Stretching Before and After a Workout: 9 Essential Exercises

Fitness goals are not just about setting the right energy and mood, they are also about the right procedure and technique.

No matter what your fitness goal is, the correct procedure is what harnesses the maximum benefits out of it.

And one of the most overlooked components of a workout is stretching. 

However, stretching is an important part of your workout sessions as it has got multitudinous benefits.

And these benefits are only achievable once you know your stretches well!

There are two forms of stretches:

  • Pre-workout
  • Post-workout

Both of them have different importance in a workout regime.

But often people fail to recognize the best pre and post-workout stretching routine and end up hurting themselves.

Hence, we bring you today’s blog that highlights the best pre and post-workout stretches.


Pre and Post Workout Stretches to Improve Performance and Recovery

During workouts, people often are too lazy to start with stretching.

They believe that it’s an unnecessary time commitment, but warming up and cooling down your muscles is important.

This helps prevent injury, pain, and strains.

On the off chance, you choose to exercise immediately after your video game, you might be actually hurting your muscles.

Your muscles won’t be prepared for any physical activity as they become tight.

Lower or upper body stretches before a workout makes your muscles loosen up and increase your range of motion.

Thus, preventing injuries.

Stretching after a workout is important too as they decrease the soreness in your muscles.

They do so by removing the excess lactic acid from your muscle tissues.

These exercises also boost blood flow, making your performance in the next routine better than before.

Hence, the next time you plan your workout, make sure you stick to some of the following pre and post-workout exercises.


[Top 9] Pre-Workout Full Body Stretches 

Pre-workout stretching is also known as dynamic stretching.

Dynamic stretches are all about active movements that work your muscles and joints through full-range motions.

The basic aim of dynamic stretches is to boost thermogenesis in muscles and reduce stiffness.

The key benefits of dynamic stretching include:

  • Increase in speed
  • Enhanced agility
  • Improved workout performance

Here is a list of the dynamic stretches that you can try out for perfect stability to complete your workout:

#1. Squats (Movement-Based Stretching)

Keep your feet shoulder-width apart.

With your toes pointing outwards, engage your core, and push your hips back while bending your knees.

Now squat down until your thighs are parallel with the ground.

Make sure your chest is up and your hands in front.

#2. Leg Swings

Stand in an upright position with your hips aligned.

Now, swing your legs forward and backward in a single movement.

Switch sides and repeat the same movement to complete a set of 10.

You can use various objects like poles and walls to maintain your balance while doing these leg stretches before a workout.

If doing a complete swing seems difficult to you, you can start with light leg swings moving onto full range swings.

#3. High Knees

Stand straight with your feet hip-width separated. 

Keeping up straight, lift one knee to your chest, quickly changing to your other leg. 

To ease out, you can start by jogging at the same place where you are standing. 

Draw in your core as you change from one leg to another at a sprinting speed.

#4. Lunges

Other popular stretches before running include the lunges.

Start with standing straight up. 

Draw in your core and move forward with your right leg, focusing on your weight to make your heel land first. 

At this point, bring down your body until your right thigh is corresponding to the floor and your correct shin is vertical.  

Press into your right heel to drive yourself back to the beginning position. Repeat the same for the left leg.

#5. Arm-Circles

If you are looking for some stretching exercises for beginners, then arm circles are what you can try.

Remain in a standing position with your feet shoulder-width separated and arms stretched at your sides, corresponding with the floor. 

Move your arms in a circle pushing out forward in controlled movements. 

Increase the size of the circles step by step until you feel a stretch in your rear arm muscles. 

At that point, reverse your motions and form circles in the opposite direction.

#6. Plank Walk-Outs

Start with a standing position with your feet hip-width separated. 

Twisting from your hips, reach down and place your hands flat on the floor before your feet. 

Then, shift your weight onto your hands and start strolling yourself forward until you structure a straight plane from your head to your heels. 

Draw in your core and keep your hands under your shoulders. 

Hold for your ideal rep length before strolling in reverse and getting back to the beginning position.

#7. Toe-Taps

Warm-up stretches before a workout are incomplete without standing toe-taps.

Stand straight with your feet hip-width separated. 

Move your right arm forward. 

While keeping your legs straight, elevate your right leg towards your right hand, tapping your right toe with your hand. 

Lower your leg and repeat the motion with your left leg and arm.

#8. Jumping Jacks

Start with standing upright with your legs together and arms leveled at your sides. 

Bend your knees marginally and hop into the air, spreading your legs shoulder-width separated and extending your arms over your head. 

Leap to return to the beginning position and rehash.

#9. Butt Kicks

Start with standing straight with your feet hip-width apart and your arms next to you. 

Bring the heel of one foot off the floor towards your glutes and lift the opposite hand towards your shoulder as though you were running. 

At this position, quickly change to the opposite side. 

Make sure to hold your shoulders back and keep your core active throughout the stretch.

With your warm-up exercises list coming to an end, it is equally important to tally your post-workout routine.

Both pre-workout and post-workout stretches are important.

The post-workout stretch has a separate purpose and consists of different movements as compared to dynamic stretching before the workout.

Hence, the following list focuses on the cool-down stretches after running and other physical activities.


Top 9 Static Stretches for Post Workout Recovery

Static stretches are different from dynamic ones.

They involve stretches that are held for a period of time, usually between 10 to 60 seconds.

Unlike dynamic stretches, they don’t involve any major movements.

These exercises help in cooling down your body, and their major benefits include:

  • Relaxed muscles
  • Boosted flexibility
  • Decreased risk of injuries

You can try the following stretches for easing out your muscles post-workout.

