Side Effects of Fat-Burning Stimulants That are Proven Harmful

Fat-burning stimulants that are harmful

In the quest to achieve a leaner and more toned physique, youths and fitness freaks mostly look for effective alternatives.

Stimulant fat burners are one of the preferable alternatives that are believed to deliver results in a short span of time. They have gained considerable popularity for their potential to boost thermogenesis, the body’s metabolism, fat oxidation, and increased energy levels.

This category of dietary supplements is called stimulant fat burners as they have stimulant-containing compounds. These chemicals are mostly clenbuterol, DMMA, Sibutramine, Ephedra, and fenfluramine.

The synthetic compounds stimulate the central nervous system and trigger specific receptors in the body, which, in turn, may increase heart rate, elevate blood pressure, and enhance thermogenesis.

Furthermore, these stimulant fat burners target beta-adrenergic receptors and the beta-2 receptors found in fat cells to employ fat loss.

It is the nervous system stimulating property of stim fat burners that make it somewhat harmful, and today we explore those fat-burning stimulants that you should definitely steer away from.

Key Points in the blog:

  1. Most fat-burning stimulants that are harmful may cause symptoms related to insomnia, cardiovascular side effects, and tremors.
  2. The most common stimulants include Clenbuterol, Ephedra, Fenfluramine, and Sibutramine.


Fat Burners That are Stimulants

As mentioned above, fat burners that contain harmful stimulants as a part of the ingredients list can be considered Stimulant fat burners. They usually work by elevating the body’s metabolism and thermogenesis process to torch away body fat.

But somehow due to the indulgence of synthetic compounds, it eventually affects the overall well-being and health of the user.

While stimulant fat burners can offer potential benefits for weight management and energy metabolism, it is essential to approach their use with caution. It is critical to keep in mind that the cornerstone of any sustainable weight loss program is a balanced diet, consistent exercise, and competent medical advice.

How Does Stimulant Fat Burner Work?

Stimulant fat burners aid in shedding pounds and encourage weight loss through a variety of functions. The chemicals in these supplements function as stimulants, which stimulate the central nervous system and raise the metabolic rate in the body.

By activating beta-adrenergic receptors in fat cells, it mobilizes fat stores to use as a source of energy.

Most fat-burning stimulants that are harmful to the body also curb the user’s appetite to promote calorie deficit and satiety.

Stimulants containing supplements have been associated with several clinical implications which also supports the theory that they have adverse effects on health. These conditions may vary from mild to severe, such as nausea, vomiting, sweating, agitation, palpitations, chest discomfort, and cardiac arrest.

Let’s move ahead to discuss five stimulant fat burners that are harmful and can negatively impact your overall health.


Top 4 Fat-Burning Stimulants That Are Harmful and Their Side Effects

Supplementation in the fitness world is not a new hype, bodybuilders have been supplementing for years to get fit and ripped. Just like the popularity of PEDs, weight loss stimulants have a separate fan base as they replicate unparalleled results.

Here, we’ll be going to uncover the facts about five such fat-burning stimulants that are harmful to the body and should be avoided for good.

1. Clenbuterol

Clenbuterol is a sympathomimetic amine that belongs to the class of drugs known as beta-2 adrenergic agonists. It was initially created as a bronchodilator to treat respiratory conditions like asthma, but recently it has been gaining popularity as a weight-loss aid and performance-enhancing substance.

The steroid helps in getting the desired physique by supporting muscle mass.

The drug has steroid-like effects and is classified as a beta2-adrenergic agonist to support the fat loss goals of individuals to burn off fat and increase lean muscle mass. Allowing more air to circulate throughout the body helps athletes boost their stamina. Because there is more oxygen accessible it helps them to push more.

However, it is important to note that clenbuterol is banned for use in many countries, including the United States.

Despite these potential benefits, clenbuterol also comes with a range of side effects and health risks.

Possible Side Effects

Clenbuterol shares several characteristics with anabolic steroids and that eventually leads to its potential side effects. Some of the common side effects of the Clenbuterol before and after results users mentioned include:

#1. Cardiac Hypertrophy

It is a condition where the heart muscle’s (myocardium) diameter or thickness increases. The thickened muscle can eventually make it harder for the heart to pump blood. In some cases, it can be a normal and adaptive response, while in others, it may indicate an underlying health issue.

