Tag: how to increase NEAT working from home

12 Ways to Increase NEAT (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis)

how to increase neat activity

Do know how to increase non-exercise activity thermogenesis?

Today’s blog addresses the details.

In general, people spend more hours at the gym and diet harder to get slimmer. It is challenging to go to such drastic measures for weight loss. In fact, many struggle to lose weight that way. 

However, there’s an easier way to get slimmer…

Nonexercise activity thermogenesis is an excellent concept. It employs the mechanism to accelerate your weight loss efforts without the need for diet and workouts. 

This is all benefits of negative energy balance. In other words, energy expenses should be greater than energy consumption for an effective weight loss result.

Nonexercise activity thermogenesis weight loss effectively utilizes this approach. 

This blog covers important details about how to increase non-exercise activity thermogenesis. Let’s first understand what NEAT actually is.

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