Warm Up Stretches For Runners | 12 Exercises To Do Before Running

It is said and believed that all your runs should start with a warm-up.

Let’s assume that runners know the importance of warm-up exercises before running but does that mean they do the right stretches?

Well, a good warm-up helps your muscles prepare for what’s coming next and also recover from the workout pain.

Notably, there are two types of stretches:

• Static
• Dynamic

Dynamic stretching is the most recommended warm-up to do before running.

It increases your blood flow, amplifies your heart rate, and warm up every cell of your body.

Although it’s a newbie in the fitness industry, it has gained popularity for all good reasons.

It’s a known fact that stretching and warm-up are important before you throw your body into the east mode.
And that includes the simple running as well.

Hence, we have come up with 12 warm-up stretches before running that’ll not warm your muscles before running but will also prevent it from after workout pains.


12 Easy Warm-Up Stretches Before Running

Stretching is changing the way people look at warming up exercises.

Proper warm-up not only prevents you from painful muscle injury but also increases your body’s mobility.

Adding to this, in a study, it has been stated that warm-ups have a meaningful effect on athletic performance.

And just like other workouts, doing warm-up stretches before running is a great addition to your everyday routine if you want to stay injury-free.

Here are some of the stretches to do before running.


#1. High Knees To Heel Kicks

warm up stretches before running

This falls under cardio warm-up and helps activate the quads, glutes, and hamstring muscles.

1: Stand with feet hip-width apart.
2: Lift your right knee as high as possible and raise your left hand.
3: Then switch it quickly
Do it quickly for 20 seconds.


#2. Reverse Lunge

warm up stretches before running

Reverse lunges are great for athletes. It makes the knees stronger and focuses more on glutes.

1: Stand straight with your hands on your hips
2: Take a large step backward with your left foot.
3: Lower your hip. So that your right thigh is parallel to the floor and your right knee is directly over your ankle.
4: Your left knee should be facing the floor at 90 degrees with your left heel lifted.
5: By pressing your right heel on the floor, return back to the standing position.
6: Repeat it with the other leg.


#3. Jumping Jacks



This is one of the easiest -to-do running warm-up which is great for cardiovascular health.

1: To begin with, stand with your legs together and knees slightly bent and hands resting on the thighs.
2: Keeping your knees bent, jump a little and open your arms, and spread your legs to the sides.
3: As you jump take your arms above your head and keep your legs shoulder apart.
4: Again, jump a little and close your arms and bring back your legs to the starting position.


#4. Straight Leg Kicks

Straight leg kick is a dynamic stretching for runners. It works on the core, glutes, and hamstrings and is great for athletes.

1: Stand straight and bring both your arms in front and parallel the ground.
2: Kick up with each leg trying to reach your hands.
Perform 10 reps on each side.


#5. Lateral Side Lunges

warm up stretches before running

Lateral lunges along with your glutes work on your quadriceps. This pre-run warm up exercise protects your knees and ankles.

1: Stand with your feet together and hands clasped in front of your chest.
2: Take a large step towards the right and lunge immediately.
3: as you lunge, sink back your hips and keep your right knee parallel to the floor. Meanwhile, your left should be straight.
4: Next push your right foot on the floor and make it straight. Keeping it next to your left foot, return back to the starting position.
5: Repeat it with the other leg.


#6. Floor Sweeps


Floor sweep is a dynamic hamstring stretch that fires your nerves right before the run and prevents muscle tears.

1: Stand straight and place one foot forward with the heel touching the ground and toe pointing to the roof.
2: Bend your hips and lean gently on your knee.
3: Sweep your hands across the ground and return back to the starting position.
Either you can do it in the same place or you can walk while doing this stretch.


#7. Scorpion Stretch

Scorpion stretch is an excellent stretch for your whole world. It involves the lower back, hip flexors, and glutes.

