What Happens To Your Body Right After You Consume Carbonated Beverages?

Everyone likes to drink soft drinks. But we all know what a hazard it is to our health.

So even if we like it we cannot have it.

Do you like having soft drinks?

Are you worried about the side effects of drinking it?

Well, we have a solution for you. Your solution lies in carbonated beverages.

It will help you avoid all the harmful effects of soft drinks on the human body and enjoy the bubbly and fizzy feeling.

However, people are always skeptical about using such carbonated beverages too.

Some examples of carbonated beverages may include sparkling water, soda water, club soda, seltzer water, etc.

We are sure you are skeptical about consuming these drinks too because of the harmful effects of soda on the human body.

We are glad to inform you that this is all a myth. However, it must be noted that too much of anything can be dangerous.

The same applies in the case of carbonated beverages.

In this article, we will discuss all carbonated beverages and their risky effects…

What are the probable side effects of carbonated drinks on the body?

Therefore, first, let’s talk about carbonated water, what is it…

What Is Carbonated Water Or Sparkling Water?

Carbonated Beverages

Carbonated water is normal water that has been infused with carbon dioxide.

It is compressed within normal water to provide you with the bubbles in your mouth.

These bubbles actually burst in your mouth making the drink fun, enjoyable and tasty.

Carbonated water actually includes a bit of salt in it. It is added for taste. Sometimes other minerals are also added for taste.

Similar to sparkling water we have drinks like seltzer water, fizzy water, soda water, etc.

 It must be noted that natural sparkling water like Perrier or San Pellegrino is different from this. 

This water mostly contains natural minerals and sulfur compounds, sometimes they are added. Some of them contain unique minerals too.

Like carbonated water called tonic water contains minerals called quinine.

Carbonated water is acidic in nature. Now it might make you wonder about the possible effects of soda on the human body.

 You must note that it is chemically called carbonic acid, which is a very weak acid. This produces a burning sensation when you consume it. 

The burning sensation is the fizz you feel while consuming soda. It does not have any harmful effect on the body.

Any excess carbon dioxide in your body is removed by the lungs or kidneys.

However, when it comes to the word soda people are always worried about the side effects of soda.

Therefore let’s discuss what actually happens in your body when you consume soda.


What Happens To Your Body When You Consume Carbonated Beverages?

Drinking a carbonated beverage is really peaceful and satisfying.

The bubbles bursting and creating the fizzy feeling in the mouth is something we all enjoy. As we know nothing which tastes this good is healthy.

However, this is not the case for such carbonated beverages.

Whether a carbonated beverage is good for you or not depends on the consumption amount.

Therefore let us now discuss what happens to your body when you drink soda…


#1: Your hydration will actually amplify

Against the contrary opinion that soda has, it is actually believed to improve your hydration process.

It helps to fulfill that feeling the craving for thirst.

However, just because it improves your hydration, does not mean you will consume it regularly. Everything has its boundaries.

Likewise, when consumed in a larger amount it will affect equally harmful.

Also, it is not safe to consume soda when sugar and sodium are added exogenously.


#2: You will have a better digestion

Drinking a carbonated beverage helps in all steps of digestion, right from ingestion to excretion.

It is a very good solution for people suffering from constipation. Drinking carbonated water can also help in swallowing as said.

Some doctors claim that it is used by them to help patients pass food when it is stuck in their throat.


#3: Consumption can cause bloating

If you are wondering what happens if you consume soda everyday then this is your answer.

Consumption of soda or drinks containing soda regularly can cause bloating. When you consume carbonated beverages like soda your body gets warmed up.

This is because the compressed carbon dioxide present warms up your GI tract.

If you consume these beverages regularly your stomach might get accustomed to this warm-up which will result in a permanent bloating.

People facing acidity or gas issues frequently must choose to avoid consumption of any such beverage.


#4: Your hunger might augment

Carbonated water increases the flow of hormones called ghrelin in the blood flow which is responsible for hunger.

Therefore you might find yourself craving fat and junk foods if you consume these carbonated beverages constantly.

However, this theory is not a certain one. There are more scientific objections involved in proving this. However, it could be the cause.


#5: Your dental health will stay safe.

If your carbonated beverage is free from any sweetener it is healthy for consumption. The moment sugar is added to your drink it becomes hazardous for your teeth.

For example, Coca-Cola has a pH of 2.4 which can some serious teeth conditions. Therefore, if you want to avoid any such damage it is preferred that you consume carbonated water.

But the best way to protect your teeth is by drinking normal water.

To sum up, it is advised that if you want to enjoy that fizzy sensation after the consumption of drinking soda, you must be careful.

You should not over drink it. You must also avoid added sugar or sodium so that you are safe from any detrimental side effects.

If you consume soda regularly it might cause some major health conditions.

Conditions from drinking too much soda symptoms might include obesity, vitamin deficiency, dental decay, metabolic diseases, caffeine addiction, etc.

