Benefits of Ginger | How Does It Increase Testosterone Levels?

Can ginger increase your testosterone level as well as it boosts your immunity?

Well, the significance of ginger in the kitchen is quite notable across the world. But can you believe that ginger can spice up your sex life and enhance your workouts as well?!

Ginger, or ‘Zingiber Officinale’ is not only a traditional Asian spice but also an ancient medicine. 

Because of its spicy warm flavor and anti-inflammation properties, ginger has been traditionally used to treat many illnesses like nausea, muscle pain, and digestive issues. 

It’s because of these same properties that ginger is believed to have a strong influence on testosterone levels as well. 

But how does ginger increases testosterone is yet to be deeply analyzed. 

What we do know is that ginger has powerful hormone-balancing properties which makes it a prominent choice among men trying to build a physique and improve sexual health. 

So, now onto the central question, does ginger boost testosterone, and, if it does, how can you use it to your advantage.


Does Ginger Increase Testosterone?

Does Ginger Increase Testosterone

Ginger is a natural aphrodisiac and has proven sexual benefits. 

In the past few decades, its usage for sexual benefits has significantly increased.

And because testosterone is a male sex hormone, in one way or another, ginger can increase testosterone. 

Few studies have also unearthed the benefits and helped find out the relationship between ginger and testosterone.

Study 1: Effects Of Ginger Supplement On Semen Parameters, LH, FSH, And Testosterone On Infertile Men.

Around 75 infertile men of 19-40 years underwent 2-3 semen analyses. 

These infertile men who had no children from 2 years of marriage were carefully treated with ginger for 3 months. 

After this, a longitudinal study compared the result of their present treatment with the treatments they had before. 

The study showed a 16.2% increase in sperm count and around 17% increase in testosterone. 

Furthermore, the study concluded that the ginger treatment has improved the testosterone level and serum FSH and LH in infertile men in Iraq and is thus recommended to the Iraqi community as a food additive. 

Study 2: Androgenic Effect of Dietary Ginger on the reproductive function of Male Diabetic Rats

According to the study, for 30 days, the animals were divided into 3 groups namely, diabetic, control, and diabetic fed with dietary ginger. 

After that, blood samples and reproductive organs were carefully collected to analyze the results. 

The study concluded that there was a significant decrease in blood glucose level and an increase in the weight of reproductive organs and testosterone levels as well. 

The supplementation of ginger also showed positive results in semen quantity and motility. 

The results concluded that there was a notable antioxidant and androgenic effect on rats in addition to its anti-diabetic properties. 

Although both the studies positively prove that ginger does increase testosterone, there’s a catch like always. 

To explain, the first study focused on infertile men whereas study two was completely done on rats. 

Therefore, how far can ginger increase testosterone in young healthy males is yet a gray area.

Now that scientifically-backed evidence has successfully established a link between ginger and testosterone, let’s further analyze how it actually happens.


How Does Ginger Boost Testosterone?

If not directly, there are other ways through which ginger and testosterone are actually related. 

To elaborate, testosterone and muscle gains are directly related. The more the muscle gains, the more the testosterone. 

Moreover, a boost in muscle mass encourages the body to produce more free testosterone. As a result, bodybuilders and workout enthusiasts build muscle to increase testosterone and stay manly. 

And interestingly, they do not just rely on exercises and artificial supplements. There are foods that can increase muscle mass naturally.

So, how does this benefit you??

Clearly, muscle mass increase can reward you with more testosterone. And guess what, past research shows that ginger accommodates muscle growth.


Is Ginger Good For Muscle Growth?

Is Ginger Good For Muscle Growth

Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties, which help with reducing muscle soreness after exercise and promotes muscle growth. 

According to a study, people who were supplemented with ginger showed around a 30% decrease in muscle pain and improved motion as well. 

Another study showed the effect of ginger supplementation on muscle damage and delayed onset muscle soreness.

It was a randomized review of the effects of 4 gm ginger on 20 non-weight-trained participants who used high-intensity exercises to induce muscle growth.

The study concluded that ginger supplementation can accelerate the muscle recovery process. 

This means faster workout recovery and better productivity to stack on lean muscles.

In other words,

The lack of muscle soreness and better movement means improved workout performance. 

Hence, there will be more muscle-building leading to an increase in testosterone levels. 

Ginger=Muscle Growth=Testosterone

Moving on, not only this, ginger alone has such nutritional value that it can help to increase testosterone. 

If looking for nutrients and vitamins to boost testosterone levels, it is good to add foods with vitamins B3, B5, and B6 to your diet.

Even nutrients and minerals like magnesium, potassium, and niacin are of great help. 

And interestingly, ginger packs all these super nutrients.

1 tablespoon of ginger contains 4.8 calories, 0.11g of protein, 0.12g of dietary fiber, and other vitamins and minerals which include vitamin B3 and B6, vitamin C, Niacin, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and zinc. 

