Green Tea for Weight Loss: How to Drink It for Real Results?

Green tea can do wonders for your weight loss goals!

Get slimmer with antioxidants and caffeine.

Well! There has to be a reason why the kitchen shelves of most of the houses are now filled with green teas of all types and flavors.

Hailed by millennials and even some of your favorite Hollywood elites, green tea has emerged as one of the famous health drinks for weight loss lately.

And while JLO drinks it before all her performances, our very own Rachel AKA Jennifer Anniston drinks it throughout the day.

Without any doubt, it has a wide range of health benefits but one striking benefit that makes it a magical potion is its ability to help get rid of those pesky pounds if you don’t feel like hitting the gym to get slim.

Thanks to antioxidants and the presence of numerous nutrients, green tea has emerged as the most popular and go-to beverage these days.

Here, we’ve discussed how drinking green tea can help you lose weight.


Why Is Green Tea Healthy?

Green tea

Green tea leaves are un-oxidized and are, therefore, packed with antioxidants that help tackle cell-damaging free radicals and boost the immunity power of the body. 

It maintains the level of micronutrients, vitamins (E & C), and beta-carotene that keeps the body protected from any health hazard.

Adding to this, it also has an active ingredient, catechins, that stimulate the natural metabolism and assists in weight loss.

Having said that, let’s find out more about green tea and how it is good for weight loss!


Is Green Tea Good For Weight Loss? 

Losing weight often comes with an underlying query of “what not to eat.” 

However, considering the fact that green tea is the most effective and efficient natural stimulator, adding it to your diet can ease your weight loss journey and make it more effective.

As per many studies, green tea has the ability to increase the fat-burning process that helps in cutting extra flab.

So, pairing a cup of green tea with exercise and a healthy diet surely increases your chances of getting a slimmer waist.

Here’s how green tea is good for weight loss:

#1. Suppresses extra calorie intake

#2. Regulates obesity-related genes

#3. Boosts metabolism

#4. Has low-calorie content

#5. Contains beneficial catechins

#6. Contains caffeine that influences fat-burning

#7. Help reduce belly fat

#8. Improves performance and recovery rate

#9. Prevents further weight gain

#10. Helps regulate sugar and carbs.

Now, let’s discuss these points further in detail.

Green tea for weight loss


#1. Acts As Diet Suppressant

The main reason why green tea might help you if you’re looking to lose weight is the existence of catechin-called epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG).

Moreover, the catechins and caffeine present in green tea suppresses appetite and also help increase satiety levels.


#2. Regulates Obesity Genes

Green tea can regulate obesity-regulated genes by increasing brown fat over white adipose tissue.

These healthier brown fats push the metabolism up, which, in turn, helps reduce obesity.

Adding to this, the EGCG found in green tea reduces the level of genes that leads to fat deposition.


#3. Boosts Metabolic Rate

Green tea catechins can lead to a faster metabolism while flushing out the toxins from the body. 

Moreover, green tea induces thermogenesis and reduces fat absorption. And better metabolism means your body can burn more calories at a faster rate. 


#4. Low In Calories 

A mug of this refreshing drink contains only 2 calories and 0.47g of carbs. 

Furthermore, it takes only 5-7 minutes to prepare this rejuvenating drink that’s packed with fewer calories. Further, this ideal weight loss drink can be easily tagged along with your evening snacks.


#5. Contains Polyphenols Called Catechins

Green tea is packed with this antioxidant called catechin that is known to boost metabolism and burn fat. 

The 4 types of catechins found in green tea are: 

  • epicatechin (EC), 
  • epicatechin-3 gallate (ECG), 
  • epigallocatechin (EGC), and 
  • epigallocatechin-3 gallate (EGCG) 

The EGCG found in green tea has anti-obesity and anti-inflammatory properties. 


#6. Contains Fat-Burning Caffeine

Green tea, along with the other antioxidants, also contains caffeine. 