However, before you start with these exercises, let us bring to your notice that these stretches must cause a pull.

It might cause you discomfort but not pain.

Hence, try holding for around 30 to 60 seconds.

#1. Shoulder Stretch

All you need to do is stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.

Now, bring your right arm in front of your body at the height of your chest.

Using the side of your left arm, support your right arm. 

Stretching your shoulders, keep looking in the forward direction.

Hold these postures, and then repeat with your left side.

#2. Toe Touch

Stand straight with your feet separated and toes pointing forward. 

Keeping your legs straight, bend your hips, and reach down toward your toes. 

Draw in your core while performing the stretch and then repeat.

#3. Samson Stretch

The stretch starts with you standing straight.

While keeping your chest forward and core drawn in, move forward with your right foot into a lunge position. 

Lower your left knee to the ground and broaden the right knee forward. 

At this point, clasp your hands together and move them in the outward direction, lifting your arms over your head. 

Hold this position as long as you can then switch. 

Make sure to keep your chest looking ahead all through this static stretch.

#4. Knee To Chest

Standing straight, lift your right knee toward your chest. 

With your hands, pull the knee in towards your belly button. 

Hold and then bring down your knee, getting back to the start position. 

Repeat 2 to multiple times for every leg. 

Make sure to keep your core engaged and keep your spine straight throughout the stretch.

#5. Cat Stretch

The cat stretch and cow stretch work as a couple. 

For the cat stretch, start with your hands while keeping your knees on the ground and your spine loosely corresponding to the ground. 

At this position, round your spine outward and pull your hips forward, tenderly pulling your jawline toward your chest. Hold. 

After this, you can try the cow stretch position.

#6. Cow Stretch

The cow and cat stretch work together.

For cow stretch, start with your hands and knees on the ground, keeping your spine loose and corresponding to the ground. 

Now, press your chest forward and move your midsection towards the floor. 

Loosen up your shoulders from your ears and gaze directly ahead. 


You can try the cow stretch either before or after the cat stretch.

#7. Side Bend

This stretch again needs you to stand up with your feet shoulder-width apart.

As you engage your core, lift your hands above your head.

Now, bend in the right direction from your waist, leaning towards the floor.

Pull your core to get back to the starting position.

Repeat the same from the other side.

#8. Calf Stretches

For this stretch, you need a support system, like a wall.

Here, we will be referring to a wall.

Using a wall, stand with your right foot slightly in front of your left.

Bending your knees slightly, lean towards the wall while keeping your back knee straight and your heel on the ground.

Hold and then relax.

Repeat the same for your other leg.

#9. Cobra Stretch

Lie down flat with your stomach on the ground and your feet stretching out straight.

Bring your hands on the sides near your chest.

Engaging your glutes and back muscles, push up your chest away from the floor.



If your workout plans are pretty tough to crack down, we bet some stretching is all that you need.

Both Pre-workout and Post-workout stretches have tremendous amounts of benefits for your health.

Your body will literally thank you for it.

However, don’t confuse stretches as a solution to aches and pains.

Stretches do work well for prepping your body for the intense workout that follows.

But it cannot prevent and alleviate body aches that follow a wrongly followed workout.

Hence, always make sure that the technique you follow is right.

In fact, if you are a beginner, don’t go for intense stretches.

There are many stretches before a workout for beginners which you can try. 

Not to mention, always listen to your body and do what feels good. Stretching should never be a painful experience.



Most commonly asked questions answered to make your workout routine a breeze.

#1. Is it better to stretch before or after a workout?

Stretching both before and after a workout is ideally good for you. 

The stretches performed before your workout prep your body for an intense range of motions. 

While the ones performed post-workout make sure that your muscles don’t go sore with the excess of lactic acid-forming inside them.

Hence, make sure you stretch both pre-workout and post-workout.

#2. Which form of stretching is best before and after workouts?

It is best to perform dynamic stretching before your workouts as they activate your muscles for the coming exercises. 

While for post-workout, you can go for the static stretches as they cool down your muscles and make sure that you don’t go sore post your exercises.

#3. What should I do pre and post-workout?

Various things need to be done pre-workout and post-workout. 

These things mainly include:

  • The right diet before a workout and after it for the right balance of nutrients.
  • Stretches to be active and cool down your muscles.
  • You can even take supplements to boost your efforts.

#4.  Is it OK to stretch every day?

Regular stretching can benefit you in a lot of ways. 

Just 5 to 10 minutes of dynamic and static stretching in your daily routine can help in:

  • Boosting your range of motion
  • Improving postures
  • Enhancing flexibility
  • Calming your mind
  • Relieving stress
  • Reducing fatigue

#5. How long should you hold a stretch?

For the best results, it is recommended to stretch for a total of 60 seconds on each of the exercises.

However, you should not go beyond your comfort level.

Hence, try holding on for 10 to 60 seconds. In case you can hold on for 20 seconds, then go for two sets of the same.

#6. Does stretching burn fat?

Yes, it can actually help in burning calories at a faster rate than a workout without stretching.

In fact, it helps in burning fat from all the stubborn areas of your body.

#7. Does stretching kill gains?

No! Stretching actually helps prime your body for better gains. There is no way that it could kill your gains.

#8. Why is it important to stretch before and after a workout?

Stretching actually keeps your muscles flexible, strong, and healthy.

The flexibility of your muscles encourages better outcomes from the workouts you perform.

They also ensure that you have a larger range of motion for better performance in your next set of workouts.

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