Is It Possible to Get Rid of Cellulite With Exercise and Diet?

With the right approach and strategy, you can get rid of cellulite with exercise! 

People usually get rid of cellulite to flaunt their smooth, flawless skin without having to use professional photo-shopping skills.

However, cellulite is completely natural. It affects around 80 to 90% of folks, specifically women. 

Regardless, if cellulite is becoming the reason behind the lack of body confidence, exercise and diet can help. 

Many experts stress the importance of workouts that naturally help reduce cellulite or lessen its appearance.

So, can you really get rid of cellulite with exercise?

In this article, our aim is to find out if it is possible to get rid of cellulite with exercise or not. Also, we would share some of the best moves that can help you achieve your goal along with that other strategies. 


Can You Get Rid of Cellulite with Exercise?

Can You Get Rid of Cellulite with Exercise

Working out can be excellent for lessening the appearance of cellulite. However, in most cases, you cannot get rid of cellulite with exercise completely. But it sure does help a lot!

Not to mention, an active workout session is great for multiple reasons. It strengthens muscle tissue under cellulite. On top of that, exercises are effective for reducing body fat with a better lean-muscle ratio. 

For obese and overweight folks, weight loss greatly depletes body fat reserves. This can drastically lessen the visibility of cellulite as well. 

However, if weight loss causes loose skin, it can backfire and make cellulite more visible. So, being specific about your workout program can help reduce cellulite the right way.

Here’s how does exercise help get rid of cellulite…

The skin comprises three layers including Epidermis, Dermis, and Hypodermis (the subcutaneous layer).

The third layer, i.e., hypodermis contains fatty tissue. It protects, insulates, stores energy, and attaches the upper layer of skin to fascia and muscle.

On top of the hypodermis, there is a layer of connective tissue and collagen is its foundational unit. In many cases, fat may bulge out through the collagen fiber causing cellulite. 

Thus, either weight loss or elevating muscle mass can help eradicate the cellulite situation. A regular workout schedule can help you cut fat and build muscle too.

Clearly, you can get rid of cellulite by working out! Especially, when you combine it with some other healthy lifestyle measures.  


What Helps Get Rid of Cellulite Naturally? – Myths Busted

What Helps Get Rid of Cellulite

Cellulite is a skin problem that can’t be permanently removed, but a managed approach can help subside its visibility. 

  1. One, performing exercises to help get rid of cellulite can work. Staying active improves fat to muscle ratio to enhance overall body composition. This drastically lessens dimpled skin.
  2. Also, dietary medications can fight the problem of body fat. A high-protein and low-fat diet amplify muscle growth while pushing the body to utilize body fat to use for energy. This again works effectively in getting an adequate amount of quality muscle and decimates existing fat reserves. Thus, there is a sudden improvement in the appearance of cellulite.

Although it is normal to have cellulite-ridden skin, people even go for clinical treatment and medical procedures to get rid of cellulite permanently. Next up, read all the ways you can get rid of cellulite. But first, explore the best exercises.

Ready to beat cellulite! Check out all the tips and tricks!


What Exercises Help Get Rid of Cellulite Naturally – Top 7

Toning existing muscle tissue and eliminating body fat reserves can smoothen out the upper layer of skin. 

Cellulite mainly affects the thighs and buts. So, strength training focusing on the hamstrings, buttocks, quads, and hips is more efficacious.

Try to perform these exercises 2 to 3 times a week. The targeted workouts reduce overall body weight while managing cellulite.

Here are the workouts to help get rid of cellulite!

#1: Aerobic Exercise

What Exercises Help Get Rid of Cellulite

Aerobic workouts are constant activities for a specified duration, elevating breathing and heart rate.

In the long run, it incinerates calories at a rapid rate along with a healthy diet. Moreover, it is highly effective for weight loss and can lessen cellulite gradually.

Some major aerobic workouts for cellulite are walking, cycling, swimming, running, and jumping rope.

One can perform an aerobic activity every day, but it can lead to injury also. So, adequate rest is necessary to recover quickly.


#2: Lateral Lunge

Can you get rid of cellulite with exercise

Another variation of the lunge, the lateral lunge exercises the quads, glutes, and hamstrings. It strengthens leg muscles and even improves muscle toning to reduce cellulite.

