Slim Down Inner Thighs in 10 Minutes | Exercise Plan for Thigh Gap

This at-home 10 minutes inner thigh workout will get your thighs burning with beginner-level moves!

Don’t believe the magazines and televisions that show you that everyone has perfectly carved inner thighs. 

Not everyone is born with a supermodel body type, not even the models.  

But this mustn’t stop you from committing to your leg day workout and boasting toned thighs and legs. 

I believe, when you’re determined to stay fit, nothing can stop you to lose stubborn thigh fat and get slimmer inner thighs.

With just 2-3 weeks of dedicated inner thigh muscle workout, you can see noticeable changes in your body and also your confidence. 

So, if you are one of those people who are reluctant to show off their legs and often shy away from shorts, miniskirts, and bikinis because of their big thighs and buttocks, this 10 minutes inner thigh workout plan is for you. 

Follow either one of these two sets of 5 exercises for straight 10 days, and you’ll be surprised by the transformation!!



  • Cardio burst jumping jack
20 seconds
  • Scissors leg plank
20 seconds
  • Frog bend
20 seconds
  • Alternating side lunges
40 seconds (20 seconds on both sides)
  • Glute kickbacks
40 seconds (20 seconds on both sides)




  • Bodyweight lunges 
20 seconds
  • Hip bridge with pulse
20 seconds
  • Skater hop
20 seconds
  • Lateral squat walk
40 seconds

 (20 seconds on both sides)

  • Clamshells
40 seconds 

(20 seconds on both sides)




10 Minutes Inner Thigh Workout For Beginners





This 10-minute inner thigh workout is a balanced training plan that will certainly help you see results.

Here’s how to perform each of the exercises in this 10-minute slim inner thigh workout.


#1. Cardio Burst Jumping Jack – 20 Seconds Duration 

Cardio Burst Jumping Jack

The jumping jack exercise is a great power pack for quick bursts. It engages a large part of the body muscles, especially the abdominal and back. 

With this simple and quick cardio, you not only burn fat, but you’ll be toning your inner thigh muscles as well!


1: Stand with your feet together.

2: Jump with your arms out to sides and legs apart.

3: Jump back to the starting position.

4: Continue for 20 seconds.


#2. Scissors Leg Plank – 20 Seconds Duration 

Scissors Leg Plank

With its in and out movement pattern, scissors leg plank targets the abductor muscle group. 

Along with this, it also engages your arms, core, chest, and glutes.


1: Take the plank position with each foot on a gliding disc, folded towel, or paper plates. 

2: Open your legs as wide as possible by sliding your feet apart while keeping your body stable.

3: Now, slowly squeeze your inner thighs to bring your slide feet back together.

4: Repeat it to complete the rep.


#3. Frog Bend – 20 Seconds Duration

Frog Bend

Frog bend doesn’t necessarily require any equipment and is the best inner thigh exercise when you’re running late or traveling.

This quick inner thigh workout uses gravity for resistance.


1: Lie face-up and keep your shoulders relaxed and place your arms on the floor.

2: Slowly extend your legs over your hips, toes turned out, keep your heels together and feet flexed. 

3: Using your inner thigh muscles, slowly bend your knees towards the outside and then straighten up. 

4: Repeat it to complete the rep.


#4. Alternating Side Lunges – 20 Seconds on Each Side

Alternating Side Lunges

Alternating side lunges exercise shapes your glutes and thighs from every angle. This unique inner thigh training provides impetus to the lower part of your body.


1: Stand with feet wider than shoulder-width apart and keep your arms relaxed.

2: Take a deep left squat while keeping your right toes up.

3: Flex your right foot by keeping it straight, and, meanwhile, lean your torso forward to maintain the balance.

4: Extend your arms straight out from the shoulders.

5: Return to the starting point and repeat on the other side to complete the rep.


