Category: Nootropics

Best Sleep Aid Supplements for Nighttime Muscle Recovery

“Fitness might be 80% Diet and 20% Exercise”…

But muscle recovery after a taxing workout is 90% SLEEP!

You outdid your post-workout nutrition and stretching routine but haven’t slept well? Chances are that the aching sensation isn’t going anywhere till you hit snooze.

Well, mate, here’s a secret…

It’s no wonder sleep is important for overnight muscle recovery. Especially, after you have unlocked your beast mode and crushed the workout routine.

Experts say, getting 8-9 hours of complete restful sleep is the bare minimum you can do to help your muscles recover.

The reason behind this is the release of anabolic hormones that takes place while you’re in deep slumber.

Secretion of anabolic hormones promotes cellular growth after the molecules have been broken down, resulting in muscle gain.

But, unfortunately, getting proper sleep has become a real struggle these days. Exposure to bright light and harmful amounts of stress has made it hard for fitness enthusiasts to steal even the minimum duration of sleep.

At this point, nighttime muscle recovery supplements prove to be of great help, especially for newcomers.

So, before you spend another night tossing and turning, here’s our list of the top 3 muscle recovery sleep supplements that can help you get the most out of your workouts by literally just sleeping. Continue reading

NooCube Sleep Upgrade Review/Results – 30 Day User Experience

NooCube Sleep Upgrade results

Did you know just one night of sleep deprivation reduces skeletal muscle protein synthesis and affects muscle recovery, even in healthy adults?

(P.S. The study link for this finding is at the end of this blog).

So, if DOMS have become a nuisance and you don’t seem to put on body mass, lack of restorative sleep might be to blame.

NooCube Sleep Upgrade is the answer!

The amazing NooCube Sleep Upgrade results have been life-changing for people burdened with chronic lack of sleep and practically running on caffeine.

Moreover, users have also reported feeling more invigorated and less groggy right after starting to use Sleep Upgrade.

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NooCube Reviews: The Best Nootropic to Boost Brain Productivity!

Your search for the best nootropic ends here!!

NooCube promises drastic improvement in mental power with ingredients that are worth their salt.

So, are brain booster pills real? Or is it another marketing gimmick at promising you better memory and focus? Well, NooCube results indicate the other way.

Being smart gives you an edge not only at the workplace but in your personal life as well.

Obviously, who doesn’t want to flaunt intelligence and quick decision-making skills?

However, the current lifestyle and workplace environment load whole baggage of anxiety and stress. In various cases, it results in long-term depression or internal burnout.

A brain-boosting supplement, i.e., nootropics can promote brain activity while kicking off stress and anxiety. Henceforth, you reach your maximum productivity.

NooCube is one such wonderful formula capable of transforming your brain health completely. 

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