Do ACV Gummies Suppress Appetite and Is As Effective As the Liquid?

do apple cider vinegar gummies suppress appetite

If you have browsed online stores or been through local pharmacies looking for weight loss supplements, you probably would have encountered apple cider vinegar pills and gummies.

There is no sparsity of evidence to prove the benefits of apple cider vinegar for weight loss.

Because of its ability to cleanse, burn fat, and energize, apple cider vinegar can be found on the shelves of those trying to lose weight.

But are these apple cider vinegar benefits significant when you take them in the gummy form?

While ACV gummies are the tasty and easy alternatives to the traditional way of consuming apple cider vinegar, do these bite-sized sugary treats really suppress appetite?

Before you load up on these trending weight loss delicacies, take a closer look at this blog and learn everything about do apple cider vinegar gummies suppress appetite and help lose weight.

Key Insights:

  1. There’s scientific evidence that prove the health benefits of apple cider vinegar, and some people have experienced weight loss after a few months’ intake of liquid ACV.
  2. Apple cider vinegar gummies are generally used for the body detoxification process.
  3. Consuming apple cider vinegar gummies eliminates the risk of enamel erosion and stomach discomfort that is common when consuming it in liquid form.
  4. ACV gummies can be an option for those who don’t like the taste of pills or find it difficult to gulp it down.
  5. When trying to buy apple cider vinegar gummies, it’s better to go for such supplements that have less sugar and fillers like syrup and maltodextrin.

While you might be sure about the weight loss properties of liquid apple cider vinegar, gummies are a whole different story due to their manufacturing. However, the promise of results while not having to endure the bitter and sometimes unpleasant taste of pills is enough to think about gummies as an option.

But do ACV gummies suppress appetite and help you lose weight? Let’s find out.


Do Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies Suppress Appetite?

Apple cider vinegar gummies are the recent tasty variant of the versatile elixir.

Its chewy texture, vibrant color, and sweet taste make it a favorite among those who are looking for a better way to consume ACV.

But this also raises the question about its effectiveness.

So, do apple cider and vinegar gummies suppress appetite?

The answer is yes!

Apple Cider Vinegar contains acetic acid that is believed to influence appetite and weight management.

In fact, a study published in the Journal, Current Developments in Nutrition suggests that vinegar consumption containing at least 24.6 mmol acetic acid alongside solid food meals suppresses appetite upto 120 minutes postprandially.

In another study by the Journal of Functional Foods, participants who took 30 mL/d of ACV with with 250 kcal/day energy deficit restricted calorie diet for 12 weeks felt a significant difference in their body weight, BMI, Hip circumference, visceral adiposity index, and appetite score.

But are these apple cider vinegar benefits to suppress appetite still there when you take them in gummy form?

Absolutely, yes. In fact, if you want to suppress your appetite for weight loss purposes, gummies are the best because there is no risk of overdosing.

These gummies are especially great for those who are clueless about how to take apple cider vinegar gummies for weight loss every day.

But does this mean taking apple cider vinegar gummies for weight loss is much better than the liquid?


Are Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies as Effective as Liquid?

The filtered and unfiltered liquid form of apple cider vinegar is a more popular and common form of consumption.

However, while there are a lot of benefits associated with it, one cannot overlook the perils it carries.

Notably, drinking apple cider vinegar is not as easy as it sounds. Consuming its small dose daily even in the diluted form can not only leave an unpleasant taste in the mouth but can severely damage tooth enamel.

This is because apple cider vinegar liquid is acidic with an average PH of 2.5 to 3.0. As if this wasn’t enough, ACV can also cause damage to lung tissues and stomach discomfort, particularly when consumed on an empty stomach.

On the contrary, apple cider vinegar gummies are convenient to consume because they are not bitter on taste buds and gentle on the stomach and teeth.

The pre-dosed servings also prevent over-dosing, help you stay consistent and the best part, is you can toss them in your bag and bring them, on your vacation as well.

But of course, we cannot overlook that most of the gummies contain sugar. So go for those apple cider vinegar gummies that suppress appetite but don’t contain too much sugar. One such gummies is from UCHEWS.


UCHEWS BODY + DETOX (Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies) Reviews

UCHEWS body + detox gummies have emerged as a tantalizing contender, promising a delicious way to enhance overall health.

