The Link Between Testosterone And Hair Loss | Treatment, Myths & More

Testosterone is a male sex hormone that is found in both men and women.

It has a variety of functions, including the production of secondary sexual characteristics in men. Hair loss has been linked to very low or high levels of this hormone.

In this article we will find out does taking testosterone cause hair loss or does testosterone causes hair growth.

Thus in this article, we will derive a relationship, if any, between low testosterone and hair loss or testosterone and hair growth.

To find out and understand the relationship between the testosterone level in the body and the amount of hair loss or hair gain, we will first have to comprehend and know the various types and classifications of the testosterone hormone.


Types of Testosterone

Testosterone is a male sex hormone, as we had discussed earlier.

These hormones are found in high quantities usually in men and may be of various types and forms.

This hormone, that is, testosterone takes the following forms in the body:


Free Testosterone

This form or type of testosterone is unattached to all of the body’s proteins.

Free testosterone is a hormone that binds to testosterone receptors in the body and is processed by cells to perform certain functions and tasks of the body.


Dihydrotestosterone (DHT)

Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is a testosterone derivative. 5-alpha reductase and DHEA are the enzymes that produce it.

The enzyme DHEA is more commonly found in females. The skin, hair, and prostate all contain this hormone.

It attaches to follicles, causing them to shrink in size and ultimately fall out, resulting in hair thinning and subsequent strand loss.

Thus, these are the various types of testosterone that are formed and found in the body.

These classifications will come in handy to derive and understand the relationship between the testosterone level in the body and its effect on the person’s hair (growth or loss).

Now that we have discussed the various classifications and forms of testosterone which can be found in the body, we can move on to the relation between testosterone levels of the body and its effect on hair growth.


Testosterone Level and Hair Growth – Relationship between Them

Male hormones are responsible for the development of masculine characteristics during puberty.

In females, a small amount of testosterone is present for various body processes.

Low testosterone levels have been linked to a variety of health problems in studies.

This contains the following:

  • Sleep loss or deprivation of rest
  • Insomnia
  • Depression

Thus, these are some of the symptoms and side effects of having a low testosterone level in the body.

On the other hand, even a really high testosterone level is not beneficial to the human body.

This is so even when it comes to hair loss. Hair health is harmed by both low and high testosterone levels.

As a result, a sufficient and well-balanced level of the hormone (testosterone) is needed.

As we have already stated that both high and low testosterone levels can affect one’s rate of hair growth or hair loss.

This effect varies among men and women and further in this article, we will discuss and highlight the various effects such testosterone levels have on both – men and women.


Can low testosterone cause hair loss in males?

Hair Loss Male

Men with low testosterone levels might sometimes wonder “Can testosterone cause hair loss?

Although the causes of male pattern baldness vary, the most common cause is genetics, with a family history of baldness being common.

In short, the cause of hair loss is primarily due to some abnormality in the genetic code interfering with DHT’s (Dihydrotestosterone) ability to function inside the body.

It seems that it interferes with DHT’s ability to perform well and allows it to muck up stuff in our body and its functionality that keeps us looking young, attractive, and energized.

A stable and optimized endocrine system, consisting of optimized testosterone and other hormones nicely functioning in harmony with one another, is most likely not contributing to hair loss.

Thus, imbalanced testosterone levels cause hair loss in men which are scientifically termed as Male Pattern Baldness (MPB).

Male pattern baldness (MPB) takes on a distinct form. The front hairline disappears first, forming an M shape known as frontal baldness.

This eventually results in crown baldness, forming a U pattern. MPB has been known to spread to the chest hair in some instances.

In reality, hair in different parts of the body reacts to hormonal changes in different ways.

Face hair, on the other hand, develops in response to hormonal changes, while other hair recedes and contributes to baldness.

Now that we have covered the effects of abnormal testosterone levels on the male body, we can move on to the effects of such imbalance in hormonal levels in the body of females.

The effects may differ in their symptoms and characteristics.

Thus, the next section of the article defines the relationship between testosterone and hair loss in females.


Can low testosterone cause hair loss in females?


Hair loss in women can be caused by androgenetic alopecia.

Despite the fact that women have much lower testosterone levels than men, there is enough to cause androgenetic hair loss.

Women have a different history of hair loss than men.

Thinning happens in a “Christmas tree” pattern around the top of the scalp, but the front hairline does not recede.

DHT’s effects on hair follicles also cause Female Pattern Hair Loss (FPHL).

The balding trend in women differs significantly from that of men. It usually starts with the part rows. However, full baldness may or may not be the outcome.

Women with PCOS are also influenced by the female balding trend. It also affects elderly women, especially those over the age of 40-50 years post-menopause.

Therefore, we can see how both men and women can experience hair loss due to irregular testosterone levels which can affect the DHT levels in the body, which in turn can cause hair thinning and hair loss.

Now the main question that arises is that “Is testosterone hair loss reversible?” or “How do I stop hair loss from testosterone?

