Category: Health Topics

15 Tips to Start Lifting Weights (Guide for Complete Beginners)

Beginners can expect to see faster results when they start lifting weights the right way!

This guide on how to start lifting weights for beginners shares the ins and outs of a novice’s bodybuilding journey.

Well, first of all, your fitness program should never be a quagmire of perplexity. Whether it’s your workout or diet, you should have proper clarity. 

If you plan to lift the weight, you need to know how to start lifting. Of course, adequate information makes it easier to achieve goals while minimizing the risk.

Lifting weights can power up your muscles. It provides a muscular, toned, stronger, and fitter body. 

Moreover, there’s an intense boost in muscle growth and repair. In other words, you can become muscular in a short duration.

Whatever your goal is, to begin weight lifting, your approach matters. You need to know the basics and important factors to make it effective. Some tips can help complete beginners start lifting weights and get results.

This blog offers a complete guide on how to start lifting weights for beginners. Let’s begin with some key tips.

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How Does Magnesium Deficiency can Cause Hair Loss? [Explained]

Can Magnesium Deficiency Cause Hair Loss

This article explores the ins and outs of inadequate magnesium intake and its relative impact on your hair health.

Everyone dreams of long, shiny, and healthy hair. 

Even after trying numerous things, the most common complaint is hair loss. It can occur due to underlying health issues, irritation with hair products, or even your diet.

Indeed, deficiency of magnesium can trigger hair loss.

Various studies presented valid proof stating how inadequate consumption of minerals can be dangerous for your hair. 

So, can magnesium deficiency cause hair loss? It’s a marketing strategy to sell more magnesium supplements or hair care products. 

Let’s dig into the link between magnesium and hail loss to understand more… Continue reading

12 Ways to Increase NEAT (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis)

how to increase neat activity

Do know how to increase non-exercise activity thermogenesis?

Today’s blog addresses the details.

In general, people spend more hours at the gym and diet harder to get slimmer. It is challenging to go to such drastic measures for weight loss. In fact, many struggle to lose weight that way. 

However, there’s an easier way to get slimmer…

Nonexercise activity thermogenesis is an excellent concept. It employs the mechanism to accelerate your weight loss efforts without the need for diet and workouts. 

This is all benefits of negative energy balance. In other words, energy expenses should be greater than energy consumption for an effective weight loss result.

Nonexercise activity thermogenesis weight loss effectively utilizes this approach. 

This blog covers important details about how to increase non-exercise activity thermogenesis. Let’s first understand what NEAT actually is.

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6 Reasons Why Women Should Take Female Probiotics [Benefits]

Are you using a probiotic that’s cut out for you?

Apparently, men and women have different needs when it comes to gut health!

Probiotics for women are extremely popular these days. And for good reasons!

Nearly 70% of the immune system lies in your gut. 

It is this part of your body where probiotics, i.e., good bacteria work to maintain balance and support good health.

Probiotics for women have tons of benefits linked with:

  • better immunity, 
  • improved digestion, 
  • weight loss, 
  • reduced stress, 
  • vaginal microbiome, 

and much more. Continue reading

Should I Exercise on 3 Hours of Sleep | Workout and Lack of Sleep

Should I workout on 3 hours of sleep?

That’s something a lot of fitness freaks ask.

However, this question originates from the fact that people have an absolute crunch these days taking out time for themselves.

Well, workouts take a lot out of your body, and you, obviously, will need some rest to follow it up.

Sleep is the best form of rest you can give to your body. It helps to recover from the after-effects of a strenuous workout on your body.

Hence, you must get an adequate amount of sleep in order to get the true benefits of the workout and avoid any problems.

There might be potential harm due to working out with 4 hours of sleep or less than that.

To know more about this, we need to understand the deeper dynamics of the sleep and workout relationship.

So, without wasting any time, let’s dive into the discussion…

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How Does Carb Cycling Diet Plan Work? | Pros and Cons | Useful Tips

Does carb cycling really work?

The new eating strategy claims to benefit your fitness and physique.

This article covers everything about the new diet plan.

The human body is the result of your food habits. More than workouts, it is your diet that determines your shape and health.

Thus, people try out different innovative diets to maintain their physique.

Carb cycling is one of such cutting-edge diet plans. It involves different cycling high, low, and moderate carb meals.

Someday your diet includes meals rich in carbs. While on other days, your diet contains a minimum of macros.

Eventually, it meets your fitness targets. Carb cycling before and after results are impressive. 

Nonetheless, the question persists. Does carb cycling really work?

This blog covers every nitty-gritty of the carb cycle and weight loss along with some useful tips for success. Let’s discover the real efficacy of the best diet plan.

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Pea Protein VS Whey Protein: Which One Is Better? [Pros + Cons]

Is Pea Protein Better Than Whey? Which One Should I Choose?

The initial phase of your weight loss journey might get you stuck on so many dilemmas. One of them could be choosing between pea protein and whey protein to meet your body’s goals.

Well, no wonder why the very first thing that people turn their head towards while beginning their bodybuilding journey is protein.

Not getting enough protein in your diet can cause hindrance towards you and your body goals. There are a whole lot of sources from which you can indulge protein inside your body.

However, two of the most common yet beneficial protein sources could be whey protein and pea protein.

Moreover, since pea protein is plant-based many people think of it to be more beneficial. So, is pea protein better than whey?

Well, we have curated this piece of info to show you a vivid comparison between pea protein vs whey protein so that you can pick the best one.

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Side Effects/Dangers of Whey Protein – How Much Should I Take?

Is whey protein really safe? 

Today, we evaluate the star-ingredient of every bodybuilder’s diet plan…


All of a sudden, there’s so much hype about whey protein side effects… Why?

“Whey Protein”, is among the most vital supplements for everyone associated with fields that require physical prowess. 

You can consider bodybuilders, wrestlers, athletes, or any similar professional. Whey protein constitutes a significant portion of their diet. 

However, allotting that much proportion of the overall diet regime to whey protein is the main cause of concern.

While there are substantial reasons for adopting whey protein as a key component of fitness diets, is it always safe?

Whey protein is all about its mind-blowing benefits before the concerns of side effects.

But, in today’s blog, we’ll look at the other side of the spectrum and detail the potential whey side effects further down in this blog. 

But, before that, we need to know all about whey protein. After all, why is whey protein the go-to protein powder for many millennials?

Let’s find out…

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What Causes Sugar Cravings/Addiction? + 5 Ways To Stop Instantly

Knowing The Causes Of Sugar Addiction Might Just Save You From Something Serious.

Sugar cravings are the hardest to resist!

Think about it…if you are sugar-addicted, don’t you get restless even at the thought of avoiding jellybeans?

But to be honest, we all have been through this. Most people have experienced sugar cravings at some point in their lives.

It’s because of the causes of sugar addiction which could be anything from an unhealthy body to an unhealthy mind to vitamin deficiency. 

But sugar addiction is clearly not as simple as it looks. There could be something major hidden behind your sugar addiction symptoms.

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Chronic Stress (Long Term): Causes And How To Relieve Quickly

One thing that’s for sure is stress can take a toll on your mind and body.

From the economic outbreak during the pandemic to the political unrest happening in the society, the reasons behind stressing could vary!

Normally, stress gears up our body and prepares it up for action.

Stress is nothing more than a feeling of being emotionally hyped up. When you go through changes, your body is likely to form a mental response as a reaction to the particular change.

Well, stress can be completely normal since it’s a body’s natural reaction. However, some people might find it to be slightly perilous for their health. Continue reading