How Is Moringa Good for Bodybuilding? 6 Proven Benefits

is moringa good for bodybuilding

Moringa Oleifera’s nutritional value has taken the world of fitness and bodybuilding by storm.

Originally from the foothills of the Himalayas, the tropical plant is so nutritious that it can treat even malnutrition.

No wonder why it has been given the tag of a “superfood”.

Moringa has grabbed the attention of sportspersons, fitness enthusiasts, and professional athletes, and thus there are moringa powders in the market for bodybuilding.

But is moringa good for bodybuilding as well? Building muscles is not child’s play; it requires intense strength and endurance.

So, are moringa power benefits that impressive? Let’s see if the nutritional superhero can improve your bodybuilding results.

Key Insights:

  1. Moringa is a superfood laced with nutrients that can help treat malnutrition.
  2. It has all such ingredients that a bodybuilder needs to boost the muscle-building process including the recovery stage.
  3. Moringa can be consumed daily and is consumed by a lot of athletes during their competition days.
  4. Moringa has a high laxative ability, and therefore its too much consumption can cause stomach-related issues.

If you’ve been trying to build muscle, today’s read is for you where we detail how moringa can support your muscle-building goals.


Is Moringa Good for Bodybuilding?

There are three pillars of bodybuilding—Nutrition, Training, and Recovery.

Without proper nutrition, there is very little possibility of training and recovery at the level that any bodybuilder requires.

Looking at the nutritional profile of moringa which includes macronutrients, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, we can say that it is good for building.

Nutritional Value per 100g of Moringa Oleifera:

  1. Carbohydrates – 9.1 g
  2. Dietary fiber – 2.1 g
  3. Fat – 1.7 g
  4. Protein – 8.1 g
  5. Vitamin A equivalent – 80 μg
  6. Thiamine (B1) – 0.103 mg
  7. Riboflavin (B2) – 0.112 mg
  8. Niacin (B3) – 1.5 mg
  9. Pantothenic acid B5) – 0.48 mg
  10. Vitamin B6 – 0.129 mg
  11. Folate (B9) – 41 μg
  12. Vitamin C – 8.6 mg
  13. Leucine – 20.50
  14. Isoleucine – 31.8
  15. Lysine – 27.67
  16. Arginine – 21.45

Bodybuilding requires performing strenuous exercise which can deplete nutrients from the body making it difficult to recover and continue.

Adding to it, a continuous decline in protein, vitamins, and minerals can give rise to additional health issues making it nearly impossible to build muscles.

Moringa can combat nutritional deficiencies and help the body to heal and strengthen which is important for bodybuilding.

Moringa also has enough calcium to help improve bone strength without which you cannot dare to lift heavy.

A study published in the Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine studied the effect of Moringa Oleifera leaf extract against dexamethasone (Dex) and exercise (Exe)-induced muscle changes in rats.

The reports showed an improvement in endurance in Dex + M. Oleifera leaf extract, and Dex + exercise + M. Oleifera leaf extract groups.

The study thus concludes that M. Oleifera leaf extract when supplemented with exercise can reverse the dexamethasone-induced functional impairment in skeletal muscles.

Therefore, it is evident that moringa can help with the process of bodybuilding. Its incredibly designed nutrient profile works in more than one way to provide much-needed bodybuilding benefits.


How Does Moringa Help With Bodybuilding?

Bodybuilding is a process that requires your health to be at an optimum level to get the desired results.

Be it your bones, immunity, cardiovascular, or mental health every aspect needs to be at its maximum.

Moringa can improve every characteristic of health that is required for bodybuilding. Here is what moringa is good for bodybuilding.

#1. Replenishes Lost Nutrients

Bodybuilders often consume drinks to replace the nutrients lost while working out.

Interestingly moringa leaves and powder contain enough potassium and magnesium required for bodybuilding.

This allows the body to stay hydrated by replenishing the electrolytes even during rigorous strenuous physical activity.

Proper hydration improves the strength and stamina and also eliminates the risk of muscle cramps.

Electrolytes also remove the risk of feeling nauseous and light-headed which can be dangerous during lifting heavy weights.

Notably, 100 gm of moringa contains 471mg potassium and 35.1mg magnesium. Therefore, including moringa powder benefits bodybuilding by replenishing lost nutrients.

#2. Complete Plant Protein

One can’t afford to skip protein to build muscles. Protein is the building block of the body and is the first requirement that any bodybuilder needs to fulfill to achieve a monstrous physique.

Moringa is an excellent source of complete plant protein. It contains 18 amino acids 9 of which are essential amino acids that can’t be produced by the body.

Along with muscle gain, eating an adequate amount of protein in each meal is also essential for developing a lean physique. It also reduces the total energy intake by keeping you fuller for longer.