On the basis of this nutritional fact, it is not tough to say that when it comes to what foods increase testosterone, ginger deserves a place on the list. 

So, now you know how do ginger increases testosterone and physical performance.

Apart from this, ginger has other sexual benefits too.

Let’s have a look at them and see whether those benefits are related to testosterone levels. 


Other Sexual Benefits Of Ginger

Sexual Benefits Of Ginger

Ginger is a spice of many benefits, and, thanks to its aphrodisiac effect, it can increase sexual arousal naturally. 

Here’s a list of sexual benefits of ginger. 

#1. Increases Blood flow

There may not be a lot of research on the direct effect of ginger on sex drive. 

Ginger, however, can prevent blood clots and keep the blood pressure under control. 

Notably, high blood pressure is directly associated with sexual dysfunction. Therefore, ginger can improve sex drive by keeping a check on blood pressure. 

On the other hand, testosterone is the prominent male hormone and, as a matter of fact, a good blood flow can only enhance the production of testosterone. 


#2. Enhance Arousal And Libido

Ginger can enhance sexual arousal in both men and women. 

By improving the blood flow to the penis, ginger can lead you to extraordinary sex life. 

Interestingly, more sex also means more testosterone because physical activity influences your T-levels.


#3. Decreases Oxidative Stress

Oxidative stress is the result of an imbalance of antioxidants and free radicals in the body. 

As a matter of fact, oxidative stress can have a negative effect on sexuality and reproductive functions.

Numerous scientifically-backed researches also state a direct relationship between oxidative stress and decline in T-levels.

Notably, few studies have proved that ginger can reduce oxidative stress and prevent inflammation. 

Therefore, can ginger boost testosterone? 

Yes, by reducing oxidative stress and preventing damage to healthy cells.


#4. Ginger Can Increase Thermic Effect

Ginger, when combined with food, can increase the thermic effect of food. 

It helps burn more calories by increasing the metabolic rate of the body. 

Better metabolism means less fat storage; as a result, you can build more muscles. 

While this is not a direct benefit for testosterone levels, fat accumulation is directly related to low T. And, as mentioned, ginger can help you get rid of extra body fat storage.

So, in a sense, it’s all related and can result in better testosterone levels.


#5. Increases Satiety

Ginger increases satiety level and helps you stay fuller for longer. 

Ginger, thus, keeps control of your diet and restricts your calorie cravings, sweet cravings, and keeps the fat away from you. 

And we already know that more fat means less testosterone. Hence, ginger can help boost testosterone by keeping you full and preventing extra calorie storage. 

Whether directly or indirectly, this is how does ginger increases testosterone. 

But this is not it. 

In order to get the most out of ginger for testosterone, it’s important to consume the right dosage. 


How Much Ginger Per Day | Safe Dosage 

The daily dosage of ginger can vary from 1 to 4 grams. However, it is recommended to keep it around 2 grams. 

You can consume ginger by adding it to your daily food or simply drinking ginger tea. 

All you have to do is:

  • Slice ginger into thin pieces and boil in water on high heat in a saucepan.
  • After some time, simmer the heat and let it boil for 5-10 minutes more.
  • Strain it and drizzle some honey, and you are good to go. 

You can avail all the benefits of ginger via capsules or powder as well. 

But it is important to consume it according to the recommended dosage only; or else, it can have some side effects. 


Possible Side Effects Of Ginger 

If consumed inappropriately or in excess, ginger can cause:

  • Throat Irritation
  • Heartburn
  • Heavier Menstrual Periods
  • Gastrointestinal issues
  • Skin Discomfort

Additionally, because excessive consumption of ginger can result in easy and heavy bleeding, pregnant women are recommended to consult their doctor before adding it to their diet. 

All in all, there are some considerations for consuming ginger as it is with every food item. 

But if you’re wondering how to increase testosterone, don’t overlook the benefits ginger has to offer. 


Final Verdict

If all these benefits are to be believed, ginger is perhaps the easiest way to up your testosterone without going all gung ho on supplements and diet plans.

Plus, according to the studies, ginger to increase testosterone has worked on rats and infertile men.

There are so many other health benefits of ginger that can influence your T-levels positively.

It is, however, true that a strong argument regarding a direct relationship between ginger and testosterone is yet to be established. 

And a lot of research has to be done to establish a direct link between ginger and testosterone level. 

Based on the discussion so far, ginger can raise testosterone through a number of health benefits.

And even if it cannot influence T-count directly, what’s the harm in eating something that comes packed with health benefits?

Testosterone is the main male sex hormone and is responsible for not only better sexual health but also graceful aging and more muscle-building. 

It’s because of this, people often look for ways to increase testosterone. 

While there are innumerable pills and supplements available, what’s better than something natural? 

So, now you know how does ginger boosts testosterone and why you should include it in your diet.

In addition to practicing exercises to increase testosterone levels, don’t forget to add ginger to your plate.

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