#2. Lowered Blood Potassium (Hypokalemia)

When you vomit, have diarrhea, or use laxatives frequently, you may lose a lot of potassium from your digestive tract, which may further lead to hypokalemia. Stimulant fat burners usually combine such components that may interrupt digestive functions and cause the condition.

#3. Insomnia

Due to its stimulant properties, clenbuterol may cause sleep disturbances and insomnia. Prolonged use of clenbuterol, especially at high doses, negatively impacts your sleep-wake routine and causes sleep deprivation or insomnia. That’s why it’s vital to consider the optimum dosage of the drug in each clen cycle.

#4. Addiction and Tolerance

Clenbuterol has the potential to be abused, and there’s also a chance that users may get tolerant to it if they use a greater dosage for days on end. That’s why clenbuterol shouldn’t be used without a prescription and proper medical supervision because of its potential health concerns.

#5. Tremors

Unintentional, uncontrollable rhythmic movements of one limb or another area of your body are known as tremors. These are a kind of uncontrollable body movement that is different from muscular cramps or twitch. Causes may include aspects of one’s lifestyle, and stimulant consumption can definitely be one of the potential causes.

Just like Clen carries stimulant properties, there are also some other potentially harmful stimulants that fat burners contain.


2. Ephedra

Ephedra is a low evergreen shrub that is often considered a stimulant herb from the stem and branches of Ephedra sinica. It has a long history of use as a medicine in China and India to cure a variety of ailments including coughing, wheezing, fever, headaches, and cold.

The stimulant properties of this shrub work wonders for employing remarkable changes in weight loss, energy levels, and athletic performance. Since it’s one of the fat-burning stimulants that are hard, it has been banned by the US FDA since April 2004.

FDA banned most of the dietary supplements that have fat-burning stimulants that are harmful, including Ephedra. The stimulant was banned due to its serious health hazards that can be life-threatening and even cause death.

Let’s indulge in a detailed analysis of the possible side effects Ephedra can cause:

Possible Side Effects

Ephedra is an herbal weight loss and energy-enhancing supplement that improves athletic performance. However, due to its significant health risks and adverse effects, ephedra has been banned or heavily restricted in many countries, including the United States.

#1. Cardiovascular Effects

Research published by StatPearls Publishing confirms that it may produce palpitations and other cardiovascular effects. Regular consumption of the fat-burning stimulant in the long run may cause vasoconstriction and narrowing of blood vessels too.

This may be dangerous for individuals with pre-existing heart conditions, hypertension, or other cardiovascular problems.

#2. Interrupts Nervous System

As per studies, Ephedra is a central nervous system stimulant that may cause restlessness, anxiety, and insomnia. Users may also experience hallucinations.

Along with satisfactory weight loss results, Ephedra consumption may also cause these life-threatening negative implications.

#3. Psychological Issues

Ephedra can interfere with the body’s ability to regulate temperature, and the generated heat may interfere with other conditions.

Some researchers assure that some individuals also experience mood swings, agitation, or even psychosis with ephedra use. So, it’s suggested to avoid the drug.

#4. Radiolucent Urological Ephedrine

As per the article published by Urology, a patient with a history of ingesting large quantities of an over-the-counter stimulant eventually developed renal calculi.

This assures that ingestion causes nasty fat burner side effects and can cause ephedrine calculi. That’s why it’s suggested not to take products that contain ephedra or its active ingredients.

#5. Interactions with Other Medications

Several types of research confirm that Ephedra can interact with other drugs, including prescription medications.

They potentially cause adverse effects or reduce the efficacy of other treatments. The study confirms as a hypotensive patient receives ephedrine prior to receiving rocuronium, this impact is most noticeable during induction.

Now, the next popular fat-burning stimulant may be a little uncommon to find in fat burners. But you must know how negatively it impacts your health in case you are to choose a fat burner.


