Tag: dynamic stretching for runners

Warm Up Stretches For Runners | 12 Exercises To Do Before Running

It is said and believed that all your runs should start with a warm-up.

Let’s assume that runners know the importance of warm-up exercises before running but does that mean they do the right stretches?

Well, a good warm-up helps your muscles prepare for what’s coming next and also recover from the workout pain.

Notably, there are two types of stretches:

• Static
• Dynamic

Dynamic stretching is the most recommended warm-up to do before running.

It increases your blood flow, amplifies your heart rate, and warm up every cell of your body.

Although it’s a newbie in the fitness industry, it has gained popularity for all good reasons.

It’s a known fact that stretching and warm-up are important before you throw your body into the east mode.
And that includes the simple running as well.

Hence, we have come up with 12 warm-up stretches before running that’ll not warm your muscles before running but will also prevent it from after workout pains.

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