Can Ashwagandha Help Suppress Appetite and Stress Eating?

does ashwagandha suppress appetite

One of the most potent adaptogenic herbs, Ashwagandha, is known for its medicinal properties. Now studies have also linked it to weight loss because of its benefits in reducing stress and promoting overall wellness. Well, Ashwagandha seems to wear the cape of adaptability in the world of herbs, right?

What remains unclear, though, is how this herb is helping people slim down and does Ashwagandha suppress appetite also?

Ashwagandha benefits your health mainly with its adaptogenic power. Interestingly, it turns out that it has some unique properties to control the fluctuations of hormones that somehow impact the hunger pangs too.

The discussion here unveils some hidden facts and advantages of Ashwagandha for weight loss and stress management. In addition to this, we’ll also discuss does Ashwagandha suppress appetite or not. Let’s get started with a quick review.

Key Insights:

  1. Ashwagandha is an effective herb to manage stress levels and promote relaxation
  2. Studies show Ashwagandha to be a potent remedy for reducing stress induced eating habits
  3. You can choose to include ashwagandha in your diet in the form of pills or gummies.

This blog today will answer your queries related to ashwagandha and whether it will help in your diet and weight management goals.


Does Ashwagandha Suppress Appetite?

Studies as well as users who have consumed Ashwagandha have mentioned that they significantly noticed a gradual loss in their meal intake.

So yeah, you can say that Ashwagandha does suppress appetite. Appetite suppression is a condition when you naturally feel full and your daily food intake decreases due to that.

Its adaptogenic properties may contribute to a balanced appetite by helping the body manage stress. This, in turn, can sometimes lead to better control over cravings and emotional junk eating.

It tends to work in harmony with the body’s natural processes to support overall wellness, potentially influencing appetite regulation.

The most essential role of the herbal root is to reboot your body and relax your mind. Additionally, it has some potential benefits for weight management which include reduction of food cravings.

However, the role of ashwagandha in reducing food intake is not only due to balancing the hunger hormones. There is another significant factor that needs to be considered. Move ahead to know the role of ashwagandha in appetite management.

Role of Ashwagandha in Appetite Management

Ashwagandha, an age-old medicinal herb is known to be full of antioxidants and is effective for weight loss.

Due to its antioxidant properties, it plays a pivotal role in decreasing inflammation and triggering body’s natural metabolism.

This ultimately helps in the burning of body’s stubborn fat stores, resulting in weight loss.

Here are some of the significant reasons due to which Ashwagandha helps in managing the appetite:

1. Controlled Stress Management

Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb clinically shown to reduce irritability and stress-related cravings. Studies have shown that prolonged stress can lead to emotional eating or fluctuations in appetite.

By calming the mind, Ashwagandha promotes overall wellness and indirectly supports a more stable appetite.

2. Reduces Hormonal Flare-Ups

Hormonal fluctuations are also quite common in people who find binge eating irresistible. In fact, clinical trials have confirmed that too much fluctuations in hormones can cause emotional eating.

Herbs like Ashwagandha have the properties to influence certain hormones, such as cortisol, which can impact appetite regulation by suppressing emotional overeating.

3. Mood Enhancement for Appetite Regulation

Being in a good or bad mood makes you eat more and lead to more fatigue. There are studies that show that Ashwagandha is known to have mood-stabilizing properties. Better mood often means stable eating habits and less emotional eating.

Here are some of the factors that show how Ashwagandha does suppress appetite. Till now, you must have got the answer that it helps by reducing the functionality of stress hormones.

Now, let’s move on to the next segment of this blog to find out how can ashwagandha put a stopper at your erratic eating habits.


How Does Ashwagandha Regulate Stress Eating?

Chronic stress can lead to several health complications including anxiety and depression, memory loss, and heart problems. Apart from this, there is a study that confirms that it can also affect appetite and weight.

Let’s dig deep to get the link between cortisol levels, stress, and Ashwagandha.

Ashwagandha Stops Cravings in Adults with Chronic Stress

In a study, a total of 52 subjects with chronic stress were supplemented with Ashwagandha (300 mg).

As a result, there are some significant primary changes witnessed, including lowered food cravings and a decrease in body weight and body mass index.

Furthermore, after 4 and 8 weeks of observation, it has been found that adults under chronic stress noticed a significant change in their body weight management.

So now we have got the study that shows how Ashwagandha helps manage eating habits and body weight in people with chronic stress.

How Stress Can (Sometimes) Make You Eat More?

Being stressed makes us more sluggish and makes us binge on foods like chips and ice cream. Have you ever thought about why being stressed makes you eat more?

