all tough to gain muscles on a vegan diet.

After considering the points on how to build muscles on a raw vegan diet, we have come to the final verdict on the topic.


Final Verdict

So, is a vegan diet good for muscle building? 

Well, in general, yes!

However, it’s up to you to decide whether it works for you or not.

There are certain do’s and don’ts of a vegan muscle-building diet.

Increase the protein intake and work on setting realistic goals.

Don’t smoke, drink alcohol, or smoke to delay the recovery of your body. There are various plant-based proteins that are good for building muscles.

Adding to it, you can consider adding Spirulina, nutritional yeast, and vegetables that provide the best vegan protein for muscle growth.

Vegetables are green and are rich in protein, so make sure that you include them in your diet to build muscles on a vegan diet.

It is good for muscle building if you follow a proper routine and have a well-balanced diet.

These were the views regarding the vegan bodybuilding journey.

Turning vegan is more than just a trending diet. It’s a whole lifestyle and you can completely build muscles by following a plant-based lifestyle.

If you liked the blog don’t forget to share it with your vegan friends trying hard to build muscles.

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