Here are the steps to do lateral lunges:

  • Begin in a standing posture keeping your feet at shoulder-width distance. Meanwhile, the arms should stay on the side.
  • Step to the left side while your right leg should stay straight and bend the left knee into a squat posture on the left side.
  • Engage the core and keep it up to maintain balance.
  • Push your legs back to return to the initial position.
  • Do 12 reps on each side for a set.

Maintain the form throughout the move. Never bend your back and keep it straight to avoid back strain and injuries. Moreover, hold hands together for stability.


#3: Curtsy Lunge

Curtsy Lunge

The cellulite workout reinforces the quads, gluteus medius, and hamstrings. It builds muscle in the affected area to lessen cellulite.

Follow these steps to do curtsy lunges:

  • Begin in a standing posture keeping your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Cross your legs backward and lunge. Stay in the posture for a couple of seconds.
  • Switch legs and repeat the move. This is one rep.
  • Perform 10 reps for every 3 sets. Rest for 1 minute in between sets.

Strength-building workouts lead to the best results when given proper recovery duration. So, perform the workouts around rest days.


#4: Glute Bridge

Glute Bridge

This cellulite exercise is bed friendly. Perform it while staying in bed to work on your glutes. The low-intensity workout tones the lower body and core effectively to reduce cellulite.

Here’s how to do Glute Bridge:

  • Lie on the ground with arms on the sides, palms facing the ground, knees bent, and shins in a straight line.
  • Push through the heels to lift the hips off the floor to create a straight line from your upper body to your knees.
  • Stay in this posture for a couple of seconds.
  • Do 3 sets of 15–20 reps. Rest for 1 minute between the sets.

Adding challenges to the workout can further help get rid of cellulite. While performing the move, straighten out one leg in the air when lifting your hips off the floor.


#5: Step-Up with Reverse Lunges

Can you get rid of cellulite with exercise

The cellulite exercise requires equipment to carry out the move. Use an elevated surface, stairs, or low bench. Particularly, it targets the quads, hamstrings, and glutes.

Here are the steps to do reverse lunges:

  • Stay at a 1 to 2 feet distance from the bench.
  • With the left foot, step onto the elevated surface while keeping your left knee in an upward direction.
  • Drop the right leg and step off the elevated surface to return to the initial position.
  • As the right leg goes to the ground, lunge backward with the left leg.
  • Return to initial posture.
  • Do 10 reps for 3 sets. Take 1-minute rest in between sets.

An elevated surface is your preference. Whatever is comfortable, you are free to opt for it. 

However, fitness trainers recommend a low bench to prevent injuries and specifically back and leg strain.


#6: Pushups

can you get rid of cellulite by working out

Pushups are the most evergreen workout. Whatever your physical fitness objective is, it can work to help achieve it.

Specifically, performing push-ups enhances the shoulders, chest, and triceps.

The steps to perform push-ups include:

  • Start in a plank posture. Your arms should stay straight at a shoulder-width distance on the ground.
  • Maintain the body in a straight line and slowly drop to the ground by tilting the elbows.
  • When the chest is a little above the ground, maintain the posture for a moment.
  • Push the body back to the initial posture.
  • Do 3 sets of 5–10 reps. Take a rest period of a 1-minute between sets.

If push-ups for reducing cellulite are difficult, try easier variations. Do knee or incline pushups.


#7: Split Squat

can you exercise cellulite away

Also known as the Bulgarian split squats, it requires a heightened surface, usually a bench or chair to perform. It emphasizes the hamstrings, quads, and even glutes.

Here are the series of steps to perform a Split Squat:

  • Stand in front of the bench facing away from it.
  • Keep the left foot a little away from the bench while placing the top of the right foot on the bench behind you.
  • Drop down in a lunge position keeping your left knee bent at the right angle. Meanwhile, the right knee should almost touch the floor.
  • Push through the left foot to return to the initial position.
  • Do at least 12 reps on each side.

Enhancing the impact of exercise to lessen cellulite is possible. 

Hold dumbbells in both hands to elevate the challenge. 

As for how long does it take to get rid of cellulite with squats, it might take a couple of months to reduce the appearance.

