15 Surprising Habits That Lead To Weight Gain, According To Health Experts

With the world running at such a great pace, the constant threat of not lagging has taken a toll on people’s health.

With tight schedules and busy meetings to keep up with the pace of the world, people forget one of the most important rules of life – staying fit!

They often forget about their meals and do not pay heed to their aching back or the 11 lines on their forehead.

But with this blog, we ask you to pause straighten up your back and give at least a minute to look at yourself in the mirror.

Are you happy with the way you look or do you see some change?

When you give a minute to yourself in front of the mirror you will realize how your body has changed and what you are lacking in your life.

Some of you might just spot your waistline expanding and looking bulkier in the jeans!

Ever wondered why?

Well, many of you would have guessed it right, it is because of the lack of attention, one gives towards his health.

But, since we have asked you to take a pause, we bring your attention to one of the most important health checklists, which is the 15 Bad Habits That Cause Weight Gain.

Weight gains are primarily due to bad habits which often lead to a poor lifestyle inviting several diseases.

Thus it is very important to be conscious about what habits you follow and what you should avoid for a healthy living.

Focusing on this let us start with the blog and guide you through a healthy lifestyle.


15 Habits That Lead To Weight Gain!

Habits That Will Expand Your waistline

Poor habits contribute to a poor lifestyle that leads to not one but many diseases.

The reason behind poor habits inviting diseases is their effect on your weight.

In this section, we will highlight a few of the most common bad habits That Help Gain Weight and bring in numerous medical conditions.

#1. Not Drinking Enough Water

It has been taught since childhood that an adult should drink at least 8 to 12 glasses of water a day.

But most of us fail to follow this simple routine.

According to studies, when water intake in our body decreases, our body tends to see an increased deposition of fat.

On the other hand, water also has a role in flushing out toxins, excess fat and enhance skin health as well as brain functioning.

But with not drinking enough water you bring a decrease in such functioning, inviting many disorders.

Apart from these benefits, water also has some other major roles in your body:

  • Keeping out skin diseases
  • Enhancing immunity
  • Treating headaches and migraines
  • Enhancing mood

Thus, make sure you make a checklist with drinking 8 to 12 glasses of water on top.

#2. Not Exercising Daily | Habits That Will Expand Your Waistline

Everyone has a tight schedule with almost no time for exercising, but it is very important for keeping your body healthy and happy.

Not exercising daily

Moreover, if you are not having a check on your diet, at least move outdoors for a minimum of 45 minutes and indulge in some workouts daily.

This will not only enhance your energy levels but will also make you lose weight.

You can even dance or play your favorite sports daily if you don’t want to have a workout round.

Exercising or physical activities will give you numerous benefits like:

  • Better development of muscles, bones, and joints
  • A check on your weight
  • Reduced risk of high blood pressure and diabetes
  • Less risk of mental problems

Thus, exercising regularly may have some benefits for maintaining your waist size.

#3. Overthinking – Stressing a Lot!

A new generation has fallen prey to overthinking any scenario that brings in a lot of stress.

It is one of the most contributing factors to excess weight gain, especially around your waistline.

Stress makes you over-eat, which is a way of calming your senses but makes you gain weight.

Apart from this stress also increases your appetite for junk which leads to fat accumulation around your belly area and brings in health problems.

Some of the major health problems that stress invites in are diabetes, panic attacks, depression, heart diseases, high blood pressure, and a lot more.

So, stop stressing and start acting smart!

#4. Sweet Soda in Your Diet | Habits That Will Expand Your Waistline

Sweet soda is one of the most common reasons behind half of the population suffering from problems of being overweight.

Sweet Soda

It contains lots of added sugar and preservatives that not only add to your fat levels but also bring in some serious chronic disorders.

Thus an ideal idea is to limit your soda intake and cut down those calories.

You can even escape the hazards of soda by carrying out vigorous workouts daily.

#5. Ignoring the Sodium Count | Habits That Will Expand Your Waistline

People often fail to notice the nutrient label behind a product while purchasing it unless they are skeptical about eating it.