In fact, a lot of studies show that protein or diet rich in amino acids have an anti-catabolic effect.

#3. Improves Recovery

Imagine an intense workout session without any muscle recovery; there can’t be anything more painful for a bodybuilder.

The anti-inflammatory properties of moringa boost the muscle recovery process and are thus good for bodybuilding.

Moringa contains a high concentration of isocyanates, bisphenols, and essential amino acids that assist with muscle recovery after strenuous exercise.

Also, the anti-oxidant properties of the moringa help the body to recover fast and also reduce the stress of strength exercise.

With free-radical fighting agents like quercetin and chlorogenic acid, moringa powder helps prevent cell damage and muscle exhaustion.

#4. Increases Energy Metabolism

The process of bodybuilding requires you to lift heavy weights, do strenuous exercises, and push against your limits.

Notably, none of these can be done without improving the energy metabolism of your body. Moringa powder is a great source of iron. It includes 49 mg of iron per 100 grams.

Just a tablespoon of moringa powder can provide you with 19% of the DV which is 3.4mg.

It also has vitamins B1, B2, B3, and B6 which are crucial for the body to feel energetic. Adding to it, improving the blood hemoglobin and glycogen reserves, during physical exercise, removes the fatigue feeling.

It is also proven to reduce lactic acid, triglycerides, and urea formation. Therefore, improving the energy metabolism, moringa allows you to work harder to achieve your desired physique goals.

#5. Helps Maintain Weight

Moringa is a great source of fiber which is essential for maintaining your gut health and improving immunity which is essential for weight loss.

Also with 77-155mg of vitamin E per 100 grams, moringa powder assists with weight management along with muscle growth.

Vitamin E is important for metabolic process, muscle, and recovery and thus bodybuilders must include rough of it in their diet.

Also, calcium in moringa can help with high-intensity exercise and endurance and therefore assist in weight management.

Interestingly, moringa powder includes chlorophyll which is again proven to benefit weight loss. In a study published in Appetite, the addition of green-plant membranes improved weight loss and obesity-related risks.

#6. Helps in Performing Intense Workouts

Moringa, laced with so many nutrients helps bodybuilders to improve their workout performance.

By improving their muscle strength and bone density, calcium and protein in moringa powder helps them start lifting weights.

Moringa also boosts the flow of oxygen in the body and balances the electrolytes thus allowing you to stick for longer.

Last but not least, moringa powder benefits the muscle recovery process and thus assists in performing even intense workout sessions.

Indeed, moringa is good for bodybuilding and muscle-building processes. It is a stop nutrient-dense food for bodybuilders.

Nonetheless, it needs to be consumed vigilantly to experience its bodybuilding benefits.


How Much Moringa Powder To Take Per Day for Bodybuilding?

The fact that it is so rich in nutrients, you don’t need to consume too much of it.

To begin with, settle for ½ teaspoon of moringa powder once or twice daily to see benefits in a month.

You can gradually increase it to several tablespoons. Now you might be thinking…

Can I Take Moringa every day?

Yes, moringa or moringa powder is absolutely natural and can be consumed daily. In fact, there are athletes who take around 80 grams of moringa daily during their competitions.

So, what’s the best time to take moringa for muscle gain?

You can use it any time of the day; however, if you are a bodybuilder, we recommend using it after a workout because it contains fiber in high quantities.

This can cause bloating, gas, and stomach discomfort because it takes time to digest and thus may affect performance.

So, what are moringa powder side effects?

Due to its laxative properties, it can cause stomach-related issues. Also consuming too much moringa can lower blood pressure and slower heart rate because of alkaloids.

Also, if you take thyroid medications or have diabetes, avoid taking moringa without consultation.

Therefore, we can say that moringa is no less than a dietary supplement for bodybuilders. It is, in fact, much safer, more effective, and affordable than any other bodybuilding supplement in the market.


Concluding Thoughts

Is moringa good for bodybuilding? Absolutely yes!

It is rich in potent nutrients that any bodybuilder needs to accelerate the bodybuilding process.

From protein to calcium to iron moringa benefits men and women who want to build muscles.

Talking about how to take moringa powder, it is available in the form of capsules as well so can take it in the form of a supplement.

Adding to it, you mix it in your smoothies, eat it with rice, or simply consume it by mixing it with a glass of water. Moringa is effective and easy to consume as well. Moringa is a superfood for super bodybuilders.

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About Mike Harris

Mike Harris is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) and owner of The Sweat Guy. He is also award-winning health, wellness, and nutrition writer based in the USA. Armed with many training certifications and an exercise science teaching degree, Mike has been working for over 6 years now, helping others achieve optimum health.