This is because stress often triggers cortisol release, which can lead to emotional eating.

Here’s how cortisol instigates stress eating and weight gain:

  1. Cortisol is a hormone produced by the adrenal gland and released when you’re under stress. It can stimulate appetite, especially for foods that are high in carbohydrates, fats, and sugar.
  2. When cortisol levels rise, it can trigger cravings for these types of foods as a way to replenish energy stores. This can lead to overeating or indulging in unhealthy food choices.
  3. Furthermore, it can also interfere with insulin, the hormone that regulates blood sugar levels. When cortisol levels are high, insulin sensitivity can decrease, leading to higher blood sugar levels. This can, in turn, trigger cravings for sugary and high-carbohydrate foods.

Published data from the Journal, Nutrition, shows a clear relationship between stress, eating behavior, and obesity. This study confirms that stress can influence eating patterns in humans.

They mainly alter overall food intake in two ways which are under or overeating.

Studies that measure biological markers of stress also confirm that elevated cortisol levels have a stress-eating relationship.

People may turn to food as a way to cope with stress or negative emotions, which can contribute to weight gain over time.

Managing stress levels through relaxation techniques, exercise, adequate sleep, and a balanced diet can help regulate cortisol levels. Additionally, mindful eating practices and being aware of emotional triggers for overeating can also assist in maintaining a healthy weight despite cortisol’s influence.

Apart from this, supplementing ashwagandha for weight loss can also manage the stress and the feeling that makes you eat more.


How to Take Ashwagandha for Stress Eating?

Taking Ashwagandha in the right way can be a significant factor in minimizing stress and stress-eating as well.

Usually, Ashwagandha extract comes in the form of powder, so consuming it at a specific dosage can sometimes be difficult. Considering pills or tablets of ashwagandha to manage stress eating can be a better alternative.

There are plenty of supplements available in the market that claim to deliver safe and natural results.

However, pills may not be an easy way to use Ashwagandha for everyone. For those people, there have been recently launched gummies option that make supplementation a whole lot easier and tastier.

One such easy-to-consume gummies that has gathered a lot of attention in recent days is Calm by UCHEWS.

UCHEWS CALM to Reduce Stress Eating for Weight Loss

CALM is a supplement that combines 150mg of Ashwagandha in each serving. The gummies comes in the flavor of raspberry and pomegranate to deliver the stress-reducing benefits of Ashwagandha.

The supplement offers soothing properties of Ashwagandha to burst the stress and improve mood, energy levels, and cognitive functions.

There are a lot of other benefits you can get from consuming CALM gummies by UCHEWS:

  • Promote Calmness
  • Reduce stress eating and promote weight loss
  • Stress Release
  • Relax and unwind
  • Support a better sleeping cycle
  • Stay Cool Amidst Chaos
  • Upgrade Your Outlook

uchews calm gummies

As per manufacturers, these gummies are easy to consume, so you don’t need to adjust your taste buds to the bitter taste of the root.

UCHEWS Calm combines enough of ashwagandha, an ancient stress-busting wonder herb known for its calming superpowers.

It may help decrease cravings for unhealthy foods, often associated with stress eating. This could be due to its impact on cortisol levels and the stress response.

Overall, considering Calm can be a better choice to overcome stress and balance out your binge eating habit by minimizing hormonal fluctuations.



Ashwagandha does help reduce appetite if you’re stress-eating or indulging in emotional eating, which is true for most people who are overweight.

The medicinal herb has the soothing property to promote relaxation. The supplement itself focuses on calming properties and promoting wellness.

Since ashwagandha offers promising potential as a natural approach to reducing stress and stress-eating, it can be the best go-to supplement for stressed out binge eaters.

In order to combine the supplements in the diet, considering a healthy lifestyle is important. To get better results, we recommend you to go for a high-quality supplement from a reputable brand.

UCHEWS Calm can be a perfect match as it offers a holistic approach to having control over your stress levels and promoting wellness.

Based on the analysis so far, ashwagandha has turned out to be a miracle aid for those who are agitated with their emotional eating struggles. Because if you’re not going to do anything about it now, the persistent stress due to overeating will only overwhelm you and cause even more stress, and the cycle will continue.

So, do something about your stressful lifestyle and take matter into your hands to ward off the issues that come with chronic stress.

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About Mike Harris

Mike Harris is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) and owner of The Sweat Guy. He is also award-winning health, wellness, and nutrition writer based in the USA. Armed with many training certifications and an exercise science teaching degree, Mike has been working for over 6 years now, helping others achieve optimum health.