#5. Glute Kickbacks – 20 Seconds on Each Side

Glute Kickbacks

Glute kickbacks are excellent to tone your inner thighs and target the small supporting muscles.


1: Wear a resistance band around your ankles or on your lower thighs, i.e., just above your knees (Optional).

2: Keep your feet as apart as hip-width and stand straight.

3: Keeping your spine long, engage your cores and glutes. You can use a wall or sturdy chair to balance yourself.

4: Keeping your right leg straight, float it upwards behind you.

5: Lower it down slowly.

6: Repeat it to complete a rep then switch the sides.


#6. Bodyweight Lunges – 20 Seconds Duration 

Bodyweight Lunges

When it comes to inner thigh exercises at home, lunges are my personal favorite. 

It’s one of the best exercises for inner thighs and buttocks as it works your calves, hamstrings, quadriceps, core, and glutes. 


1: Stand with feet hip-width apart and hold your waist.

2: Take a step forward as large as 3 feet with your right foot while keeping your back straight and chest lifted.

3: Lower into a lunge until your front thigh is parallel to the floor.

4: Use your right foot to push off and return to starting position.

5: Perform it with each leg to complete the rep.

Bodyweight lunges can also be a good exercise as a part of an inner thigh workout with dumbbells if you have them.


#7. Hip Bridge with Pulse – 20 Seconds Duration

Hip Bridge with Pulse

A hip bridge with a pulse is one of the easiest workouts to slim inner thighs. It uses your hip and knees for balancing and channelizing your inner thighs.


1: Place a resistance band right above your knees.

2: Lay face-up and keep your legs hip-width apart.

3: Keep your arms flat on the side and shoulders glued to the floor. 

4: Slowly bend your knees bringing your feet flat on the floor. This forms your starting position.

5: Lift your pelvis towards the ceiling by pushing through your heels. 

6: Spread the knees out to the side then slowly lower down your back. Repeat it after gently coming to the starting position. 


#8. Skater Hop – 20 Seconds Duration

Skater Hop

To do skater hops, you need to have enough space to hop side to side. 

Focused mainly on quads and glutes, the skater is great cardio and strength-building move. 


1: Stand with your feet apart.

2: Take a big step forward with your right leg and bend your right knee, push your hips back and lower down to lunge. As you do this, swing your arms down and in front of you.

3: While you do this position, your left leg must be straight.

4: Push your right foot to return to your starting position.

5: Repeat it with the left leg and continue it for 20 seconds.

It’s important to take note that beginners must go slow and try not to take a bigger jump. 

It’s always better to balance your workout rather than just rushing into it.


#9. Lateral Squat Walk – 20 Seconds on Each Side

Lateral Squat Walk

This requires immense concentration and focus to fire up your glutes along with your inner thighs. 

You can incorporate a lateral squat walk as one of your inner thigh exercises with bands.


1: Place a resistance band on your lower thighs (You can do it without a resistance band too).

2: Keep your feet hip-width apart and spine tall.

3: While keeping your chest upright, push your hip back, lower down, and take the squat position.

4: Stay in this squat position and carefully take 10 steps towards your right while maintaining the tension of the band. 

5: Pause to take a rest and then take 10 steps towards your left in the squat position.


#10. Clam Shells – 20 Seconds on Each Side

10 minutes inner thigh workout

If you want to know how to slim inner thighs using a band, then clamshell is that inner thigh muscle workout that shows best results when incorporated with a resistance band.

The resistance band helps you perform the moves perfectly. 


1: Lay down on your right side and place your right fingertips in front of you on the floor to balance yourself. 

2: Be sure that your head, hips, and back, all are aligned to one long plane.

3: Keeping your feet glued, bend your knees in front of you.

4: Now, float your top knee up to the hip and bring it back down. It appears like an opening and closing shell. 

5: Switch to the other side and repeat the same steps.

NOTE: You might want to take out some extra minutes for Pre and Post Workout Stretches and get better results without a sprain in your muscles.