Nevertheless, these workouts can provide a significant difference. It also depends on your hard work, efforts, and consistency. Moreover, to further level up the results, dietary modifications can help greatly.


Diet to Reduce Cellulite

You can get rid of cellulite with diet and exercise with proper planning. The fat-burning effects of some food items are highly helpful. Moreover, the nutritional profile for many lessens cellulite gradually.

Here are some foods that can help reduce cellulite.

1. Saffron Tea

It has anti-inflammatory and fat-burning effects. Adding a pinch of saffron to your tea lessens appetite and elevates blood flow between tissues. 

It even amplifies blood flow to subcutaneous muscles to eliminate cellulite. Green tea can also have similar advantages.


2. Bell Peppers

Bell peppers are highly rich in vitamin B6 which restores and strengthens connective tissues. Certainly, it effectively terminates unwanted cellulite. It even burns calories and accelerates fat loss.


3. Nuts and Flaxseeds

Nuts and flax seeds are highly nutritious. They offer huge quantities of vitamin B6, potassium, and zinc. Eventually, this may lessen bloating while reducing the visibility of cellulite.


4. Watermelon

This summer delight is the most hydrating food. It is full of antioxidants that flush out body toxins and promote blood circulation. This can gradually reduce the impact of cellulite.


5. Water

Nothing is better than water for getting rid of cellulite with or without exercise. Dehydration increases the visibility of cellulite. Not only does water-hydrated skin lessen its appearance but also flushes out toxins. So, aim to drink almost 4 liters of water daily.

These are a few items, which when you add to your diet, can lessen cellulite. Moreover, celery, garlic, cucumber, asparagus, spinach, tomatoes, Cranberry Juice, broccoli, and oranges can provide similar effects.

Sometimes, cellulite is beyond the impact of diet and exercise. Thus, medical interventions can be a practical solution in such situations.


Do I Have To Go Through a Medical Treatment for Cellulite?

Medical Treatment for Cellulite

Diet and exercise can help you get rid of cellulite, but it is a slow process. It can even take months of patience to notice a visible difference. In such cases, the medical process can be an effective and impactful solution.

The top medical procedures for cellulite reduction are:

  1. Acoustic wave therapy: This cellulite-reducing therapy vibrates connective tissue in affected areas to increase collagen production. Eventually, it improves the elasticity, texture, and appearance of the skin.
  2. Cellfina: The non-surgical process uses a needle to break down cellulite fiber to lessen its impact. It takes a minimum of 3 days to show results and lasts for 3 years.
  3. Cellulaze: The laser treatment tears tough bands under the skin to lessen cellulite. It thickens the skin and can last for 6 months or more.
  4. Cryolipolysis: The noninvasive process eradicates cellulite by freezing fat cells underneath the skin. The method can take 3 to 4 months for a remarkable reduction in cellulite.
  5. Ultrasound: This is also a noninvasive process utilizing sound waves for targeted fat reduction in the thighs and abdomen. It takes 2 to 3 months to slow results, but it works best with another cellulite treatment.

Opting for medical treatment for cellulite is an entirely personal preference. However, discuss with your doctor before going for any such process, and always consider the pros and cons. Another thing you should know is…


It is normal to have cellulite!!

Cellulite isn’t a skin disease or health problem that you need to be concerned about. It is completely normal to develop it.

The flawless edited skin on Instagram is bewitching, but it isn’t real. Saggy skin, dull skin, and skin with cellulite are normal to have.

Don’t let it hinder your self-confidence and take a toll on you mentally. Don’t let these pre-defined notions on the internet define you. There are a thousand ways to be perfect, but self-love is the key to being happy in your skin.

So, even if you are not able to get rid of cellulite completely, it’s fine and not going to affect your health in the long run. 



While getting rid of cellulite through exercise is possible, it depends on the workout program and your consistency.

A diet plan maintained to reduce cellulite encompassing multiple healthy foods can effectively lessen its appearance as well.

Start a diet and workout plan today for cellulite reduction. 

Moreover, use a body brush, massage with moisturizing creams, and implement a weight loss regime (if you are overweight) in your cellulite reduction program.

Have any doubts? You can write to us in the comments section for further help.


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