Well, this is a really bad habit as not reading the nutrient label often makes you eat more sodium than you actually should.

In fact, most Americans consume 50% more sodium than the recommended dosage which is not a good sign.

Now you must be wondering what the recommended dosage is.

Well according to experts, you should stick to 2,300 mg of sodium a day.

Dosage more than this can cause serious bloating, high body pressure, and many other health conditions.

Thus next time you visit a supermarket make sure you check on the nutrient label before adding any product to your cart.

>> Read About Popular Female Fat Burners On The Market <<


#6. Eating at a Fast Pace

One of the most common Worst Habits That Will Expand Your waistline is the habit of eating quickly.

Many people like to eat their meals at a faster pace, but this does not help you eat less in fact it enhances your appetite to eat more than you need.

Eating at a fast pace

This paves the way for over-eating and consequently being over-weight.

But you can prevent this by changing your habit.

To master the art of slow eating, dieticians and physicians suggest their patients listen to some good music while eating.

This will distract your brain from eating and you will end up eating slowly.

It is a must to change this habit as this habit of fast eating causes digestive problems, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, and many such issues.

#7. Skipping Breakfast | Habits That Will Expand Your Waistline

Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day.

In fact, for people who want to lose weight, it is something that you cannot ignore.

This is because when your body wakes up it needs an energy boost which comes from breakfast.

When you skip your breakfast, your body derives this boost from the stored energies and then replenishes the stored energies from the the energy of next meal.

However, when it replenishes the stored energy, it adds up an extra dosage of energy than the previous one. This adds fat to your body.

Even worse than skipping breakfast is fasting for losing belly fat. Skipping as well as foregoing meals completely may involve prolonged fasting, which is not good when you’re trying to maintain your waistline.

Thus, if you really want to stay fit and slim, never avoid breakfast. In fact, have a hearty breakfast.

#8. Eating Many Different Things at the Same Time

People often have the habit of eating many things together that don’t go hand in hand.

Maintain the right balance of food in your platter is very important.

Eating things that do not go well together might cause serious digestion problems and might also increase weight.

Eating different things

You can avoid eating large quantities of the following foods:

  • Legumes
  • Spicy food
  • Dairy products
  • Seeds
  • Fatty foods
  • Caffeine
  • Artificial foods

Try to limit the portion size when eating these foods to keep it easy on your gut.

#9. Drinking Alcohol

Alcohol already has injurious effects on your health. But for people worried about their weight, it has got many calories that just add to your fat levels.

However, if you are a light to moderate drinker you can control your weight gain.

In fact, there are some alcoholic drinks like red wine which when taken in the right quantities help in weight loss.

However, heavy drinking increases your appetite and adds extra weight.

Thus make sure you have a check on your drinking habits.

#10. Eating Low-Fat Foods | Habits That Will Expand Your Waistline

Fitness freaks often opt for low-fat or fat-free products but did you know that they are more harmful than being any good.

Eating low-fat foods

Low-fat products will just bring in a difference of a few calories and won’t be any benefit.

Rather go for healthy fats as they DO NOT MAKE YOU FAT!

On the other hand, if you go for products with a low-fat tag, you just get low carbs which get digested early and rebound your hunger levels.

In fact, according to researchers, meals with 43% of carbs are more milling and have a mild effect on your sugar levels than a meal with 55% of carbs.

Thus, if you go for fat-free or low-fat products you will feel more hungry post-meal.

#11. Irregular Sleep Cycle | Habits That Will Expand Your Waistline

People who used to think that sleep has no control over overweight, now need to pay little attention here.

According to research people who take a nap of 5 hours or less tend to put on 2.5 times more belly fat, while people who sleep for more than 8 hours put on slightly less fat.

Thus, an ideal sleep cycle should include a sleep of 6 to 7 hours per night to keep your weight under control.

#12. You Don’t Take Tests

High cholesterol and diabetes are two of the most tested health checkups during the annual checkup.

But do you also get your nutrient deficiencies checked?