The next section of the article lays down some of the treatments for such hair loss due to abnormal testosterone levels in the body.


Treatments for Testosterone Hair Loss

Hair loss caused by testosterone is complicated. It can lead to permanent hair loss if not treated properly.

As a result, a long-term treatment that works and is successful is advantageous.

Furthermore, the procedure varies depending on the severity and condition of testosterone-related hair loss.

These treatments for testosterone hair loss range from hormonal treatment for hair loss to testosterone injections hair loss treatments.

Here are some of the available treatments for such hair loss:


DHT Blockers

If DHT is the cause of testosterone hair loss, the therapy works. In this case, a DHT blocker prevents DHT from being generated in the body.

The baldness is halted by taking a medication that inhibits the DHT-producing enzyme.

Serums, gels, and shampoos are among the other treatments available. This aids in the removal of DHT from the scalp.

Hair experts apply a hair regrowth treatment after DHT has been removed from the upper layer.


PRP Treatment

PRP treatment stands for platelet-rich plasma treatment.

Hair regrowth will begin with PRP after the testosterone hair-loss prevention treatment is finished.

In reality, it is known for being non-invasive, healthy, and reliable. The patient’s platelets are collected.

The blood is then separated into protein-rich plasma using a centrifugal technique.

This supplement promotes hair growth and has outstanding tissue healing properties.


Reduction of scalp

Scalp reduction is another effective treatment option for severe hair loss. It is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of bald patches on the head.

After that, the closest section of the scalp with healthy hair growth is extended.

This is properly placed for faster hair regrowth. The end result is truly incredible.

The number of bald spots decreases and hair loss decreases.


Hair transplant

Hair transplantation is the most successful testosterone hair fall reversible treatment for visible hair loss.

The procedure usually entails removing hair follicles from the donor region and transplanting them to the bald spots.

The donor region of the scalp is often on the side or back.



Biotin is a Vitamin B derivative that converts nutrients into energy that the cells use to perform their functions.

Keratin is a protein that makes up the majority of the hair, and biotin helps it grow.

Biotin has been shown in studies to promote hair growth and prevent hair loss.

Thus, these are some of the most effective ways of treatment of testosterone-led hair loss.

One should keep in mind that these medications, just like other medications, have their own side effects on the body.

Now we will move on to the various myths about such testosterone hair loss and we will check their validity.


Testosterone Baldness Myth

There are a lot of misconceptions about balding men out there.

One of them is that men suffering from male pattern baldness (MPB) are more virile and have higher testosterone levels.

This is not always the case, however.

Men with male pattern baldness (MPB) can have lower levels of testosterone in their bloodstream but higher levels of the enzyme that transforms testosterone to DHT (dihydrotestosterone).

A person may also have genes that cause the hair follicles to be extremely responsive to testosterone or DHT.

Having discussed profoundly testosterone-led hair loss in men and women, people still have some doubts on the topic.

Therefore, we have compiled some of the most frequently asked questions by the people on the topic and we have also tried to answer them to the best of our knowledge.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Does hair grow back after stopping testosterone?

When testosterone is the source of hair loss, testosterone used in hair care is usually the first option.

Depending on the cause of hair loss, the specialist can prescribe testosterone-boosting or testosterone-lowering medication.

The majority of people believe that avoiding testosterone boosters can help prevent hair loss caused by low testosterone levels.

However, it is possible that it will occur or that it will not occur.


Does testosterone lead to hair growth in a person?

When testosterone is the cause of hair loss, the male hormone may be of assistance.

As a result, it is reasonable to wonder if testosterone aids hair growth in any way.

More of the male hormone, on the other hand, stimulates hair growth not just on the scalp but also on one’s body and face.


What are the reasons behind the increase in DTH?

DHT is the principal cause of testosterone hair loss. Hair loss is exacerbated by an excess of DHT.

Well, testosterone is the precursor to DHT formation.

As a result, with increased production of testosterone, more DTH will be formed, thereby resulting in more hair loss.


What are the side effects of blocking DTH?

While most men do not suffer or undergo any side effects of using DTH blockers, some side effects may be noticed in extreme cases.

Some of the side effects of using such DTH blockers are:

  • Premature Ejaculation
  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Rashes
  • Delayed Ejaculation
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea


How can I naturally reduce DTH?

As mentioned earlier, our body, on a regular basis, converts about 5 percent of the total testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DTH).

This is done using an enzyme termed 5-alpha reductase.

There are some foods that might help one reduce hair loss by blocking the production of DTH.

Some of them are:

  • Coconut Oil
  • Turmeric
  • Green Tea
  • Edamame
  • Pumpkin Seeds
  • Onions


The Conclusion

Both men and women may experience balding as a result of fluctuating testosterone levels.

Males and females both experience balding due to the hormone dihydrotestosterone, which is produced by testosterone.

Some people are genetically susceptible to this hormone, while others have elevated levels.

Hair loss can be prevented by taking drugs that block DHT from binding to hair follicles.

Thus, some treatment options are there so there is no need to be discouraged.

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