There are still many doubts concerning carbonated beverages.

This next section of the blog will discuss all the frequently asked questions regarding the consumption of carbonated water or sparkling water.


Carbonated Beverages FAQs


#1: Does carbonation increase calcium loss in bones?

It is believed that one of the major side effects of consuming soft drinks is the loss of bone density. This is true because of the added sugar and sodium in soft drinks. However, carbonated water contains no added sugar or sodium therefore it is safe. Its acidic nature has no significance when it comes to bone density.

Sugar-containing soft drinks have phosphorus in them which amplifies the calcium loss in bones through kidneys making the bones weak. That is why research claims that people drinking soft drinks are found to have a lower bone density than people drinking carbonated water.


#2: Is heart health a concern when consuming carbonated water?

There is negligible evidence of people consuming carbonated water having heart disease because of its consumption. In fact, there have studies that have been in favor of carbonated water when heart conditions are concerned.

In a survey, it was seen that people consuming carbonated water were seen experiencing low bad cholesterol. Instead, it was seen increasing the good cholesterol. It is actually beneficial for blood sugar and inflammation. Therefore, even though the evidence is small it can help in improving your heart condition.


#3: Does Carbonated water cause IBS?

IBS refers to irritable bowel syndrome. Consumption of carbonated water will not cause IBS but it can cause bloating which can sometimes lead to some bowel issues. It causes your GI track to heat up. Although the excess carbon dioxide is eliminated from the body through the lungs and kidneys yet it might create an issue for some people.

Therefore, people who frequently suffer from digestion problems are advised not to make carbonated water. That is why consumption of carbonated can have side effects but it only depends from individual to individual.


#4: Do Carbonated Beverages nudge weight gain?

Consuming soft drinks have shown a significant weight gain in people. However, there has been no such evidence of people consuming carbonated beverages and increasing weight.

However, a thing must be noted that carbonated beverages do increase the flow of ghrelin in the body. Ghrelin is the hunger hormone of the body. This might make you feel hungrier from time to time which can ultimately lead to weight gain.

Nonetheless, some carbonated beverages include added sodium and other added acids and flavors and colors to enhance the taste and look. These added preservatives can be detrimental to one’s health and might cause weight gain. Therefore, before consumption check for ingredients.


#5: Can Carbonated Beverages be dangerous for dental health?

When it comes to carbonated beverages the risks of decayed dental health are low. However as sugar and sodium are added to it, it becomes acidic in nature. Therefore a direct consumption of an acidic substance can cause tooth decay.

Carbonated water is nothing but water with compressed carbon dioxide infused. Even though chemically it is termed carbonic acid, it is a very weak acid. It can cause no harm to your teeth. When sugar and salt are added to it, it becomes more and more acidic in nature. Hence it becomes dangerous for your health.


#6: How Do Carbonated Beverages affect digestion?

Carbonation is proven to benefit human digestion in numerous ways starting from ingestion to excretion.

The carbonation helps in the smooth swallowing of food. A study shows that when carbonated beverages are consumed the nerve receptors responsible for swallowing are more active compared to any other beverage. In fact, doctors use it on patients with food bolus.

It is also responsible for giving you a feeling of fullness. Also, it keeps food in your stomach for a longer time implying a long time feeling of fullness.

It also assists in curing constipation. Bowel movements of constipated patients were seen to have doubled due to the consumption of carbonated water. It also helps in reducing symptoms of constipation like stomach aches.

Surveys are showing how carbonated water has helped in smooth bowel movements, indigestion problems, and stomach pains. However, it is not a conclusive result. Therefore, consult your doctor before making a decision.


Conclusion | Effects Of Carbonated Beverages

To sum up there is no evidence proving carbonated water to be harmful. If taken in a controlled and safe manner it can actually be beneficial for you.

It is completely safe and does not cause any harm to your dental or cardio health.

Does this mean you will consume soda regularly?

Are you wondering how long will you live drinking only soda because it has negligible side effects?

Well, you might be having a wrong notion here. Regular consumption of soda can be dangerous for your health.

Note that even if it is not dangerous you cannot consume it regularly. However, try reading all the ingredients before you consume any carbonated water.

Some of them contain salt for flavor. This can be harmful to your health.

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2 Replies to “What Happens To Your Body Right After You Consume Carbonated Beverages?”

  1. You say “Regular consumption of soda can be dangerous for your health”. Please define “regular consumption”, one can of soda a day on a regular basis? How many cans a day on a regular basis? What is the break point for daily consumption? Would the same apply to carbonated water?

    1. I would say 1-2 cans of soda a day, not more than that. While carbonated water is a better alternative, I would suggest you limit it to 2 per day as well. Carbonated water can have detrimental effects on your teeth when consumed on a regular basis, especially if other harmful ingredients are added in there.

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