Not getting your nutritional levels checked can be dangerous, especially if you are not getting your Vitamin D checked.

In fact, many such people don’t even realize having a deficiency of Vitamin D and pose a great threat from conditions like osteoporosis and heart disease.

Thus it is very important to keep a check on your vitamins.

#13. Ignoring Good Nutrition

Highlighting the above habits, some of you might have already started planning to cut off some of those old bad habits.

Ignoring the advice of good nutrition

On the other hand, some of you might just have ignored it and thought of giving it a try sometime later.

The latter group of people will tend to not follow such advice and will again be forming a bad habit that contributes to weight gain.

So keep in mind that you have to follow all the advice.

#14. You Don’t Have Enough Knowledge About Your Intolerance

Have you ever felt your stomach bloating after eating grains? Or any sort of itching after eating certain foods?

Many food signs point towards intolerance but people brush it off as a normal issue.

But these issues are actually dangerous and you might even risk your life for your favorite food.

Thus whenever you feel such signs don’t ignore them and seek medical advice.

Don’t walk through your intolerance ignoring it all the way.

#15. Eating Because You are Bored

Some of you might have a habit of eating when not hungry! Or eating when you have nothing to do.

Eating because you are bored

Apart from this, some habits like having popcorn while watching a movie even if you are not hungry or finishing off that extra bite just because you paid for it count calories.

Whenever you are about to do something like this just ask yourself are you even hungry?

If not, then drop the idea of eating immediately!


Conclusion | Habits That Will Expand Your Waistline

With the world seeing half of its population going overweight, here we come with a checklist for all the fast-paced individuals.

Read out the checklist thoroughly to find out what bad habits you have got that are making you overweight.

While reading out make a routine list and make sure you give yourself stars after you overcome one of the above habits.

This will not only be fun for you to do but will also prevent you from putting on those extra calories.

Having said this we come to the end of our blog hoping that the blog was useful and gives you amazing results.




#1. Which is the Most Unhealthy Meal in the World?

Here are the food products which when added to your meal form the unhealthiest meals ever in the world:

  • Sugary drinks
  • Pizzas
  • White bread
  • Sweetened breakfast cereals
  • Fried and grilled food
  • Pastries and cakes
  • French fries and potatoes
  • Agave nectar
  • Candy bars
  • Processed meat
  • Processed cheese

Thus, if you want to opt for healthy meals make sure you don’t have any of these components in your diet.

#2. Can being unhappy cause weight gain?

Depression or anxiety has been linked with one of the most common causes of weight gain and even weight loss.

Both of them can cause abnormal eating or binge eating which can make you overweight.

In fact, according to research, 43% of people with depression are obese and the rest of the people are often found to be overweight.

Moreover, stress which is involved in both depression and anxiety turns people towards food for calming the senses which causes overeating.

Thus if you are unhappy you are likely to gain weight.

#3. What can be the signs of weight gain?

Some of the weight gains are quite natural and don’t need to be addressed as an issue like weight gain in pregnancy.

But if you see sudden weight gain it can be problematic.

Signs of abnormal weight gain are:

  • Abnormal menses
  • Constipation
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Hair loss
  • Lethargy
  • Fatigue
  • Swelling in face
  • Vision changes

#4. Why am I gaining so much fat near my belly?

People gain belly fat because of various reasons like poor diet, bad habits, poor lifestyle, and stress.

But you don’t need to worry as weight gain brings fat deposition in the belly region.

However, if you want to stop it you can go for a nutritious diet and changing your poor lifestyle into a healthy one.

Apart from this belly fat can also be genetics, and in such cases, you should be conscious about your diet always.

#5. Which is the Unhealthiest Cuisine?

It is a common myth that every country has fresh and healthy cuisine. Some countries lag in the race for healthy meals.

However, the country with the unhealthiest cuisine is Kiribati.

It has been ranked according to the percentage of its population fighting diabetes.

Their diabetes rate is going above 30% while obesity above 50%!

While the traditional food is comparatively healthier here but the processed foods are cheap and thus more wide selling.

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