1: Lie on your stomach with your arms stretched out to their sides and legs extended at your back. Your body should be in a “T” position.
2: To keep the spine in a neutral position, rest your chin on the mat.
3: Lift your right leg from the ground and bend your knees to around 90 degrees.
4: Try to reach your right leg across your left leg and touch the ground outside your left leg with your right toes.
5: Rotate your hips and lower back but don’t move your shoulder and chest.


#8. Squats Hip Rotation

warm up stretches before running

This pre-run warm-up exercise opens your hips and fires up the glutes.

1: Start with legs shoulder-width apart.
2: Do a squat.
3: When you step back in your squat, lift one knee towards your chest and circle it outwards to open your hips.
4: Now place your foot back and down and do another squat.
Continue alternating the sides.


#9. Plank Variations With Knee Drives

plank variations

This variation of the traditional plank is one of the excellent warm up stretches before running.

1: Start with a high plank position and your feet hip-width apart.
2: Engage your core and keep your hips neutral.
3: Move your one knee towards your opposite elbow.
4: Return back to plank position and do it with another leg.


#10. Single-Leg Glute Bridge

The single-leg glute bridge is a type of dynamic stretching for runners.

It targets the muscle groups throughout the body.

It’s a great way to strengthen your hips and hamstrings which is important for runners.

1: Start by lying on your back with your hands splayed out.
2: With your toes facing up, dig your one heel to the ground.
3: Extend your other leg until it’s straight.
4: next lift your hip up from the ground.
5: Come back to the starting position and repeat with the other leg.


#11. Arm Circle


Arm circle is a great warm up before running for your upper back muscles.

It provides mobility to your shoulders and arms. It relaxes your spine as well which is essential for a good run.

1: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
2: Extend your hands parallel to the floor.
3: In small motions, start moving your arms in a forward circular motion.
4: Gradually start to make bigger circles.
5: After doing it for a couple of minutes, reverse the motion of circles.


#12. Frankenstein Walk

Frankenstein walk is all about your hamstrings. It is a great warm-up stretch to do before you start running.

1: To start withstand with your feet together.
2: Extend out your right leg and at the same time bring your left hand to tap your right toe.
3: Change the sequence and do it for 30 seconds.

These stretches make perfect warm-up exercises before running.

Doing these stretches regularly can reduce the risk of cramps, fractures, and strains.

A good warm-up keeps the blood flowing throughout the body and provides muscles with the right amount of oxygen before you engage them in vigorous exercises.

So, if you have decided to add running to your daily exercise, a pre-run warm-up stretch will help you reap all its benefits.

Importantly, doing warm-up is not important but doing it correctly is what your body needs.

And having said that, let’s have a look at some of the tips you need to follow in order to give a good stretch to your cold muscles before the run.


Tips To Do A Proper Pre Run Warm-Up

Surely you can run for good minutes the day you start. But not doing it correctly will not leave you in a position to do it again.

Hence, it is recommended to follow the following tips for a proper warm-up before running.

#1. Before you start your warm-up stretching, do a little aerobic exercise for 10 minutes to loosen your tight muscles.

#2. Avoid rushing your warm-up.

#3. After a proper warm-up stretching when you start your run, start with a slow run or jogging.

#4. Ensure a proper posture while running to avoid back pain.

#5. Keep yourself hydrated.

Even runners forget to stretch sometimes.

But with the seamless warm-up before running, you can increase your mobility and decrease your potential risk of injury.

Warm up your muscles correctly then go for a run and witness its effects for real.



Only 10-15 minutes of warm-up stretching will make you witness the changes.

Running involves your whole body and not just your legs.

It definitely has more to do with your hamstrings but running includes your spines and shoulders as well.

And a proper warm-up stretching before running will only relax such muscles and help you perform better and increased muscle activation will protect it from painful muscle tears.

So, don’t run away from good warm-up stretching before running.

Hope you liked the blog. Perform the stretches and let us know the difference in the comment section below.

ALSO READ: Can Stretching Burn Calories for Weight Loss

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