These 10 quick inner thigh exercises are a unification of cardio and strength moves to shape your inner thighs and get much-defined thigh muscles.

These exercises potentially make up the best 10 minutes of inner thigh workout that will get you heated and kickstart the burn you need for shapely thighs.

Whether it’s an inner thigh workout for men or women, these exercises will come in handy with moderate to high-level difficulty for beginners.

Now, apart from just wanting to know how to slim inner thighs, I know you all have a lot more to ask. 

So, here are the answers to some of your most-asked questions.



Discussed below are some of the most commonly asked questions related to inner thigh fat.

Q1: How long does it take to tone inner thighs?

To witness a big remarkable change, it takes about 2-3 months. However, you can witness evident differences within 2-4 weeks with regular inner thigh exercises.


Q2: Can you tone your thighs in 2 weeks?

Your legs will surely look more defined after including the above-mentioned inner thigh exercises into your 10 minutes inner thigh workout routine.

But to experience better results, it may also take more than a couple of months, depending upon the current fitness level.


Q3: Does walking reduce inner thigh fat?

Walking is an excellent cardiovascular exercise. 

While it works primarily on your hamstrings, calves, and quadriceps, it definitely works to help burn the overall fat.

Additionally, depending upon your goals and fitness level, you can add obstacles like varying distances, walking on sand and slopes to strengthen and tone your thigh muscles.


Q4: How many squats should I do a day?

You can do 25 bodyweight squats 2 times a day to tone your inner thigh muscles fast, burn calories, and strengthen your legs. 

However, there’s no magic number and exercise and workouts work best when customized on the basis of one’s goal and stamina. 


Q5: Why is it so difficult to lose thigh fat?

The thigh muscles are made of beta cells that do not actively respond to the fat-breakdown process. 

Thus, making it difficult to burn fat and lose weight in those areas.


Q6: What should I eat to lose thigh fat?

Eating right is as valuable as doing your 10 minutes inner thigh workout. 

Therefore, you must fuel your body with specific nutrients to boost your metabolism and level up your workout game.

#1. Avoid refined carbohydrates and sugary foods. These have very low to zero key nutrients, which gives rise to constant hunger pangs and cravings. 

#2. Eat as much protein and fiber as you can to keep yourself fuller with fewer calories.

For instance, you can have legumes, lean meat, eggs, fresh fruits, and vegetables.

#3. Stay hydrated to keep your metabolism working. Because dehydration points to a slow metabolic rate. 


Q7: Is thigh fat bad?

Having or not having thigh fat is not considered too consequential in relation to health. 

According to the latest studies, thigh fat is actually better, as compared to belly fat, because of the less risk of heart disease. 

You see, thigh fat is mostly subcutaneous fat, which poses a much lesser degree of a health risk than visceral fat that surrounds the inner organs. 

Now, understand the distinction here. 

It’s not like having thigh fat will provide you with better heart health on its own. It’s just better than belly fat in terms of heart disease prevention. 

Plus, why not have your desired body if you can, right?

You may still be wanting to get rid of extra-thick thighs just because you want to have a thigh gap and to be able to wear skin-tight jeans, and that’s totally understandable. 


Q8: Are big thighs genetic?

Scientists do believe that possessing big calves and thigh muscles is majorly determined by genetics. 

However, this mustn’t discourage you from trying to achieve your target.


Take-Home Message

People often forget about their inner thigh muscles while working out.

However, getting rid of inner thigh fat is not that much of a tough task when you have a determined mindset and a customized workout plan.

It takes as little as 10 minutes of inner thigh workout to completely eradicate all the signs of fat thighs. 

Therefore, it doesn’t matter if you have genetically heavy thighs.

So, get on that mat and start being more active each day with just a few minutes out of your daily schedule.

It couldn’t get easier than that to achieve your dream figure and the thigh gap you’ve been dreaming of for so long!

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