It balances energy expenditure and consumption by burning calories and controlling appetite.

Furthermore, it increases the thermogenic process and stimulates fat loss.


#7. Lose Abdominal Fat

Increasing belly fat is a grave problem for more than half of the population these days.

And adding to this, it is also a gateway to severe health issues like diabetes. 

Catechins found in green tea help reduce the most stubborn fat of all, i.e., belly or abdominal fat.

Also, regular consumption of green tea showed promising results in reducing visceral fat, overall weight, LDL cholesterol as well as high blood pressure.


#8. Better Performance And Recovery Rate

By increasing the metabolism and giving a push to natural thermogenesis, green tea fuels your body with high energy, hence, improving your performance.

It provides you with ample stamina to keep up with longer workouts. Moreover, it also improves athletic performance and muscle recovery rate.


#9. Prevents Further Fat Gain

It might surprise you that not only green tea aids in weight loss but also assists in preventing fat gain.

Yes, you heard that right!

Consuming green tea, loaded with plenty of antioxidants, can stop your body from storing fat in the first place.


#10. Better Processing Of Sugar And Carbs

The EGCG antioxidant found in green tea helps regulate blood sugar and insulin. This, in turn, improves the way your body responds to sugar and carbs.

By slowing down the processing rate, it helps the body to absorb carbs for weight loss results without gaining more weight. 

Well, the above-narrated benefits sound too good to be true.

But the nutritional value of the compounds found in green tea favors weight loss by boosting metabolism, and that’s why it’s helpful for people dealing with obesity.

Now, the main question that arises here is how much weight can you lose by drinking green tea for a month?


Green Tea Weight Loss In 1 Month

Depending upon the consumption of caffeine and natural metabolic rate, the number of pounds shed may vary from person to person. 

However, with a developed habit of drinking 2-3 cups of green tea regularly, one can lose around a few kilos every month.

But, as per experts, by consuming green tea regularly, one can even lose up to 3lbs or 1.3 kg every 12 weeks.

Notably, green tea has been repeatedly linked with fat-burning and boosted metabolism. 

However, it can’t deliver miraculous results alone. 

It needs to be well balanced with other weight-loss strategies like consuming fewer calories, having a proper workout routine, consuming low-carb foods, and maintaining an active lifestyle. 

And if you have been looking for green tea benefits, you must have known that it comes in numerous varieties.

So, this brings us to our next query, which type of green tea is good for weight loss? And does it matter?


Which Green Tea Is Best For Weight Loss?

When it comes to weight loss, the type of green tea you drink might matter.

And if studies are to be believed, there are certain types of green tea that are better than others for weight loss.

Moreover, the 3 best types of green tea for weight loss are:

  • oolong tea,
  • matcha tea, and
  • loose-leaf green tea.

Adding to this, people also consider decaf green tea for weight loss.


Is Decaf Green Tea Good For Weight Loss?

As per the studies of The American Journal Of Clinical Nutrition, green tea with caffeine significantly lowers the body weight, BMI, and waist circumference as compared to decaf green tea.

The reason behind this is that decaffeination reduces the antioxidants and flavonoids that assist in weight management.

However, green tea lovers who are looking to lose weight but are allergic to caffeine can definitely go for this because it’s a safe choice and it still provides softer slimming effects.

But if you are all about weight loss, you might want to try the most powerful tea that is “matcha tea.”


How Is Matcha Good For Weight Loss?

matcha green tea

Matcha is basically a powder made from green tea leaves. So, when you are brewing matcha, you’re drinking ground leaves themselves.

Furthermore, matcha has the ability to boost the immune system, improve cognitive function, and enhance fat oxidation.

So, is matcha green tea good for weight loss?

As found in a 2018 study, participants drinking matcha green tea achieved greater weight loss by experiencing enhanced fat oxidation during a 30 minutes brisk walk.