3. Fenfluramine

Sold under the brand name Fintepla, Fenfluramine is a serotonergic medication. The mentioned drug was initially used as an appetite suppressant for the treatment of obesity. Due to its potential risk of cardiovascular toxicity, the drug has been prohibited for medicinal use.

As per, it can cause serious side effects on your heart and lungs. Some persons who use fenfluramine also experience suicidal thoughts. It was utilized as part of the anti-obesity drug Fen-Phen both alone and in conjunction with Phentermine.

Considering its severity on health, It is important to note that the use of fenfluramine is restricted, and it should only be taken under the guidance and supervision of a healthcare professional.

Possible Side Effects

The primary reason for fenfluramine’s withdrawal was its association with heart valve abnormalities and serious primary pulmonary hypertension(PPH). Here are some of the side effects associated with fenfluramine use:

#1. Heart Valve Problems

The use of fenfluramine has been associated with the emergence of flawed heart valves, notably in the mitral and aortic valves.

These valve issues may result in heart murmurs, blood regurgitation, and other disorders that affect the heart. Until you know how this medication will affect you, avoid driving or engaging in other risky activities. Your reflexes can be slower.

#2. Serotonin Syndrome

Fenfluramine can raise serotonin levels in the brain, which in some cases leads to serotonin syndrome. A potentially fatal or life-threatening condition characterized by agitation, hallucinations, a rapid heartbeat, an elevated body temperature, and tight muscles.

Fenfluramine functions as a serotonergic 5-HT2 receptor agonist and an antagonist of the 1 receptor in addition to raising extracellular serotonin levels.

#3. Primary Pulmonary Hypertension (PPH)

A rare but serious illness known as primary pulmonary hypertension (PPH), is marked by elevated pressure in the blood arteries of the lungs.

Strong evidence suggests that fenfluramine increases the risk of PPH, which can cause heart failure and possibly death. The findings of a European case-control study should shed new light on PPH risk factors and the relationship between fenfluramine’s cause and impact.

#4. Central Nervous System Effects

Similar to other stimulants, fenfluramine may cause side effects such as dizziness, headache, and nervousness.

It is crucial to speak with a healthcare provider to go over safer and more efficient weight loss techniques if you have previously been administered fenfluramine or are considering any weight loss medicines.

#5. Liver or Kidney Disease

Fenfluramine carries potentially harmful stimulants that can adversely impact the liver and health.  Also, the drug has a minor norepinephrine-releasing effect, especially when combined with its active metabolite norfenfluramine. It works as a dopamine releaser at high concentrations.

Moving ahead to the next fat-burning stimulant that may be harmful to your health.


4. Sibutramine

It is a medication for weight loss that acts as a serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor and helps lessen cravings for food.

Because there is evidence that it increases the risk of heart attack and stroke, it has been discontinued from the American market since 2010.

In addition to a low-calorie diet and exercise, sibutramine was used to treat obesity. Patients who have a history of coronary artery disease, stroke, heart failure, or uncontrolled hypertension should not use it. It’s also crucial to remember that patients using monoamine oxidase inhibitors shouldn’t receive sibutramine.

The chemicals of the drug may affect chemicals in the brain that affect weight maintenance.

Since September 2021, sibutramine has not been approved for use in the United States, the European Union, and several other countries.

Let’s indulge in some of the negative side effects of Sibutramine indulgence in your fitness regime.

Possible Side Effects

The synthetic compound inside the stimulant fat burner certainly mishaps with other bodily functions. Even though considering it in a minimal dosage users may witness some life-threatening conditions.

#1. Allergic Reactions

The primary negative effects of sibutramine are linked to both its natural sympathomimetic qualities and its noradrenergic stimulation of hypothalamic appetite circuits. Due to its toxic nature, it can be harsh on the skin and causes allergic reactions that may vary from dry mouth to other skin issues.

#2. Gastrointestinal Issues

As mentioned, stimulants are toxic, and a mishap with the body’s functions including digestive health. Some users find it more difficult to flush out the toxins which may result in severe Gastrointestinal Issues, that may include bloating, stomach aches, and nausea. Considering the underlying issues, it is vital to avoid the negative implications.