These gummies are infused with the benefits of apple cider vinegar, vitamins B9 and B12, beetroot, and pomegranate.

Therefore, UCHEWS body + detox gummies have garnered the attention of weight loss, detox, and fitness communities.

The inclusion of apple cider vinegar in these gummies are game changer, offering a palatable and convenient alternative to traditional liquid form.

Adding to it, the beetroot juice and pomegranate juice along with B vitamins boost energy and metabolism allowing you to work out better.

It contains 1000mg of apple cider vinegar which is just enough if you want to include it in your daily diet.

Considering the UCHEWS Body + Detox gummies reviews and customers’ experiences, what sets it apart is its dual ability.

That is to say, it not only entices the taste buds but also supports detoxification. The blend of its ingredients carefully creates a synergy that revamps your overall fitness.

Not to mention, UCHEWS Body + Detox gummies also belong to the category of vegan detox gummies.

This is because, unlike other popular gummies, it doesn’t include gelatin but rather uses pectin for the texture.

Available in a delicious apple flavor, you just have to take 2 UCHEWS gummies at any time of the day to accelerate the flavorful journey towards holistic health.

If you don’t know how to use apple cider vinegar for weight loss, take these gummies instead and get free from the hassle of measuring doses.

For those seeking an enjoyable way to support their health goals, these apple cider vinegar gummies might just be the delectable solution.

buy uchews body detox gummies


Are There Risks to Using Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies?

Apple cider vinegar gummies are generally considered safe for most people when consumed in moderation.

However, there are associated risks to usage, and it’s unsafe for some people. Notably, apple cider vinegar is proven to interact with blood sugar levels.

On top of this, most of these ACV gummies typically contain sugar. Therefore, diabetic patients need to be careful about their consumption; it is recommended to not consume these gummies without professional consultation.

Not to mention, unlike the original liquid form which tastes bitter, the gummies are tasty and are available in different flavors.

Therefore, there are chances one might develop the habit of consuming more than the recommended dosage leading to mild side effects.

However, these adverse effects of apple cider vinegar gummies can be avoided when consumed as recommended.

Adding to it, before indulging in the delectable world of apple cider vinegar gummies, be mindful of the deep knowledge about its usage and effects.



Considering the apple cider vinegar gummies reviews and what they do for your overall health, here is a comprehensive guide answering the most commonly asked queries.

#1. Does apple cider vinegar cause loss of appetite?

Apple cider vinegar is proven to suppress appetite when consumed in the prescribed dosage. However, there are no reports of loss of appetite because of ACV.

#2. How much apple cider vinegar to suppress appetite?

To suppress appetite for weight loss benefits, it is recommended to take 1-2 tablespoons, nearly 15-30 ml apple cider vinegar per day.

#3. How long do apple cider vinegar gummies take to work?

Apple cider vinegar is a natural remedy and therefore it takes a little longer to show results. It takes around 4 weeks of continuous usage to show the significant benefits of apple cider vinegar.

#4. Is it okay to drink apple cider vinegar when hungry?

Apple cider vinegar can make you nauseous when consumed on an empty stomach. Therefore, it is not recommended to take apple cider vinegar when hungry.

With this, we come to an end of the debate surrounding the appetite-suppressing benefits of apple cider vinegar gummies.



There are a lot of anecdotal scientific pieces of evidence to prove that apple cider vinegar gummies can suppress appetite.

There is no change in the acetic acid impact and blood sugar stabilization ability of the apple cider vinegar in making weight loss and detoxification when consumed in the gummy form.

They are a complete combination of the best of everything. Apple cider vinegar gummies are tasty, effective, convenient, and safe.

However, since these are gummies and also a natural way to lose weight, you need to be patient to witness results.

It is not for those who want changes in their body overnight. Nonetheless, it is essential to understand that results may vary and these gummies need to be complimented by a healthy diet and regular exercise.

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About Mike Harris

Mike Harris is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) and owner of The Sweat Guy. He is also award-winning health, wellness, and nutrition writer based in the USA. Armed with many training certifications and an exercise science teaching degree, Mike has been working for over 6 years now, helping others achieve optimum health.