Adding to this, matcha, being an ultimate source of EGCG, is an excellent solution for shredding body fat and keeping energy levels high all day.

Moreover, people use this variety of green tea to lose weight in 2 weeks.

Hence, opting for matcha over a latte is a smart switch!

Green tea, undoubtedly, has some health benefits. But a right and a wrong way to brew green tea actually matter.

Having said that, let’s see how to make green tea for weight loss.


How To Make Green Tea For Weight Loss At Home?

Weight loss is a serious commitment and adjoining it with a habit and looking for positive results might need perfection in a few places.

To clarify, drinking green tea will definitely give a push to your weight loss regime, but it’s equally important to know how to make green tea to lose fat and what is the best time to drink green tea for weight loss?

So, without wasting much time, let’s have a closer look at how to make green tea for belly fat.


How To Make Green Tea For Weight Loss?

Follow the mentioned below steps to optimize and avail all the green tea benefits.

1st STEP: Use a clean stove pot or kettle and bring the water to a boil.

2nd STEP: Once the water reaches the boil, let it rest for 10 minutes.

3rd STEP: Now, pour the water over the tea leaves and let it brew for at least 1 minute before serving.

(You can increase or decrease the brewing time depending upon the taste you prefer.)

Now, how much should you consume?


How Many Cups Of Green Tea A Day To Lose Weight Fast?

As per the studies, the quantity may vary but generally, it is around 2-4 cups daily.

However, do check with your doctor before consuming these many cups, especially if you have other health issues.

Moreover, the weight loss benefits may vary depending upon the dynamics.

So, this was about how to make the basic green tea drink. 

But what if you don’t like the taste of green tea?

Well, we know weight loss is already a tough task, and making it bitter won’t do any good.

So, here are some innovative green tea recipes for weight loss.


Green Tea Recipes For Weight Loss At Home

Green tea recipes

Make use of these recipes to prepare your relaxing cup of green tea.

#1. Green Tea With Ginger And lemon


  • 1 cup water
  • 2 tablespoons green tea
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon grated ginger

How To Make It:

  • Boil 1 cup of water.
  • Add tea and ginger to it.
  • Reduce the flame to low and let it steep for 15 minutes
  • Strain it and then add some lime juice.

How to Take it:

Early morning every day on an empty stomach (eat breakfast after 30 mins). 


  • Speeds fat loss process
  • Cleanses body
  • Fights obesity
  • Improves digestion


#2. Iced Green Tea


  • 6-8 green tea bags
  • 4 cups of boiling water
  • ½ cup of non-caloric sweetener (if required)

How To Make It:

  • Heat 4 cups of water
  • Add the tea bags to the boiling water and let it steep for 5 minutes.
  • Strain the liquid and add sweetener and stir for 2 minutes (only if you want)
  • Keep it in the refrigerator for 2 hours

How To Take It:

You can drink it anytime.


  • Boost metabolism
  • Rapid fat burn
  • Low calories
  • Lower the risk of Alzheimer


#3. Green Tea And Avocado Smoothie 


  • 1 tablespoon green tea
  • One-half ripe avocado
  • 1 ripe banana
  • ½ cup of water

How To Make It:

  • Boil one-half cup of water and add green tea to it.
  • Steep for 30 minutes and then strain the liquid.
  • Put the banana and avocado in a blender and add the strained liquid.
  • Blend it well until it gets to a smoothie consistency.

How To Take It:

Enjoy this smoothie before breakfast.


  • Controls hunger pangs
  • Boosts metabolism
  • Improves Digestion


#4. Green Tea And Mint


  • 1 cup of water
  • 2 tablespoons of green tea
  • 1 tablespoon of mint
  • 1 tablespoon of honey

How To Make It:

  • Boil 1 cup of water and add green tea and mint to it
  • Reduce the flame for 5 minutes then remove from heat and let it steep.
  • After it gets cooled, strain it and add a tablespoon of honey. 