#3. Heart Palpitations

Sibutramine can increase blood pressure and heart rate, which may be particularly dangerous for individuals with pre-existing heart conditions or hypertension. The drug’s impact on the cardiovascular system led to its withdrawal from the market and from human use on legal norms.

#4. Interaction with Medications

Sibutramine may interact with other drugs, potentially causing adverse effects or reducing the efficacy of other medications. They may also encourage the potency of health conditions by negatively impacting the role of medications. You may experience late results of the same medications while being on the Sibutramine cycle.

#5. Uncontrolled Hypertension

Stimulants in the fat burner increase the rate of blood flow inside the blood by encouraging heart palpitations. They eventually cause the heart to pump faster and this ultimately results in uncontrolled blood pressure or hypertension.

Till now we’ve found that people still are relying on the fat-burning stimulants that are harmful. But there is a way to avoid the nasty side effects of fat-burning stimulants.


How to Avoid Stimulant Fat Burner Side Effects

Since we’ve found that the hazardous side effects are nonavoidable as they can be life-threatening, it’s recommended to switch to a stimulant-free fat burner.

Natural fat burners are the safest way to curb unwanted downsides and get an expected physique safely. Usually, people consider caffeine as a safe and mild fat cutter that helps boost metabolism to lose weight.

There is no doubt that caffeine is a safe and natural way to cut excess fat accumulation from the body but considering optimal dosage is also necessary. Too much caffeine a day can interrupt your bodily function and further cause severe implications.

However, there are also some caffeine-free fat burners available in the market that allow users to get leaner naturally. Let’s grab the facts about one such popular caffeine-free fat burner PrimeGenix Calmlean.


Natural Stimulant Free Fat Burner – PrimeGenix CalmLean

PrimeGenix CalmLean is a revolutionary fat burner that helps people lose weight without following a diet or exercise routine. The supplement contains four premium plant-based ingredients allowing users with slow metabolism to jump-start their ignition system. This, as a result, helps the body burn an abundant amount of fat tissues.

It is essential to emphasize that PrimeGenix CalmLean combines patented ingredients due to its award-winning formula. This eventually provides the unparalleled benefits of the supplement.

Benefits of PrimeGenix Calmlean

Calm lean fat burner is essentially a safe and natural approach that contains zero stimulants and provides safe fat loss.

One of CalmLean’s potent active ingredients is cayenne pepper which elevates the body temperature to promote thermogenesis. The formula also delivers other health benefits.

  • Converts Fat to Energy
  • Block the formation of fat
  • Controlled Appetite
  • Boosts Metabolism
  • Strengthen immune system
  • Boost Energy Levels

PrimeGENIX Calmlean formula helps men over 30 to aggravate thermogenesis so they can lose weight.

Dr. Kaleb Redden was one of a group of experts assembled by PrimeGENIX to provide feedback on their nutritional offerings, and he met all the criteria for the CalmLean fat burner. Further, he also assured that calm lean side effects are none to minor and users have mentioned positive reviews.

As per Calmlean reviews, the thermogenic fat burner helps users target the basic aspect of fat loss which includes appetite suppression, supports the immune system, and reduces blood sugar. Further, it also enhances energy levels to help you push beyond the limit.

With this, let’s wrap up the overall discussion of fat-burning stimulants that are harmful.


From Authors Pen

As per our research, we’ve found that some prescription weight-loss drugs combine fat-burning stimulants that are harmful and have the potential to be misused and can cause side effects like an increase in heart rate and blood pressure, insomnia, constipation, and nervousness.

It’s crucial to remember that using fat burners won’t help you lose weight quickly;  instead, you should combine a balanced diet with consistent exercise.

To guarantee your safety and well-being, that’s why it’s suggested to speak with a healthcare practitioner before ingesting any stimulants that promote fat burning.

Further, you can also switch to natural sources that allow users to burn fat and get back in shape. Here we’ve discussed one such supplement that will certainly deliver the expected result without any side effects.

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About Mike Harris

Mike Harris is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) and owner of The Sweat Guy. He is also award-winning health, wellness, and nutrition writer based in the USA. Armed with many training certifications and an exercise science teaching degree, Mike has been working for over 6 years now, helping others achieve optimum health.