How To Take It:

Drink this beverage on an empty stomach for 3 months and get a slimmer body.


  • Fights metabolic disorder and obesity
  • Ultimate for weight loss
  • Control hunger cravings
  • Speeds digestion and fat burn

These 4 green tea recipes will definitely speed your weight loss process without messing with your taste buds.

Now, after answering all about whether or not green tea is good for weight loss, there is only one question that remains to tackle, which is how to take green tea for weight loss and when.


How And When To Take Green Tea For Weight Loss?

Follow these intake recommendations to harness the most benefits from green tea for weight loss.

When To Drink Tea For Weight Loss?

There haven’t been a lot of studies regarding the perfect time to consume it. 

However, considering an average person’s metabolic process and circadian rhythm along with the fact that tea is rich in caffeine and pleasant to drink in the morning, it’s better to take it in the morning and start your day with it. 

A combination of exercise and green tea will raise the metabolic rate and fat-burning process.

Notably, you must avoid drinking it before going to bed because it may disrupt your sleep.


How To Drink Green Tea For Weight Loss?

As per the studies, drinking green tea on an empty stomach will help you reap more benefits and better results. 

Moreover, drinking it after eating makes it less effective because foods might interfere with the absorption of antioxidants.

However, there is no perfect way to drink it and you can even consume it 30 minutes after your breakfast or a heavy meal.

Tea is a vital part of most cultures and is often associated with good health. Green tea precisely is the healthiest of all teas and can be easily used as a natural support for gentle weight loss.

So, green tea is good for weight loss, but there are some frequently asked questions related to green tea that still need to be dealt with for more clarity.

So, let’s see what they are.



This segment aims to answer all the queries regarding green tea and its health effects.

#1: What happens if I drink green tea every day?

Regular drinking of green tea can help in weight loss and reduce the risk of other diseases like diabetes and cancer. However, consuming an excess of green tea can cause iron deficiency, diarrhea, and stomach problems. 

Hence, it is recommended to limit the intake of green tea to 3-5 cups every day to reap optimal benefits.


#2: What are the disadvantages of green tea?

Caffeine is the main and probably the only reason behind any possible side effects from green tea.

The side effects can vary from mild to serious. Some of them are:

  • Headache
  • Nervousness
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Heartburn
  • Ringing in ears


#3: Does green tea reduce belly fat?

Green tea is an excellent source of caffeine and an antioxidant called catechin. This natural stimulant helps to burn fat and calories.

So, it not only reduces stubborn belly fat but also prevents the further accumulation of fat. 

Also, because of its fat-burning properties, green tea is the primary ingredient of most fat-burning supplements.


#4: When should I drink green tea for a flat stomach?

For a flat stomach, you can take green tea at least half an hour after your breakfast. It is also suggested to drink green tea on an empty stomach in the morning.


#5: Does green tea reduce breast size?

Yes, green tea may reduce breast size. The antioxidants found in green tea boost metabolism and burn fat, and that can help reduce the size of breasts. 

QUES 6: Can I drink green tea at night?

Green tea has a wide range of health benefits including better sleep. But you need to be cautious to not take it 2 hours before bedtime because it contains caffeine and might make it harder for you to fall asleep.

With this, the time has come to sum up this blog.



Green tea is a popular natural thermogenesis enhancer and metabolism booster. 

While it is widely consumed as a beverage, this powerful solution has a wide range of benefits. 

And if you are a tea person or have consumed it before, you know the right way to drink it. 

However, what type of green tea you buy and drink also matters and affects the quality of results.

So, do your research and opt for the best green tea brand for weight loss in your location. There are a number of options. So, no need to worry!

Green tea is a truly magical potion that’s easy to prepare, and you need to drink it only a few times a day to burn those extra kilos if you’re reluctant to go to the gym.

If you can flush that Pillsbury Doughboy look with only 2-3 cups of green tea, then why not?

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